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Posts posted by Wayfarer

  1. Well, the effect of his words was certainly amusing to observe.  At least he wasn't being bombarded with protests that it was all impossible, that would have simply annoyed him.  The knowledge that the man had a sister was interesting, and perhaps something to investigate but he doubted that there was anything to be done.  If he'd had a sister, the children might have caught up with her, if they had it was too late to do anything.  If she'd evaded them thusfar, then she was safe and it wasn't an issue.


    The questions would have been easy enough to answer, but Michael become entirely distracted by Tigara's attempt to flick scraps off the table, and his snicker at the reaction of others who noticed.  Reaching over, Michael pointedly flicked the man right between the eyes hard enough that it would sting before he sat back and answered the puzzled look on Tigara's face.  "Don't make a mess, just because you're going to become a Dreadlord doesn't mean you can go on and wantonly make a mess for others to clean up."


    "As to your questions, not all the Chosen have been released but there are different orders.  Each Chosen has their own followers, and there are orders that exist independently but I doubt they will last the years to come.  There are others places sort of like this, but only vaguely.  This is the only place where the Shadow's Peace is enforced absolutely.  Other places are either under the control of a specific individual who enforces their own rule, or the Shadow's Peace has been altered because the place exists within the Westlands."


    "As to Aginor, no he does not come here.  He keeps to himself as I said and only a rare few have had the opportunity to meet him.  Hope that you are not one of them.  Now finish your food already, there is more to be done."



    Michael Daemeau


  2. I can pick your character up, though if you don't mind I'd like to wait a few days for Crista to get back from her holiday.  She plays the other active Tracker and she hasn't gotten many opportunities to do pick ups so far.  Plus she'll probably post faster than me :)

  3. He'd get rid of Rory yet, Aran knew it was possible.  He'd just have to think of something that would drive her to go pester someone else for her training.  There was plenty of time till tomorrow after all, if something didn't come to mind by then he could simply run her into the ground daily until she broke.  That was as simple a solution as any, and it was easier than thinking of something more complicated.


    Yes, that was definitely looking like a better option.


    The question about what oil to use simply had Aran raising an eyebrow at the woman who blithely continued on to ask what was going to happen next.  The sir didn't help, it simply served to reinforce his role as the teacher.  But, if that were going to be the case, then a simple sir was not going to suffice.


    "Do I look like a sir?  I actually do things with my day, unlike people whose names are prefixed with Sir or suffixed with Sedai.  You can call me Master Aran and as for what oil you need you can go to the armoury and ask, they will provide you with the correct oil.  Be sure to work it thoroughly, if that stick breaks then you won't be training with a weapon at all.  Go now and don't bother me again today.  Turn up an hour after lunch tomorrow.  If you're late, then I'll go do something else and you can wait until next week before beginning."


    Turning, Aran walked away as he called over his shoulder.  "Try wearing something that doesn't make you look so fat either.  And nothing expensive, or so help me you can run about in your small clothes."


    And that was that for the day with Aran.




    Tower Guard

  4. Listening in silence, Lillian might have chosen not to speak but that was only because there was no need to.  Just like she had no need to hide her emotions, to do such a thing would have been pointless and she was not threatened by the woman before her in any form.  The only thing that was different now was an overwhelming feeling of disappointment, of hopelessness.  It had been a foolish thought on her part to think that the woman would ever change.


    Every single thing the woman did, it was so manipulative.  Even the apology, it might not have been a lie but it wasn't offered for the reasons that they should have been.  Halvie might have thought herself clever, but for all the years that Lillian had been Halvie's student, Lillian had learned more than what she had been told.  First and foremost, she had learned exactly what Halvie was like, how she held herself, how every little thing she did in such a situation had a deliberate calculated nature driving it.  Something she recognised even as she was tempted by the disguise the manipulation wore.


    It was a mistake on Halvie's part to ever contemplate it.


    "You haven't changed."


    Words spoken with cutting bitterness, Lillian shook her head in disgust.  "After all these years, you would still try such a foolish play with me?  You have so little respect for me that you would attempt to manipulate me?  To use me?  After I've gone so far as to go to the lengths I have to recover your family's signet ring and other heirlooms so they could be restored to you, you have such contempt that this is all you can show me?"


    Her voice rising, Lillian didn't hold a word back as her words were laced with a fury tinged with more pain than she had ever shown the woman.  "For eight years, I was an exemplary Novice, I followed your directions and I learned and I did everything right.  I even did things I knew were wrong simply so that you might be happy, that you might be proud of me, that you might have one single heartfelt and genuine thing to say to me.  That you would show me a smidgeon of the trust I gave to you unconditionally."


    "Eight years!"  Her fists balling together, Lillian forced them to relax as she continued softly.  "Unconditional trust, all I asked was for something, anything in return.  Not a single thing from you.  Then I escaped the Tower, not for some lark or out of rebelliousness, but because I needed to bury my parents, my blood.  The one time I disobey, the one time I needed understanding, support, someone to help me, where were you?  You threw me to the ground, you rejected me when I needed you, you took me to the Tower without a single word of compassion."


    "Even when you visited the farm, you did nothing but simply see how I was, you offered not a single thing of yourself.  When I came back to the Tower, you still couldn't give, not one inch or iota.  Its now been three decades, and despite all of that I try to do the right thing by you in this.  All you can do is play your games and try and push my buttons and attempt to sneak an advantage with a false sincerity that is nothing more than word, formula and calculated gambling."


    Pausing for a moment, Lillian's intensity was palpable as she began once more.  "I deserved better from you, I still do.  You can't even answer a single question I pose to you.  You're so convinced that you're in a world of enemies, so stupidly paranoid, so utterly alone.  Not because that is the case, but because you choose to make it so.  A fifteen year old girl extends a hand in friendship and you see a dagger, she gives you eight years of loyalty and all you can see is a scheme."


    "You lie to yourself.  Incapable of emotion indeed, you choose to shun it.  Instead you cripple yourself, hide in your shell and reject those that offer a genuine hand of friendship, except to sink your barbs into them because you refuse to trust them.  You think I don't know you after all of this?  You might have suffered a great tragedy when you were young, but the decades of torment you've suffered ever since have been all of your own doing.  I tried to be patient once and hoped that you might reach out but you abused my trust instead, and even after I try and do the right thing for you you just can't help but try to do it again.  Nothing is ever good enough for you.  Well you can play your games alone, because I will not go down that path a second time."


    Realising a decision that she had already been making when she had first realised it was Halvie, Lillian added.  "I will have your family's things sent to you wherever you are and may you find some happiness in them, because you refuse to find it elsewhere."


    At that, Lillian turned and began to walk away.



    Lillian Tremina

    Sister of the White Ajah

  5. It was the last comment on Tigara's part that truly made Michael laugh.  His student had the funniest things to say and a background to match it through and through.  A Child of the Light who discovered himself channeler, now that was a rare occurrence.  Those that did usually didn't manage to clear Amadicia without being cut down.  But oh dear, that meant that the boy before him was going to be so thoroughly programmed by the Children of the Light's ideas.


    It was going to be interesting.


    Managing to rein in his laughter, there was still amusement in Michael's voice as he spoke.  "You're serious, aren't you?  Hah, oh you are so buggered.  Alright, we're going to have to skim over a number of facts that are actually facts, as opposed to a bunch of lies that were conjured up by those idiots in white."


    "First off."  Michael held up a finger as he spoke.  "Aes Sedai aren't Darkfriends.  Except for the few that swear over to us in secret, they're as big a lightfools as the Children of the Light or any other organisation of the Westlands.  Those retards who wear that sunburst like to brand the Aes Sedai so because they're ignorant bigots who think anything they don't control is a possible Darkfriend or being manipulated by Darkfriends because the Children are the only true source of the Light, or some nonsense.  Nevermind that there are enough Darkfriends amongst their own ranks that they're just as riddled with our people as any other."


    "Secondly."  Michael held up another finger.  "You're here to learn to become a Dreadlord, a male channeler who serves the Shadow.  A channeler is someone who can wield the power, or 'witchcraft' as those Amadician retards like to call it.  There's no involved ceremonies, no dancing around fires or sacrificing virgins involved.  Well, unless you actually wanted to.  The power is actually the stuff of the universe, the thing that keeps the wheel turning, some people are able to tap that and weave things for themselves.  Think of a channeler like a minature wheel."


    "Thirdly."  A third finger extended from Michael's hand.  "Male channelers have two choices because of what was done with the power.  When the Great Lord was sealed away by the Dragon, the male power came in contact with the Great Lord and the Great Lord tainted the male side of the power which is called saidin as a counterstroke against his attackers.  Thats why male channelers end up going crazy and physically rotting and turning on everyone around them.  Female channelers wield saidar, the female half which wasn't tainted, hence why they don't go mad.  For us, the choice is simple.  If we swear to the Great Lord, we don't go insane and rot and destroy everything around us.  If we don't swear, we lose our minds and eventually get hunted down if we don't rot away first.  Either we serve or die."


    "Having said that, point four."  Michael waggled his little finger as he continued.  "People serve the Shadow for many reasons.  Some are greedy bastards with nothing in mind but serving themselves, some do so because they're naturally off their kilter or psychopathic, some do so because they had little choice, some do so because it is the right thing to do.  For example, M`aeshadar Rasputin who leads the Aurani is a believer of Ayende dyu'shadar, the purpose for freeing the Great Lord is to heal the disjunction rather than searching for personal reward.  Another, like M`aeshadar Cyril, serves more because he wishes to survive than anything else.  M`aeshadar Caladesh in turn is one who seeks reward, each Darkfriend has their own motivations and you should be mindful to remember that."


    "Speaking of which, the Aurani, I didn't answer you earlier."  His thumb jutting out, Michael smiled.  "The Aurani are the servants of Aginor.  He was given the Fortress to make his home and a number of us were given to his service.  M`aeshadar Rasputin is the leader of the Order, and in practical terms we report to him because Aginor does not have time for most of us or to manage the Fortress, consumed with his own work as he is."


    "So, take that in and ask what questions you wish while I get some of this lunch down."  At that, Michael set to his meal once again with his cutlery as he allowed Tigara time to muse on what had been said and what questions he may want to ask.



    Michael Daemeau


  6. "There is no need to apologise, shh."


    Smiling, even if she'd barely managed to erect an air shield in time to catch the flying dirt, Lillian knew what her student was like.  She pressured herself far too much and she was ambitious at the same time, it was why she did silly things like practice without supervision, something that she would remedy easily enough before their lessons were done.  But for now she wanted to focus on the moment, the here and now.


    There here and now being Sial's performance with her threads.  The powers held together easily enough except for the earth.  Lillian didn't blame her, she'd required a full month of extra lessons ontop of her normal training before she'd been able to handle an earth thread, let alone actually use it for something.  Earth was her least favourite element, which was strange because she used it quite a bit for a number of weaves she employed.


    Holding a hand out, Lillian smiled encouragingly as she said.  "Your other threads of power except earth are coming along well enough, my sword please?"


    Taking it back, Lillian laid it across her lap once more as she continued.  "Now, the problem that I noticed with your earth is that its doing something that it shouldn't.  Earth does not explode by itself, you're using another thread with it strangely enough."


    "I'm guessing you're doing it subconsciously, but there is an element of fire in the earth thread thats been woven in there.  You need to be able to use earth by itself, without feeding fire in it to help stabilise your control because it can have disastrous results when used for something larger than your attempt just then."


    Reaching to the earth with one hand, it was an easy manipulation of the power to cause a small chunk of earth rise.  Plucking the top from it, Lillian held out her hand as she proceeded to demonstrate a new technique.  "Extend your senses into this clod of earth.  You should be able to find within it a fault like, all you need do is use earth to harden the earth around that line a little, making it more brittle and more likely to snap even though its harder technically."


    "Use as many clods of earth as are needed until you can begin to manipulate that little fault line in every clod sent.  Try again, and I'm here to talk you through it if need be.  Remember, no shame in making a mistake or fault if it could have been averted, reasonably.  Even then, what is done is done, Wheel weaves as it wills."




    Lillian Tremina

    Sister of the White Ajah

  7. "Can tell the Mistress of Trainees that you want to smack her buttocks red and raw until she asks for more for all I care."


    Aran was definitely not happy about this, especially since the Aes Sedai was blithely grinning like an idiot like they had just won a prize.  Yes, because telling the Mistress of Trainees anything would accomplish wonders.  Nevermind that it wouldn't concern Aran in the slightest because he'd done far worse.  With any luck, if the Mistress of Trainees heard she'd remove Aran from the training roster herself, though that was unlikely.


    And of course, the proud exclamation as to her sexual orientation.  Yes, because having sex was such a vast achievement.  Well, maybe it was in Rory's case, an unkind thought but one spurred on by the woman's unwillingness to avail herself to another teacher, any teacher.  No, now it seemed that he was well and truly stuck with this farce, but if he was going to do it he was going to have to make a half decent go of it.


    Besides, he could still have fun with it.


    "In that case, you need a weapon."


    Turning about, Aran walked away, leaving Rory with little choice but to follow.  But it wasn't the armoury they were going to, indeed they went to the gardens that were on the Tower grounds instead.  If Rory had held any dreams of holding anything resembling steel, they were going to be dashed well and truly.




    Reaching down to a fallen branch, Aran took out his knife and it wasn't long before he divested it of the twigs that came from it.  A simple two and a half feet long, it more than suited the purpose that Aran expected of it.  Sheathing his knife and tossing it to the woman, he pointed to it as he explained the situation in case it wasn't obvious.


    "That is your new weapon.  In your spare time, you can strip the bark off it and oil it so it doesn't become brittle.  All wooden weapons have to be oiled to avoid that or otherwise they're more prone to snap where the oil helps keep them supple.  You'll be practicing with that stick when I feel you're actually fit enough to use it.  That being said, that will most likely be some time."


    "Now what questions do you have?  Or shall I return to something vastly more important than your training, like sitting down?"




    Tower Guard

  8. Frowning as the woman managed to avoid her question and instead ask her own, it took a good deal of effort on Lillian's part to rein in her anger.  She wanted more than anything to yell at the woman, and not just because her one time mentor had attempted to jump her with the one power.  But that wasn't the correct thing to do, even if it was someone who so deserved such a thing.  No, she would calm herself as best she could as she chose to answer the questions posed to her rather than insisting on answers for her own.


    "I was in Andor pursuing my own interests when I stumbled across a family tree of the Faury, one with your name on it.  I thought to myself I might investigate a bit further, put my own project aside and see if I could perhaps understand you a touch better.  Perhaps understand you a touch more than you ever understood me."


    Lillian could have hidden the emotion but she let it show instead, she had no need to hide it.  She was not her mentor, just because she had the capacity to distance herself didn't mean that she needed to.  If there was one thing that she had sworn to herself over the years, it had been that she would never end up like that, a shell of a person.  No, she would not hide within the recesses of a untrusting persona.


    So Lillian ploughed on ahead, not bothering with a facade but instead allowing herself to show clearly.  So different to the face she had presented to Halvie, when she had been fool enough to crave even a single heartfelt praise from the woman.  "What I found was that your entire family was consumed in flames, that you were left all alone.  That your family's lands were divided and eventually claimed by the Trakand, that many of the heirlooms of your family had been sold and resold."


    "So I thought to myself that maybe, just maybe, I would spend some time tracking down pieces of your past, things that might be important to you.  Not that I had a way of knowing for sure because you never once trusted me with anything even resembling an inch of yourself.  But I thought I would do it anyway, and send it away to you when enough had been collected."


    "Speaking of which."  Reaching for a pouch at her side, she loosed it from her belt and tossed it onto Halvie's lap.  Within was one of the first things that she had tracked down, she hadn't paid for it either.  It had been the result of a particularly suspect night where she'd snuck into the home of a merchant with pretensions of grandeur whose family had held the item for three generations.


    Gesturing to the pouch, Lillian was terse.  "Open it.  While you're at it, why don't you explain why you are here?"



    Lillian Tremina

    Sister of the White Ajah

  9. "Then get on the horse, dolt."


    *    *    *


    Having spent the last three days staying at inns along the road to Tar Valon, they had been fairly care free days for the most part because Big Mac had wanted to give Tirzah the chance to become reacquainted with riding her horse.  While the skill wasn't lost, the necessary muscles were and the girl was still feeling it a little.  On the otherhand, Big Mac hadn't seen her smiling so much before so that was a good sign.


    This day, their fourth, had been spent sallying into the wilderness itself to start the training proper.  Pointing out different edibles plants and the like as they broached the tree line that marked the wood he often used for such training, it was an easy amble that they proceeded at.  After all, there was no need to rush.  They had been alloted a fair amount of time and Big Mac planned to use every day of it for his student.


    But as the sun began to slowly fall from its zenith, it was time for a new lesson to begin.  Well, for a lesson that Big Mac had been explaining for the past few days to be put to practical use.


    "Tirzah, your first task.  I want you to find us a place where we can rest the night.  Remember, nowhere that is too exposed but not a place that is too enclosed either where you can be easily trapped.  Do not pick depressions or gullies because the cold sinks into those during the night.  Either a place that has natural shelter, or a place where a shelter can easily be fashioned.  You have one hour at most to survey the surrounding wood and find an appropriate place."


    "Go on."  Big Mac gestured for her to get cracking.

  10. Grasping the woman's cadin'sor, Luc Alneau didn't hesitate as he yanked on it as hard as he could, pulling the woman away from the window and onto the floor.  Alianna Karalev, that was her name, and for some reason she had been dressed in the Aiel servant clothes when she had been brought in.  Passing by her room to head out, he'd heard someone opening the window and to find she was trying to escape?  What was going on?


    She didn't seem to take too kindly to being pulled away from the window either, but Luc seized the first flailing arm and simply twisted it until the woman was forced face first to the floor.  There he held her until her protests and struggles dimmed and she calmed herself, which was a surprising considering the how klonked she had been when she had first been brought in by one of the Rogues.


    Releasing her and stepping away, it was a moment before the woman turned about to face him.  It was the first real good look he had of her as well, she looked like she was at least a decade older than him.  A couple of hints of grey in her near black hair and a couple of scars on her left cheek, she looked like she had been through a bit.  She was meant to once be a thiefcatcher after all, strange that she had fallen in with who she had, but stranger still she wore the clothes that she did.


    Also odd was her height, she would have been taller than most Cairhienin men let alone the women, yet was still shorter than him by at least half a foot.  He didn't bother wasting time with pretty words but got straight to the point with a clear Cairhienin accent.


    "What do you think you're doing?  You just got hauled out of the Aiel camp, were brought here unconscious because I hear you almost got everyone discovered by the sentries, and now you're trying to escape?  I don't suppose you have a particularly good explanation for that?  Or why you're wearing their rags?"



    Luc Alneau

    Scion of House Alneau

  11. There was very little time.


    That was something that Lillian realised the moment that she became aware of the fact that there was someone else in the ruin with her.  Another who was watching her, and from what she espied in her peripheral vision as she continued her search a female channeler.  Unexpected, unknown, and entirely dangerous for not having announced themselves.


    There was no chance for parley, Lillian knew her own strength in the power was small, even with assistance it was only middling.  A single blow to incapacitate the other woman before she knew what hit her.  Once she was neutralised, then she could be approached and questioned, Lillian could then ascertain the observer's identity safely.  Then she could find out why she was being watched and decide on what to do from there.


    Her weaves already prepared in her mind, it was the other embracing the power from beyond the columns that forced Lillian to act.  Saidar instantly flooding her, silence permeated her being as a sudden flash of light erupted near the column, passing as quickly as it came even as the light of saidar from the other woman dissipated as quickly as it had manifested.


    Releasing her own ward that had shielded the worst of the light from her eyes as well as the immense thunderclap that had rolled over them, Lillian quickly surveyed the area as she extended her now unshielded senses.  Not a thing to be found except for the thrashing of the woman, her moans, her short breaths and the sound and feel of her dress rustling against the grass underfoot were all that she could find before she released the one power.


    It was a simple weave and made to end a fight before it began, a flash to blind and a thunderclap to assault one's hearing.  The channeler's blessing of enhanced senses while holding the power easily became their bane when those senses were overloaded.  Enough pain to instantly drop a person and destroy their grip on the power and too much for them to embrace the power again, if they were still capable of rational thought at that point.  The other woman was definitely doing nothing other than rolling about on the ground.


    Nearing the woman cautiously, it was only when she was close that she realised that something was wrong.  She saw amongst the woman's fingers a single ring, one that was very much similar to her own that was secreted away on the inside of the sole of her left boot.  Rushing the last few strides between them as she sank to her knees next to the woman, she cradled the woman in her lap as she looked upon her face.


    Halvie . . .


    Shock claiming her for a moment, Lillian quickly shook it off as she embraced the feminine power that was hers to wield once more.  Laying a hand upon the woman's forehead, a different weave altogether flowed from her fingertips into the other woman, causing her to spasm from the cold that flowed through her body but concentrated upon her eyes and ears.


    Lifting her hand away as she was done, Lillian immediately shoved Halvie out of her lap.  Getting to her feet as the other woman opened her eyes tentatively, shielding them from the light, Lillian's shock was quickly being replaced with anger.  If it had gone another way, something far worse could have happened and she didn't hesitate to speak her mind.


    "You bloody idiot Halvie Faury!  I could have killed you!  What do you think you're doing?!"



    Lillian Tremina

    Sister of the White Ajah

  12. "Me?"


    Smiling, Lillian finished her tea before setting it aside.  She had reasons other than the defence of the Borderlands to spur her on her travel this year.  Indeed, she was leaving far earlier than she normally would specifically so she would have the time necessary to complete the task she had set for herself.  After all, it wouldn't only be of benefit for her, if there were any answers to be had to the question that she had posed, they would benefit all.


    "I will offer my services on the Blightborder as I do most years, but there is more to it this year.  I've interviewed a number of the Malkieri refugees since the war of nine hundred and fifty five New Era, I'm no closer to understanding what happened and why it did than anyone else.  So, I plan to venture into the land of Towers and Lakes where the Golden Crane once flew and finding some answers if there are any left to be found.  Even though the Blight is already overrunning the area, the larger settlements and the capital in particular would have been far slower to succumb.  Perhaps there is enough there that still remains for some answers and extrapolations to be made."


    "So."  Lillian rubbed her hands together as she continued.  "I would travel with you as far as the Borderlands, but then we would have to part ways as you pursue your task and I pursue mine.  I will try and catch up with you after my task is done if time permits, but by then I think the season will have truly begun and I'll have to be wherever I'm required.  But, we will have some time together at least."


    "So, perhaps early in the morning tomorrow?  First light?  Meet you in Luagde and we'll make our way north from there?  Or are you taking the road from Jualdhe to Maradon?"



    Lillian Tremina

    Sister of the White Ajah

  13. Frowning slightly at Raithgar's challenge, Anton obliged as his staff swung in a quick arc, clipping the lad's fingers and sending the lathe spinning out of his grip.


    Lowering his stave as the boy nursed his hand, Anton's tone was somewhat flat as he spoke.  "I'm not sure what your intructors were like in Shienar, but when I give you a task you do it.  If I have chosen not to do something, it is for a reason and in this case it should be abundantly obvious.  You are impatient, an impatient opponent is a dead one because they will either rush their opponent or lose their focus, both of which are stupid mistakes that can be fatal when you really do have to use a blade."


    Pointing to Raithgar's legs with his staff, Anton continued.  "Your steps are also too long, you lunge too much.  All well and good for covering ground against a trolloc, but against a human opponent you'll be caught out mid-stride and end up with a foot of steel in your gut for your trouble.  Its not even that great an idea against a trolloc, you come across one with a bit of agility and they can just as easily catch you out."


    Shifting his staff so it was pointing to the lathe on the ground, Anton revealed nothing in his voice as he spoke once more.  "Now pick up your lathe once more and try again, this time with focus.  Do not get impatient, do not rush, control is what is important.  Without it you are undone in moments.  That will impress me far more than any flashy sword twirling."


    Settling back into a guard stance, the staff was sloped across his body once more.  They would begin again, and they would continue until Anton was satisfied he had gauged Raithgar well enough to begin to press him, challenge him and eventually overwhelm him.  He was fairly sure that the strides and the impatience were only beginning of a variety of technical problems that needed addressing.





    Anton Averdal


  14. Stroking her steed's neck, Lillian quietened her mare as best she could as she surveyed the ruin before her.  Once a great manor home, its once charred remains were now overrun by nature.  Such dismal places were not usually a place that Lillian chose to visit, but on this occasion she had business to attend to.  An unexpected business as far as she was concerned, but when the matter had arisen she had decided to pursue it.


    The ruin before her had once been the ancestral home of the Faury, an Andoran family that had been thought extinguished.  After they had been wiped out, the land had been feuded over until the Trakand successfully occupied it and drove their competitors out of the area.  The manor had then been left to waste as the Trakand had no need for it, and it had been left abandoned for over a century.


    It wouldn't have been of much interest if Lillian hadn't located a family tree of the Faury and noticed a very interesting name upon the list.  Halvie, Halvie Faury, presumed dead in the fire that had consumed the building.  Possibly the same Halvie Faury that had once been her mentor until Lillian had turned her back on the woman, long after the woman had done the same to her.


    Despite that, Lillian had been interested enough to follow up the lead.  After her time at the farm, she had decided that there had to have been another reason for Halvie to be the way she was, more than just the Tower's training, yet there had been no way to find out and she had lost her patience with her mentor.  The constant questioning and testing and attempt to kick her feet out from under her at every turn, she had enough of it and had simply blocked the woman out, avoided her and the woman had obliged.


    But truth, that was worth finding, no matter what the case was, and she had learned more than enough over the past week to make her rethink the older woman.  That and enough time had passed to blunt the worst of the pain that she had once suffered.  Maybe with enough answers, something would change, but on this subject she was particularly pessimistic.  Still, understanding was better than ignorance.


    Adjusting her bracers and fingerless gloves as she set off towards the great stone arch that would have once been the entrance, a stray thought came to Lillian.  What Halvie would think if she saw Lillian as she was now, if she recognised her at all.  Black breeches and matching boots that came up to her knee, a red blouse that was covered by a studded leather vest.  A longsword strapped on her back, a pair of knives hanging from her belt and her hair cut in a simple bob so it wouldn't get in her eyes and a wide brimmed hat of jet, she looked and acted the part of a freesword.  Even her face had been altered with enough make up that she wouldn't be recognisable as the Lillian Sedai of the White Ajah.


    Stepping into what would have been a welcoming hall, Lillian began to work her way through one building after the other.  Poking through the moss, leaving no stone unturned, she was determined to find something and make this day a worthwhile one.



    Lillian Tremina

    Sister of the White Ajah

  15. Smiling slightly at the questions that were asked, it was good to see that the lad was keen to begin his education if nothing else.  As to the rest of Tigara, that would become clear with time and observation.  Not that he would be the one doing the observing, or the teaching for that matter, he had other duties that were more pressing.  No, those duties would fall to another and that man was standing with them right now.


    "Aurani Michael will be your teacher, and he will begin your instruction tomorrow after you have been settled in.  As to where we are, we are in the Fortress of Shadow as I said before.  It sits upon the sole path to Shayol Ghul, where Michael shall be taking you over the next few days so you may pledge yourself to the Great Lord personally.  Doing so will give you freedom from the taint which would otherwise corrupt your mind and body."


    Looking to Michael and getting a slight nod, Rasputin turned back to Tigara as he gave his farewell.  "Remember, this is a new beginning.  Make the best of it and you will do well, use this opportunity poorly and it will be a short lived one.  But, I am sure it will not come to that, Tigara Kazim.  Shadow's Peace upon you both."




    Keeping his silence as M`aeshadar Rasputin turned and walked away, Michael waited until his superior had left the room before he chose to speak.  "Rasputin tries to make a point of meeting new arrivals to the Fortress where he can so that they know the basic rules.  The strictures are enforced seriously, without them this would not be a safe place for any to come."


    "But, follow me."  Gesturing for the lad to follow, Michael led Tigara from the portal room to the hallways beyond.  As dark as the portal room, they were likewise illuminated by lights fashioned of the one power and the occasional tapestries were to be found, depicting different aspects of history and prophecy, past and future.


    They had to go down a couple of levels before they found the wing that Michael was after, the place for new students.  Having but single cells that were no larger than twelve feet by eight, they were small but a new student was not meant to have many possessions.  As they progressed in their studies they were given better rooms, it was another incentive to work hard if nothing else.


    Stopping before one of the rooms, Michael laid his hand on the door seized saidin.  An audible click coming from the lock a moment later, Michael pushed the door open and gestured for Tigara to enter and view it for himself.  A single bed, a desk, a closet, no light.  A light was something else for a student to earn, once they had achieved enough mastery that they could weave one for themselves.


    "These will be your quarters, and you will only have light for it when you are able to weave your own.  As for clothing, we will take care of that tomorrow.  Now come, we will get you something to eat, I could use something myself."


    Closing the door to Tigara's room, he and his new Acolyte took a good five minutes before the sound of plates and cutlery could be heard.  Another minute and they passed through a great double door that led into vast hall.  Benches formed in ranks as they ran down the hall, many were seated and eating their meals, either with company or by themselves.


    Waving to some of the people he knew, Michael didn't stop to talk and instead led Tigara to the right where the Kitchen was to be found, the counter specifically and helped himself to a plate.  An assortment of meat and vegetables waiting for them there as servants bustled about behind the counter to refill those bowls that were nearing empty, Michael opted for beef, potato and beans as his choice for the day, serving himself with the tongs that were available.


    Continuing down the end to claim a knife and fork, a sea of mugs sat nearby and it was one of those he took and used to dip into the water barrels that were nearby as opposed to the wine kegs whose spigots would have been tempting on another day.  No, he had things that needed doing, namely trying to understand his student a touch better so he could figure out the best way to motivate him.


    Going to the nearest unoccupied bench, Michael took a seat as he gestured for Tigara to sit opposite him.  The general noise from cutlery and talk meant he had to project his voice a little, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been if the mess hall had been packed.  "So, it seems I'm stuck with you.  What can you tell me about yourself?"



    Michael Daemeau


  16. "You can be calling me the Creator and no be offering me your hand, I no be knowing where its been and I no be teaching you, it no be happening."


    Refusing to take the hand that was offered to him, Aran looked away.  She might have had the humour to laugh and that would have been ordinarily promising, but he really REALLY did not want to take on another student.  He didn't like taking on students, teaching took time even with his particular teaching style that was designed specifically to free up as much of his time as possible.  Others felt compelled to watch a student do their every lap, every single lathe stroke and whatever else they did, not him.


    No, he really didn't want another student, even if it was an Aes Sedai that might possibly have a sense of humour.  It was just a matter of making her angry, or failing that, being harsh enough with the training that he made her request another mentor who would be a lot nicer and respect her and all those wonderful things that other mentors did with their students.  Nevermind that the babying made them ten kinds of useless, one had to be cruel in order to be kind when the situation demanded it.


    "Look, I'm sorry, but you're just too ugly.  I have standards, and you fall exceedingly below them.  I bet you do not even shave your armpits.  In all seriousness, you would need to have a talent for it and you'd need to at least look fit and you are neither.  Only going to spend my time on 'worthy' material and you just aren't it.  Go to the Mistress of Trainees, tell her that I have deemed you unworthy of instruction and that you need a mentor that is more likely to treat you with respect, kindness, babysit you and pretend that you're making progress with a weapon while you flail it around like an idiot."


    Folding his arms, he shook his head at her.  He'd maybe get her to give up before they started, maybe.  "Definitely not.  And so you know, I don't need to pay for company and you know you want it."




    Tower Guard

  17. A waterskin in hand, Aran was fairly happy despite everything being as it was.  Earlier, the day before, he'd been substantially unhappy as the Mistress of Trainees had left him with no choice when it had come to taking on another student.  Indeed, he'd been thoroughly put out at the prospect of taking on another student, an Aes Sedai no less.  That meant a painful series of months ahead, or it would have if he'd had any real intention of heeding the Mistress of Trainee's warning to make sure that he didn't slack off.


    Indeed, he'd taken his time this morning when it had come to, well, everything.  Sleeping in had been glorious, as had the luxurious time he had taken bathing himself and the mess hall!  Why, he planned to tell the woman all about it, in fact she was in his sight now.  She seemed a little impatient, probably because he was nearly an hour later than it should have been.


    Yes, today was going to be a great day.


    Smiling as the woman noticed her when he neared, the inevitable question of where he had been and what had taken him so long flowed from her lips.  Yes, she was definitely a touch testy now, all the better as far as he was concerned as he spoke hesitantly.  "Well, you know, I'm a very busy man and there are so many things I have to do.  I was just jam packed full of jobs today that took longer than I thou-"


    Sighing as if realising that Rory wasn't buying it, Aran shrugged as he abandoned the pretense.  "Alright.  I knew you were here.  You know where I was?  I had a roll.  It was about a foot long, had cheese and bacon and tomato all melted together inside it over a fire and I ate it while I drank from this waterskin here and the roll was delicious, because I knew you were waiting here."


    "In fact, I have to say that I don't like Aes Sedai.  Never really have, and looking at you I don't think I'll like you either.  You have a flabby arse, you have chubby lovehandles and in a few years your arms will doubtlessly resemble chicken wings.  In fact, in a few years you'll need a bench to yourself just so you have some elbow room for those chicken wings you doubtlessly munch on.  Seriously, do you singlehandedly depopulate farms of their livestock?"


    Looking her up and down rather obviously, Aran added.  "Do you even know how to run?  Light, if my time is going to be taken up by students, it should be by people that actually have a hope of using a weapon without stabbing themselves.  The only time you've probably even used a blade would be a knife to carve up your last roast pork, the one you ate singlehandedly.  Having said that, I would be surprised if you even bothered with a knife.  You look like you didn't even bother killing the pig, just ate it whole, did I just see it kicking against your stomach in a desperate bid for freedom?"


    "Ugh."  Averting his eyes from her, Aran added.  "Seriously, am I going to have look at you during this farce?  If I'd known it was going to be so bad, I would have brought a wineskin instead.  Just go away, really, go to the Mistress of Trainees and ask for someone else to train you, anyone else.  I'm going to end up too busy retching in disgust to teach you anything anyway."




    Tower Guard

  18. Smiling as she listened to the story, Darienna was glad that the girl was making herself more at ease.  A bit of a prankster it seemed, not a bad thing in Darienna's book as long as it didn't go too far.  Aes Sedai needed to have spirit, even if they didn't have a sense of humour they still needed to be able to hold their own.  Not that pranking was the best way to go about it, but it was an avenue after all.  Plus it didn't hurt for Aes Sedai to have learned how to get about quietly on their feet, or to be places where they weren't meant to be without getting caught.


    That the prank had been misguided and ended up discommoding a pair of Aes Sedai definitely caused Darienna's lips to twitch.  The nip from the dog wasn't a surprise, dogs most certainly did not have a liking for female channelers.  A shame because she had absolutely adored dogs as pets before she'd manifested her ability.  Unflinching loyalty, more than what could be said for the cats that some of the other Aes Sedai kept.  Then again, the cats were a touch more practical in other respects.


    Manifesting over the dog's welfare was a good sign as to the girl's personality.  An Aes Sedai didn't strictly need empathy in order to function, but it certainly went a long way to ensuring an Aes Sedai retained their humanity, unlike some of the sisters that Darienna would have liked to throttle.  Yes, definitely a good sign for Miya.


    It also helped her decide exactly who she was going to assign as Miya's mentor as well.


    Filling out the ledger with the new entry, Darienna spoke easily even with the pipe in her mouth.  "You didn't lose the money, it was stolen from you and probably by someone who knew what they were doing.  Your father's gesture was kind, but not necessary.  In fact, how much were you carrying with you?"


    The answer was not what Darienna had expected.  Looking up sharply, Darienna shook her head as she turned back to the ledger and filled out the last part of the entry before setting the quill aside.  "That was far too much.  I'll have the sum and extra sent back to your father.  It isn't right to take both you and his money, if it were still here to be given."


    Standing, Darienna gestured for the girl to do the same.  Frowning for a moment as she looked the girl up and down, Darienna then stepped about the table so she could look at the girl from her side.  Nodding to herself, Darienna turned and went to one of the side rooms as she called over her shoulder.  "I'll just be a moment."


    Emerging a minute or so later from the side room with a pair of white dresses that would mark the girl as a Novice, Darienna handed them over to her with a smile.  "Now, come with me, we're going to go and find your mentor.  She will be responsible for helping you settle in, though if you ever have a question or wish to talk, you may always come and see me.  Alright?"


    Miya's assent was enough for Darienna and she went and opened the door for the girl before closing it behind them.  Where they were going, well, knowing the mentor's timetable, she would be outside of the Tower proper but she would at least be on the grounds.  She'd hopefully be in her usual haunt, or otherwise Darienna was going to have to make an active effort to find the woman.


    An effort that was required, but it was only ten or so minutes amongst the gardens when a dull boom followed by crackling signalled that they were on the right track.  Leading the way, Darienna only took another minute to find the small garden where her quarry was to be found, playing with fire and anything else she could summon up as she smited pillars of stone that she had shaped herself.


    Rory Sedai of the Green Ajah, a relatively new sister and a handful during her earlier years.  A small part of her would have wanted to wait until a truly troublesome novice came to be assigned to the woman, so Rory could appreciate how much trouble she'd been, but that was only a whisper of a thought.  This pairing was much better, for both the mentor and their new student who seemed a little unsure of what to make of things as she surveyed the smoldering ruins of some of the earthen pillars.




    The almost wanton channeling ceasing as the woman turned around and grinned at who had called her, Darienna approached with a smile of her own and with a new novice in tow.  "I have something, or rather, someone, for you to meet."


    Gesturing to the girl, Darienna continued.  "This is Miya Kiyoshi, as of today she is your responsibility to ensure that she settles in well and that she takes to her studies well.  In particular, she hasn't had instruction in how to read or write, I expect that you will make that a top priority ontop of her lessons in how to embrace and hold saidar."


    The look on Rory's face was priceless as far as Darienna was concerned, definitely worth coming down herself to present Miya.  The weave that began to form infront of her face just made her grin as she embraced the source and banished it before speaking once more.  "I have full confidence in your ability to help Miya, and I will also be assisting where I have time.  I know you haven't taken on a student before, but you will do well and we can talk about it more later.  For now, she needs to be settled in and shown about the Tower.  She will be sharing a room with Novice Sial, Lillian's student."


    Making to turn away, Darienna turned back and added.  "While I remember, you will also be sharing your duties with Zalena when she returns to the Tower.  Between the pair of you, I am certain that Miya here will blossom."


    Looking to Miya, Darienna laid a hand on the girl's shoulder as she spoke.  "Listen to what Rory Sedai has to say, she will take good care of you.  Enjoy your first day, settle in and acquaint yourself as best you can with your surroundings, your lessons will start tomorrow."


    That being said, Darienna focused her attention upon both of them as she spoke once more.  "I will leave the pair of you to get to know one another better.  Light shine upon you both."


    At that, Darienna turned and left the pair to it.



    Darienna Ceradin

    Mistress of Novices

  19. Listening in silence as she stuffed her pipe with tabac, Darienna made a mental note of the girl's name and place of origin.  Miya Kiyoshi, an Arafellian who hailed from a village called Tifan's Well.  She would need those details to fill out the Novice Ledger, but for now she was content with observing the girl as she proceeded to tell her joke.  Not that she knew where Miya was going with it, a Lord Captain Commander, a Trolloc and an Amyrlin?


    A cup of tea?




    Even if Darienna had wanted to, she doubted the she could have stiffled the laughter at the quip.  The girl had some spark to tell a joke like that, she would give the girl that much.  In fact, even as she got a hold of herself, she had to admit that her mood was improving already.  A slight smile on her face as she put the pipe in her mouth, she embraced the source only long enough to slip a thin thread of fire into the tabac.


    A pleasing scent filling her lungs, Darienna's mood was definitely on the mend.  If nothing else, if any of the Sitters came to bother her she could blow smoke in their face now.  It was always amusing to see someone try and pretend the smoke wasn't there.  But, that was a childish thought, and one that was only going to be entertained if someone was silly enough to bother her.


    But for now, the question of who to assign the girl to, since it was apparent that she could channel.  Who to pick for her?  There were some people that came to mind, but she needed time to think about which one would be the most appropriate.  In the meantime, there were a couple of things that she needed to know, and she did have a book to fill out.


    Reaching for the ledger that was to her left, she pulled it across the table and began leafing through it so she could make a new entry.  All the while, she reached for a quill with her free hand, dipping it ink as she spoke.  "So, you have a sense of humour, that will stand you in good stead.  Tell me, how old are you?  Also, how did you end up here precisely?  And what was your home like?"



    Darienna Ceradin

    Mistress of Novices

  20. As far as meetings went, Darienna had to say that her meeting with Sitters that were concerned about her methods had been amongst the most mind numbingly boring.  Women that were so thoroughly convinced that they knew better when it came to the instruction of Novices and Accepted, and the ones who had bleated the most had been the ones who had little to nothing to do with actually training the future generations.  Perfectly happy to criticise and attempt to undermine her, not nearly so keen to actually put in some hours of work themselves.


    Having said that, Darienna wouldn't have used them even if they had offered.  Her methods produced results and she was able to achieve relatively decent discipline with little to no use of the birching rod.  Beating someone was terribly uninventive, not to mention a task she had a personal distaste for.  Beating someone didn't teach them better, it simply made them adverse to making the mistake out of fear of another beating.


    Not that those Sitters would have understood, and they didn't when she attempted to explain her method.  She wouldn't have gone so far as to call them relics, that would have been both crass and vulgar, she would have definitely called them backward and unreasonable though.  In the end she had given them their treatment back, when she'd pointed out that they weren't in a position to actually compel her to change how she ran the curriculum, that was when the fireworks had begun.


    At that point she'd been amused to simply walk out and let them quarrel and moan about themselves.  Woe to the next person who thought to give her their expert opinion, it had been quite awhile since she had shredded someone because it was generally not a good policy.  Having said that, an example would be a useful thing for letting others know that she wasn't about to let anyone push her around, something that had clearly been forgotten by some of her sisters.


    Opening the door to her office, Darienna frowned as she saw that there was already someone seated before her table.  Big brown eyes, blond hair with copper bells, the easy guess was that she was Arafellian.  Slowly stepping inside and closing the door behind her, never taking her eyes off the girl, Darienna wasn't precisely pleased by this new turn of events, but she had to be fair.


    "My name is Darienna Sedai, I am the Mistress of Novices and I would like to learn your name.  But, before I do, you didn't simply let yourself in did you?"


    Getting a shake of the head, Darienna smiled slightly as she made her way to her seat and said.  "Good, whoever led you here will need a reminder that my office is not a foyer, but that can wait.  I'm assuming you are here to be tested, yes?  Excellent, but first of all I really need something, bear with me for one moment."


    Making herself comfortable in her seat, Darienna reached to the left drawer where she had left her pipe.  Silly move on her part, if she'd taken it with her she could have blown smoke on the Sitters.  As it was, she also withdrew a bag of tabac and began to sort through it for a nice clump of the stuff as she spoke distractedly.  "While I'm doing this, howabout you tell me your name?  And while you're at it, tell me a funny joke."



    Darienna Ceradin

    Mistress of Novices


    OOC:  My bio is at the link below if you want a physical description or the like :)



  21. Watching as a Sahra discarded her purple cloak with her motion fueled with contempt, Aran had to admit to himself that he'd known that this was an all too likely consequence.  She was still young after all, and young people were apt to be rather angry when they received a lesson they didn't want.  But, by virtue of being older, he knew better than her so he didn't feel particularly bad about it.  Well, that and by virtue of a lot of other things as well, but that was neither here nor there.


    Of course, now she was expecting some sort of answer from him.  She probably wasn't going to get over it anytime soon, or maybe she would, her moods could swing more wildly than Braxton's flailing excuse for swordwork.  Well, perhaps that was unfair on Braxton, but the idea was still there.  She'd get over it sooner or later, and she might actually penetrate the meaning of the lesson which would mean the effort wasn't wasted.


    Lifting a finger as Aran was about to answer, a dramatic pause held him in place before he leveled the finger at her as he spoke a single word.  "Yes."  A smile on his face, Aran simply turned around and began walking away.  She was left with forcing her anger down or letting it run riot, and either chasing him or devoting herself back to her own devices.  Regardless of her choice, it was exactly that.






    Tower Guard

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