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News item Comments posted by Bobaganoosh_30

  1. Even though I don't think that the vast amount of power we are talking about is going to be relevant, due to LTT point of view about how raw power wasn't enough to win. I think its gonna be more about WHAT they do with the male and female halves together, that will matter more than the amount. But still, they will need a great amount to accomplish anything having to due with killing or sealing away the D.O.

  2. @damer flinn, during the cleansing, calendor was used in a circle, and it didnt seem to do anything other, than act as an angreal... it was the candle beside the beacon that was the chodenkal... it may have a potential beyond the chodenkal, but only if used outside of the circle(buffer) and then, it would definately kill the wielder...

    You didn't really say anything but what I already said. Exempting the point about Callandor being used at the Cleansing of Saidin, and the fact that it didn't (SEEM) to do anything special. All of Callandor's secrets and powers are yet to be revealed. Who's hand shall wield that FEARFUL blade? If you notice in the first half of the WOT series, when Rand was still considered a noobie, there was many times when he was channeling with Callandor and he would say "Come at me Shai'tan, if you dare". He says this several times if my memory is right. With this, surely I could anything. He says this also many times with Callandor. He doesn't say that with the Cheodan Kal. So if it doesn't have the potential for unlimited power in a circle, and only without, how is he gonna defeat the Dark One? Because clearly he is in a circle with Callandor!
  3. In my opinion, the power level of either woman in the cover is irrelevant. Callandor is flawed, without a buffer, so I'm thinking its potentially an unlimited source of power, if you can somehow save yourself from being burned to a crisp while using it to that extent. I think the women in the circle will somehow enable Rand to channel even more than the Cheodan Kal did. Even though I don't see how that's gonna help. From Lews Therin POV, pure raw strength is where him and his hundred compainons went wrong the first time. According to LTT, raw power didn't work. So, unless the woman bring some unknown information, (something Moiraine learned from the Alf & Elf or something from Meirin), I don't see how the power of Callandor is gonna help. It's gonna have to be something to do with Saidar, because Saidin was used in the first attempt, and it failed. So both powers are gonna have to be used, but how, Callandor is only for Saidin, or is it?

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