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News item Comments posted by Bobaganoosh_30

  1. Mark you write all your stuff like its hard facts. It's all speculation and guesses. You have no way of knowing if Cuendillar is black if Saidin is used. You have no way of knowing what weaknesses and flaw's that Callandor has. Cadsuane was the one that said it needed to be used in a circle. Even her words are not ROCK HARD PROOF. Also there is an UNKNOWN flaw with Callandor that is yet to be seen. I'm not saying Rand will just get a hand because he's missing one. I believe his new hand will be a ter'angreal. I know its crazy. But if I'm right, I'll get to say I told ya so.

  2. I was doing a re-read and had a new ideal I don't think has been put down on paper yet. Min sees an onyx, or looks like onyx, hand holding Callandor. But I don't think its gonna be used against him that way. The onyx hand is Rand's new hand. That Elayne will craft for him. After she gets Mat's medallion back to finish the quick study on it. I'm thinking maybe the unknown flaw in Callandor "MIGHT" be avoided that way. By having a hand that the One Power, or maybe the True Power also, cannot touch. Thats probably why his stump/hand is hidden in the Cover Art. Like I said, I had a thought. Glad I could share it with you.

  3. And you know what. I still don't care who Jason is. I mean I appreciate all that he does for the WoT. But, by them letting him read the book 4 months before I can read it, that tells me that Tor or Harriet, or whoever is in charge of it, thinks that Jason is a bigger fan than me. Thats MY OPINION. Due to all that he has done for the WoT. Well, if I didn't have to slave away my life, 9 to 5, just to have a place to live and food to eat, maybe I might have time to devote my life to the WoT. I love the books with all my heart also. I have been waiting just as long as anyone. I'm just bitter knowing he has gotten to read it already. For example. You and another person are trying for the same promotion at work. You work just as hard as the other person, and maybe been there longer, but they get the manager's position over you because they are GOOD FRIENDS with the boss. Thats the way I feel about it. Stuff like that happens everyday in real life, and it sucks. I guess it just hits home to me so much when that kinda junk comes into the realm of something I care about and love so much. Yes, it does effect me. You can bash me, tell me I'm wrong, praise others, etc, still won't change the fact that this decision really changed my AMOL experience, and not for the better.

  4. Damer Flinn,


    Apparently, you have not read all the posts above. Otherwise, you would have discovered that the version Jason read still has to go through the final editing/proofreading process before it is polished enough for Tor to release it to the general public. And digital copies still have to go through the same process; realeasing it in digital form is not as easy as you presume.

    The only thing I wrote was "My thoughts exactly". I was commenting on someone else's post. I didn't say "Who the heck is Jason". It was someone else named Entretamis. I was just aggreeing with his point of view.
  5. It was satisfying. One question, if Jason has already read the whole book. Why is it gonna take another four months for me to read it? If Tor has already constructed one book, why so long for the rest? Tor, if you have some already made, please send my pre-ordered copy to me. I am very, very sick and I am not sure if I will last until Jan. I will die if I miss out, literally.

  6. we already know that rand can not use brute force nor direct contact with the do

    Don't quote me, but I think it was said that Something has to touch him. Saidin is wild, untamed, hard to control. In my opinion, Saidin was the brute force that wouldn't work against the DO. The tranquil river of Saidar might be the answer. Something an Ashaman said in the ToM pg.170- "It's beautiful. I can feel Saidar. It's like I'm more complete now."

    "Your're channeling it?"

    "No. I don't need to. I can use it."

    "Use it how?"

    "I...It's hard to explain. The weaves are Saidin, but I seem to be able to strengthen them with Saidar."

    So I believe when the two women in the Callandor circle with Rand, of whom one will have control of the circle, using Saidar weaves strengthened with Saidin, and Moiraine's new found FINN knowledge about how to defeat the DO, will be part of the DO's fall. If Mordeth went to Finnland and got some answers or help to kill the DO, why couldn't Moiraine? We know she got three answers also. If Saidin itself was powerful enough on its own to at least imprison the DO for X amount of years, even if an imperfect seal, then Saidar and Saidin mixed should be enough. Or maybe the TruePower will hold the DO still, "stop squirming around Shai'tan while I fix this!", while Saidar/Saidin heals the bore in the Seal. Or maybe they all hold hands and sing Kum-ba-ya and everyone just gets along.

  7. The way I look at it is the following. There are many different mirror worlds to the WoT world we get to experience in the story. There is a world where every possible turn a person could make in life, is represented. An impossible number of mirror worlds that are like the one we read, but reflect the different choices people make. The world we get to read about, is the one world were every choice made by the characters, is the right one. The choices they make lead up to the Dark One's demise. Because if any of them made the wrong choice, and the Dark One did win in that world, we wouldn't be reading about that specific world right? So all the choices they make in WoT, in my mind, are the right one's. Say if Perrin did go with Rand and Mat. Maybe he would have went into Rhuidean, and talked Mat into not going into the Ter'angreal doorway. So maybe, Perrin going back to the Two Rivers, was the only possible course he could have choosen that would lead eventually to the Dark One's downfall. I mean, it did bring Tam out of there, and that did save Rand.

  8. You know they have. Everyone that works on this site has probably read AMOL already. Along with alot of other people I've been hearing about. You know I work alot. I don't have time to go to Jordan Con, or create and run a website, or devote my entire life to the WOT, even though I'd like to. I'm as big a fan as they come. Why can't I read the book early? Finding out that some have already read AMOL, makes me feel like I'm not a big enough fan. I think that its a crock. I shall not be buying a copy in January, and anyone else I can convince not to. Just in spite. Becuase it IS NOT FAIR.

  9. I myself believe that Demandred is in Shara, beyond the Aiel Waste. Somewhere around book 6 Graendal and Sammael were having a conversation and the topic came up about two pets she had. A male and female. She said they where from Shara, and that they were important people there, maybe the rulers. I can't remember exactly. Seems to me that she just didn't capture them just to have them as pets. Maybe they were removed so Demandred, using the Mirror of Mist weave, could assume the role of leadership there. It is a land that we have failed to get a glimpse of yet.

  10. If Taim had been turned DarkFriend by the 13x13 method, wouldn't all the characters of RandLand see him as they did the others. No soul left, a shadow wearing flesh. They all felt something was very wrong when they encountered the others that had been turned using the 13x13 method. So I think not. Secondly, I am convinced that RJ intended in the begginning, to have Taim as Demandred. Just as Mesaana was supposed to be Laras the Cook, at Tar Valon. When so many people figured it out so easily, I think he adapted the story and changed it up.

  11. I feel that I owe Brandon Sanderson nothing. All he did was his job, and I bet he got paid good for it. RIP J.O.R. Even though I love the Wheel of Time with all my heart, I think that it should be thankful to me, and other fans like me. Fans that read, and re read. That wait years and years between each book, but still hang onto the story. The fans are the real hero's. Well, us and the real author. But all of this is just MY OPIONION.

  12. My comment was not about Rand killing Luc. You have to go back and read all the other previous comments that lead up to this one. Whispers said that Gitara Sedai told Luc that his fame, or maybe his fate, was in the blight and he needed to go there. That maybe he would find the Dragon there, and the Last Battle may depend on him going. Whatever Luc's purpose is, that little tid bit dropped by Dyelin is a clear sign to me that Luc will be there at the LB, but for what purpose I do not know.

  13. hmmm, his fate, fame, find the Dragon Reborn, and the Last Battle depending on him going. Thats sounds like all of that could happen in just one event. It is Luc's FATE to go to Blight. He would get FAME from doing some great deed there at the Last Battle. He would find the Dragon Reborn there, of course because the Dragon has to be there at the LB. And it all depends on him going. It kinda sounds like a prophecy to me. That sounds like RJ just dropping some important information and trying to make it look like its not important by throwing in the "heard whispers" comment. I don't think RJ would write that part about Luc's fate for no reason, just to dismiss it for hearsay.

  14. Elaida's Foretelling about the Royal line of Andor says, "the Royal line of Andor would be the key to defeating the Dark One in the Last Battle. She had attached herself to Morgase as soon as it was clear Morgase would succeed to the throne..." (The Shadow Rising, Chapter 1, "Seeds of Shadow").


    Still doesn't explain what Luc, going to the blight years before, has to do with the Last Battle and it depending on him going there. With that knowledge, knowing he will do something, gives more credit to the ideal of it being him who Elaida's "Royal Line of Andor" prohecy was talking about. I think its that, or Elayne and therefore Andor, having the dragons (cannons) that Mat and Aludra devised up. Maybe its the "Dragons" that will turn the tide. But if the whole entire quote is " royal line of andor will be the key to defeating the Dark One" and not just the key to the LB, then the dragons couldn't be it. You can't kill the DO with a cannon. Maybe the cannons kill so many darkspawn and etc., that they free up the friends of the light for an all out assault on the Bore. But that is a big, big maybe. So, its either Luc or the Dagger (that hides you from the Shadow) that Elayne has now in her posession. Could be both. My thoughts anyway. txs for reading

  15. I don't have the exact quotes, or where they fall in the series. But I have read the series alot, and I have an excellent memory. Way back when, Gitara Sedai, told the prince and princess of Camelyn a form of foretelling. She told Rand's mother that the world rested on her going into the Waste, where she became a Maiden of the Spear, the Aiel crossed the Dragon Wall, yada yada, and was how Rand's birth came to pass. She also told Luc that the fate of the Last Battle rested on him going to the Blight. Well, actually I think Rand was told this information during a story, I think by Dyelin. When she was asking him about his face, and that he looked like the long lost princess that vanished. Anyway, why would the fate of the Last Battle depend upon Luc, GOING INTO THE BLIGHT? That seems a bit drastic! I always thought that this tied into Elaida's foretelling of "The Royal Line of Andor holds the Key to the Last Battle". For what was the prince and princess of Andor but the Royal Line. Elaida's foretelling didn't specify which Royal Line, past, present, or future. The only thing Luc has to bring to the table is the fact that he is two people bonded into one. Kinda of like Rand/Moridin. Maybe he will shed some light on the subject to the good guys. Maybe he dies at the Last Battle, and Nyneave (while trying to heal him) learns something about the bonding process and how to help Rand somehow with that info. Thats the only thing I can think of that Luc can bring to the story, which obviously he will bring something, due to the fact that Gitara Sedai said he would.


    Had another thought while typing this up. I can't remember if Aviendha gave that dagger(the one that blocks the Shadows ability to see you) to Elayne or not, but I think see did before she went away. And I think on the cover of AMOL, Rand might be carrying it in his belt. Does this refer to the foretelling of "The Royal Line of Andor holds the key to the Last Battle"? The fact that Elayne holds this dagger, and it is the key to the LB. And I think I remember somewhere it refering to how important the cache of ter' angreal and angreal that was found was. I think it was said when Nyneave and Elayne where trying to explain how important it was they go and get it, that maybe the fate of the world rested on them finding it. The Bowl of Winds, even though it did some good, sure didn't change the fate of the world. Okay, I'm done ranting. txs for reading


    Damer Flinn, on , said:


    nosy_wiz, on , said:

    Sorry Damer to be rude but if you pull up the image cover, you can zoom in and see the jewel.

    Sorry for not being more detailed with my post. The fact that Moiraine is one of the two woman on the cover is not in question here. I know that she will be there. So, for me arguing about whether you can see the jewel on her forehead in the picture is pointless, because we know it is her. What I was really getting at, is that the other woman is in fact in question. We have no ideal who she is, and if there is something on HER forehead in the pic, it is not clear enough to tell what it is, if in fact it is anything.
  17. Damer Flinn, on , said:


    fikkie77, on , said:


    theoryland, confirmed by Whelan.

    Maybe you could point out what your talking about. Because I read it for the third time, and the Mr.Jackson (mister anonomous) clearly states that Whelan isn't allowed to talk about the script to AMOL. The only talk about who is on the cover comes from Mr.Jackson. Sorry this isn't enough evidence. Maybe you could show me the part where Whelan says without a doubt that it is Moiraine and Nyn.

  18. Most probably it is Moiraine and Nynaeve ( as it is clearly depicted through the jewel and by the red dot on the forehead).

    I wonder on the women being present in the scene, as to the purpose of them. do they form the circle with the callandor in rand's hand?

    Where do you people keep seeing "the jewel and red dot on the forehead"? I have perfect vision, and I keep looking and I don't see anything. There maybe something there, but you cannot for sure, without a doubt say that that is what is on the cover. It just isn't clear enough to say for sure.
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