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News item Comments posted by JaSa

  1. Sorry REE, but as much as I would like to play wheel of time games I have few reasons why you won't get any support money from me:


    1. It's been who knows how many years of empty promises to make games/movies, but nothing has happened.


    2. It's a mobile game. I don't play mobile games.


    3. Basicaly you are asking us to pay pretty much whole game development. I mean 450k is alot of money to use on mobile game development.. and then you will start selling that game that we paid for you to get profit.. Sounds pretty greedy for me.


    4. As far as I know REE has no real experience in game developement so they are using other companies to develope games. Which is good, but still I don't expect those games to be anything special in terms of quality.


    5. Jordan was displeased with them and so their creditably in my eyes does not change before they have actually done something more than empty promises.


    To be honest.. I would most likely donate to kickstarter.. if it was to get those rights away from REE.

  2. About one-eyed-fool traveling halls of mourning. It reminded me about when Olver dashed out of tent alone when he and Talmanes noticed that Caemlyn was underattack. Olver is kinda useless now that Moiraine is saved so his death could kinda make sense and that last scene about revenge to aiel that killed his father made him - not as nice person as we thought. Well I never liked him anyways.


    Other option is that Band is heavily hit. I mean somewhat wiped out maybe even with dragons. Mat has always felt really responsible about his men following him. They followed him to Caemlyn and he left them even when saving Moiraine was important for world he would feel guilty. He was not there when they needed him most and if they are wiped out with dragons they died because he wanted to get new weapons. I really hope Band will survive that battle I have always loved them, but I think they will lose if Mat does not return soon.


    Well anyways my point is that I think halls of mourning do not mean world of Aelfinn and Eelfinn they probably mean that Mat will lose someone or something dear to him.

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