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News item Comments posted by Atreides

  1. I didn't think it was THAT bad.  The actors did a fine job.  I liked how Lews Therin's madness was portrayed, with him seeing everything as he wanted it to be while showing us the destroyed and empty palace.  It was obviously done on very little budget, but if the pilot gets picked up then hopefully things would get better.  Such as showing us the weaves that Ishamael used in "healing" Lews Therin.  And showing the creation of Dragonmount would have been some spendy CGI to put in a pilot, but wow did I want to see it!  Some blond hair for Ilyena Sunhair would be nice too...  But having people angry about something that was really more fan-art than anything else is kind of silly.

  2. I like this theory, but I thought Birgitte said that the hero's of the horn don't remember their previous lives after the wheel spins them back out.  So Tam couldn't be telling a story that he remembered first hand unless he had been forcibly yanked/shoved out of tel'aran'rhiod (so he could remember his previous lives like Birgitte).  Or, at least that's my take.

  3. I agree with LA, I didn't miss Morgase & Tallanvor and thought their story arc was finished.  I liked how Hurin was brought back into the final couple books because it was hinting at his being attached to the Horn after his death, though we never got to see if that happened.  And I personally liked the Pevara-Androl scenes.  It was something new that the AoL Aes Sedai never even experienced.  That new story line showing their double-bonded connection was a glimpse of the future in my opinion.

  4. I just figured that Mat asked Hawkwing to speak to Tuon so Mat could impress her.  It would be his style to show off that way, especially since Tuon heard that foretelling that Mat "knew Hawkwings face."


    And brianlane723, Suttree is right, Rand kept Laman's sword for himself and gave Justice to Tam.

  5. My dad had purchased it years ago as it "looked interesting on the book table at Sam's Club." He bought several books at that time (I was in high school at the time) and for some reason never got around to reading it. After graduating college and starting work I was looking over his book shelves for something I hadn't read yet while at home for a visit. I found Eye of the World and also thought it looked interesting. I sat down and started reading it a good decade ago now and I haven't stopped reading the series since.

  6. As a guy I have to pick the black tower, but I'd side with Logain. As for picking an Ajah, I'd choose to give my bond to a blue sister since I would want to be out of the tower as much as I could. Not really what the question asked I know, but until the white tower starts accepting men it's all I have to work with!

  7. @Dudley, according to the Big White Book, the number of women in a circle has to be greater than the number of men, so Logain and Rand couldn't be in the same 3-person circle.


    @ morning mist: Moiraine went through the twisted doorway in Tear & got 3 questions answered. Moiraine also went through the twisted doorway (with Lanfear) that was found in Rhuidean, but it was moved to Cairhien before she went in. She tells Mat & Thom after their escape from the Tower of Ghenjei that the ivory bracelet was one of her requests, but we can only speculate on what the other 2 requests were.


    I like the idea of Narishma in the circle with Callendor, but it's doubtful that the Aes Sedai he's bonded to, Merise, would not be one of the other 2. And of the group of Aes Sedai Merise is always with (Cadsuane, Corele and Beldeine) Cadsuane is the only one that makes sense to join the circle. But my guess is that Cadsuane won't leave Rand's side, so that takes the Narishma circle out of play in my opinion.


    I also don't see Lanfear being in the circle since there is no way that she'd put up with Rand’s connection to Min, Elayne & Avienda (or them even being alive), and no way would Rand join a circle with Lanfear if she did anything to harm any one of them.


    My guess: Rand with Moiraine & Egwene. How better else for Rand to "know the Amyrlin's anger" than by feeling it while joined in a circle with her?

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