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News item Comments posted by R'con

  1. My respects to Mashiara Sedai I always enjoy reading 'WoT if...'


    I see the visions as a possible future and possibly a twisted version of the future.


    Avi's whole trip to Rhuidean and the crystal columns has been marked by several anomalies.


    The mysterious Nakomi woman for starters should have had us all on guard for something unusual to happen.


    Avi is, as far as we know, the first to enter the crystal columns since Rand opened Rhuidean.


    As far as we know Aviendha still has the twisted ring with her and we know that 2 Ter'angreal closely related in purpose can affect each other.


    Avi's first trip in the crystal columns was as expected showing her the history of the Aiel, (Not an anomaly)


    She then tries to read the columns and has a vision as she is walking away from the Ter'angreal


    Avi then enters the columns for a second time.



    This would give Mr Sanderson several loop holes large enough to drive a cart through to get away from this being 'THE' future.


    The visions feed on Aviendha's own fears for her people and their future, and the fact that it's her own children that take the first steps that lead the Aiel to this horror plays on her sense of ji'e'toh, her honor and obligation to her people will drive her to change what she saw,


    Change the future where she has children,


    Change the future where she can have children with Rand.


    This could have been a play by one for the forsaken (as Nakomi) to hurt Rand and seed the ruin of the Aiel in one blow.


    If she denies her love for Rand, rejects him to stop the possibility of her children leading the Aiel to destruction and in the process this would give Rand one more heart ache before the Last Battle.


    At the time Avi left for Rhuidean Rand was entering his darkest time emotionally and before his epiphany the rejection by one of his three ladies could have tipped him over the edge.




    As for a future for the Aiel there are several options, the red veiled Aiel need to be dealt with, international peace keepers to serve the 'Dragons Peace'?


    But I think if anything can be taken from the visions that foreshadows their future it should be ...(chapter 49, Court of the Sun)



    "If only the Seanchan Empress..." Ronam shook his head, and she knew what he was thinking. The old empress, the one who had ruled during the days of the last Battle, had been considered a woman of honor by Ronam's father. An understanding had nearly been reached with her, so it was said.


    I hope I got my point across clearly as it's my first post.

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