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Posts posted by lostcause

  1. second mindtrap; the books do not explicitly say, but there are indicators of it being Cyndane (Lanfear resurrected).


    Taim being taught by any Forsaken is uncertain to at least me. Some readers seem to believe that Ishamael taught him.

    Flynn's Healing, I do not recall any scene telling that Osangar/Aginor contributing to it. Flynn tells it was Taim that taught him.



    By the way, I take we can post any number of questions at a time in this thread.


    Cheers :)


    And I wasn't clear in my question about the healing. It's Taim that teaches, but when Flynn is healing/containing the wound of 2 evils in Rands side (just before he goes off to take kill Sammael) in Crown of Swords, he tells the Aes Sedai that it was Dashiva that encouraged him to learn more of healing and always had very good advice about it, even though Dashivas own healing skills were non existant. Taim was the one to actually show the flows and techniques I suppose aye.

  2. Just started my re-read after ages away from the books. Sorry if my questions are told in the books and I simply missed them.


    In A Crown of Swords when Moghedien is mindtrapped by Moridin, she notices what she believes is a second Mindtrap hanging around Mors neck. Do we ever find out if and who that is?


    And is it considered a given that Taim was taught by Dashiva/Aginor in the same manner as Rand was by Asmodean? When Rand picked Dashiva as his new guard at Dumais Wells, Perrin suddenly smelled frustration coming from Taim - we also know it was Aginor that helped Flynn learn the male healing.


    Sorry for double questions, and once again sorry if the prior is explained in the book.

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