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Posts posted by Almain

  1. Thaes listened at the Aes Sedai, his puzzlement only grew. Assume everyone is bonded to an Aes Sedai? There's no flaming way that's even close to the truth, there can't be that many Aes Sedai... And the words following that did even more havoc to the confusion that he was experiencing, and the torrent of different emotions was now running around Thaes' heart.


    As the Aes Sedai stepped closer, Thaes stepped back, an incredulous expression on his face. What in the name of the light is wrong with this woman?! Thaes could not decide whether to get angry, scared, or laugh at what she had said. It was like the world as he knew it had ended when he entered the city, and Thaes was thrown into a world of insanity.


    He watched carefully as he saw one of his sword laid on the ground, while the other stayed levitated. Then Thaes understood, and he exclaimed in surprise, "Light... You want to fight me?!" Thaes asked with an expression of unbelief. Thaes didn't say anything more, instead he looked with an unbelieving face back and forth between the Aes Sedai and the Warder.


    Finally he threw up his hands in an obvious gesture of frustration, and he started to speak, very loudly, "No, NO!" He looked back at forth between the two as he continued, "You know what? I came here to be trained under the Warders, nothing else. And you know what had happened to me in the very little time I came here? Utter madness." Thaes lifted a finger as he continued, and while a part of him felt horrified at he was doing, the other felt nothing but relief. "I am a simple man, who came from a simple village." The fact that he was willing to admit that he was a simple man proved how confused and lost Thaes was feeling then.


    He gestured his hands to include the city of Tar Valon, "A simple village man, thrown into this...city where everything is a palace!" His face red, either from anger or excitement, he continued, "I came here just to get ignored by people who won't even spare me a second glance. That was enough to put a burr in my shirt." Thaes turned to the Warder raising a finger, "Then you! You, a Warder, who are known for their fierceness in battle and the patience of a rock taunted and goaded me!" A baseless accusation, but Thaes did not care at this point, "Then you proceed to humiliate me, and all for what? To show that you're better than me?!"


    Barely pausing, Thaes turned toward the Aes Sedai, "You were no better. At first you stopped the fight, something that I would never thank you for, but fit for your cool Aes Sedai upbringing. Then even you proceeded in dressing me down and taunting me?" Almost screaming on top of his lungs, Thaes was not done, "You said you don't have time to train a puppy-" Thaes' teeth gritted at being called that, "Yet you have time to play with my emotions and my mind. You said you had shoes older than me, but you didn't show a behavior worthy of somebody who has lived so long in this life and instead tried to goad me as well, and perhaps humiliate me one more time."


    Adressing both now, Thaes continued, "I don't know, perhaps that's how you handle your Trainees in here. Humiliate them and toss their feelings around like a toy. Regardless, training under the Warder here seems to not worth the emotional trauma that I will experience. And I genuinely can't understand how anybody could stand it here. Thaes was calming down, his emotions all spent. With that he realized what a horrible mistake he had made. Speaking like that to a Warder and Aes Sedai can't be good, and he'd be lucky to escape with his life.


    Looking down and hiding his face, he finished weakly, "Now please, I need my sword back, it was given by someone really important to me." Please. The word seemed alien in his tongue. Still looking down, Thaes trembled. Whether from fear, anger, or both, only Thaes knew.

  2. Waking up early in the morning was not a problem for Thaes, being a man who values time. Moreover, today was going to be the first time that Thaes would actually learn anything. Not a lot have happened since he first came to Tar Valon, since the embarrassing loss he suffered from a Warder. No matter... Thaes thought. With time, I'll be able to overcome him, like I always do. He thought with arrogance. The morning was cold, but not colder then what Thaes was used to back in Kandor. Regardless, today Thaes actually wore a shirt with a pretty long sleeve, and long trousers. He had both of his swords strapped on his back, although he won't probably need them for today.


    Arriving at the training yard, Thaes barely noticed the other trainees. Most likely they'll soon just be my punching bags... His eyes remained on the man that was teaching all of them today, and Thaes gritted his teeth trying to control his emotion. The same man that had humiliated him now means to teach him. This morning promises to be interesting... His mouth curved into a smile.

  3. Well, not really... But kinda  :P


    First of all... Would any Ashaman be willing to test my newly approved BT character Faerim Saedrian?


    And others are free to watch as a 68 years old finds out that he's fated to go crazy :P


    Come all!



  4. Oh... I was confused because some people said that they test on the spot and some say they test you in the Farm, and I actually remember both is true in the book  :-\


    Alrighty then, should I post in the RP Planning Board to ask if anybody would RP testing me?


    Thanks once again! :D

  5. Jasin opened his eyes and found himself standing on the sea, yes! On the sea! Looking around Jasin could see nothing but the wide open blue sea and the sky. It was silent, as if no living creatures existed. Jasin started to walk somehow feeling like there's something not right in walking on water. Then, he heard something coming from behind him, and Jasin turned around. Lo, a large ship was approaching him in full speed. Jasin watched curiously as the ship closed the distance, and then he saw on the deck a pair of couple, proud and smiling and Jasin somehow knew that they were his parents. A wide grin appeared in Jasin's face and he waved to his parents. They must be coming to get me... And then we can travel the Aryth Ocean together! However, the ship did not slow down and it went passed Jasin. Jasin yelled at his parents to stop and bring him aboard, but they just waved and smiled sadly. The ship was getting farther and farther away and Jasin ran at them, not wanting to be left behind yet once again. Suddenly, his water walking ability disappeared and Jasin plunged into the water. Jasin was a good swimmer, but he was drowning. And somehow the salt in this sea was much more than usual, and it's filling Jasin's nostril. He couldn't breath and the smell of salt was painful.


    "Ahh... too much salt... Why is there so much salt?" Jasin woke up. The smell of salt was still there, so Jasin thought he was still in the sea, and he jerked and kicked upwards, thinking he was swimming towards the surface. Then his feet kicked something hard, and he realized that he wasn't drowning in the sea and was infact on a bench with people surrounding him. Jasin looked around with a curious face and said, "Aaah... I fainted again didn't I?" And he chukled. Jasin looked at the people one by one and said, "My gratitude for your care for my condition, but I'm okay now." He bowed his head a little at each. Then to the person--Jasin could not tell the gender because of the cowl-- that was holding the salt he added, "Thank you very much for rousing me. You are such a nice person, willing to help a stranger like me." Jasin remembered something and arched his neck looking for something. Where's Dawn? Jasin searched for his rabbit but didn't found him, and he could not look for him yet because of the lingering after effects.

  6. ((OOC: I'm assuming that my blade is still constrained with the flows of Air since you never really said that you released the flow. If that's not ok then PM me and I'll edit the post :) ))


    IC: One second his blades were flying toward his opponent and the next it suddenly stopped. They did not hist the opponent's sword or his body or anything else, My swords...just...stopped. Gaping, Thaes tried to move his swords once again, and they did not even budge. "What in the name of the Light...?" Thaes asked nobody in particular. Slowly, Thaes started to remove his hands from his swords, and what he feared happened. The swords stayed levitated in the air with nobody holding them. That was when Thaes noticed a third party approaching.


    Tearing his eyes off from his flying swords was hard, and when he did, he turned to the woman that was now approaching them. Thaes was sure that she never saw the woman before, but something about her looked familiar. Thaes listened as the woman started to lecture him and his opponent who was apparently named Gaidin? Normally, Thaes would laugh at the woman for lecturing him and give her his choice of words. However, at this moment Thaes' mind was still confused and preoccupied with his levitating swords.


    Everything became clear when the man named Gaidin called her Aes Sedai. Thaes haven't recovered from his initial surprise with the swords before he once again was forced to gape at the new development. Thaes could feel all his fury draining away, replaced with a mix of awe, fear, and expectation.


    Finally, Thaes worked up his courage enough to speak, but his voice was lacking its usual power, "Ah... Aes Sedai... You see..." Thaes forced himself to continue, "This man, he was looking down on me..."Thaes glared at the man, "I just couldn't let it be..." Then Thaes chuckled, "Of course, if I knew he was your acquaintance then I wouldn't have done what I did." Even to himself, Thaes sounded ridiculous. So different from his usual arrogant and confident self. He had heard too many Aes Sedai stories, and not the good ones.


    "I did come here to train under the Warders." He added uncertainly.


    ((OOC: Just to clarify, I know that Gaidin means Warder, but Thaes doesn't :P ))

  7. Before Thaes could do anything, his opponent had grabbed his wrist and threw him sprawling onto the street. The fall was not particularly hard, but Thaes had hit his head on the fall and is now bleeding lightly. Furthermore, he could feel stinging pain on his elbow and knees. However, none of this pale beside the hurt in Thaes' pride. With something close to a growl, Thaes stood up.


    By now, even Thaes had realized the difference between their strength, but his wounded pride and full on rage prevented him on giving up. Ignoring his opponents taunt--there was no way Thaes could get angrier then he already was-- Thaes unsheathed his short sword with his left hands.


    Thaes was born ambidextrous, and he is working on a two bladed style. However, it's not an easy thing wielding two swords at once. Even though Thaes with his muscles was physically able to wield two swords at once, his lack of coordination and skill prevented him from using them effectively. His teacher back in the village told him to work on the long sword first, and then on the short one. Only then could he train on using both of them at once.


    This time however, Thaes ignored the advice, thinking that this was the only way that he could beat the opponent in front of him. Thus, he charged forward, in silence this time, as if he was focusing on this one attack. With his long sword he slashed down at the opponent's sword, hoping to hold him there while he slashed at his opponents left side with his short sword. Thaes was putting everything he had into this last attack.

  8. Thaes stumbled forwards as his charge missed its target and felt pain in the back of his head as his opponent hit him with the flat of his sword. He lumbered forward a few more steps and unable to keep his balance, fell down on one knee. Thaes could feel his cheek heating up, from anger but also embarrassment. Wasting no time, Thaes stood up and once again faced his opponent.


    This time, Thaes did not charge right away, realizing how easy it was for his opponent to dodge his latest attack. However, while he was still thinking of what to do, his opponent taunted him some more. Thaes' expression darkened and his fury was relighted, so once again, he charged at his opponent with a roar.


    He started his slash the same way from below. But instead of bringing it to the person's face, Thaes changed it to a side slash at the man's thigh, hoping to catch the man off guard.

  9. That makes sense... Poor hypothetical 68 years old man...  :'(

    Thanks for the explanation!  :)


    Now, sorry for repeating the question, but I kinda want to know:

    And... I don't know if I remember correctly but don't recruitment parties test for those who can learn right at the place they find the person? Or do they bring them back to BT first and then test them,,, Cuz for me I would like it very much if I can RP my chara knowing that he can learn to channel with a PC...


    Thanks in advance!

  10. I'm really-really sorry for double posting, but I have some questions and I think double posting is better than making a new topic...  :-X


    I sent in my Bio! Yay!  :D


    Now for the questions:

    Channelers slow right? That means if say hypothetically a 68 year old starts to learn Saidin, then he can never look younger than 68 right? Since it's slowing and not reversing?


    Also, Aes Sedais who are 200 year olds have fit bodies, so if say that hypothetical 68 year old started channeling, would his body get fitter with time?


    And... I don't know if I remember correctly but don't recruitment parties test for those who can learn right at the place they find the person? Or do they bring them back to BT first and then test them,,, Cuz for me I would like it very much if I can RP my chara knowing that he can learn to channel with a PC...


    Thanks for the assistances! And sorry again for double posting! :D

  11. Oooh...


    Well... I would love to see Jagaeas' strong and emotional personality meet Jasin's calm and taking it easy personality... That would be fun.. But does she stay in Ebou Dar? Or does she travel around? Cuz that's what Jasin's planning to do.


    And.. Eve is a Hunter of The Horn! Jasin wants to see the world and adventure and he's writing "The Exaggerated and Much Embellished Travel of Jasin Mandraam" And Eve would be perfect for being one of the main character, being a Hunter of The Horn and all, and a feisty one at that! :D


    Heather would be interesting too for the same reasons as Eve, but she's tied with the Band right?:(


    Which one do you think would be the best one?

  12. Ah... I see..


    Well, my chara is not joining to avoid going crazy, since he doesn't have the spark inborn. And not for doing the right thing, since he himself is not sure how right to BT is. He's joining for one of the most practical reason for learning OP. ;)


    It's taking me unusually long to create the character concept for my Ashaman to be, which is why I haven't written my bio yet  :-\

  13. Nephittes, I apologize for being late in posting. Yesterday while I was writing my post my connection suddenly died. When I woke up this morning it was still dead, and you know what? The only thing I had to do was call my internet provider and in 5 minutes it was back up again...  :-[ So yeah... I apologize. I promise the next posts will be quick!


    Here is the link: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,37125.0.html


    And yes, he is going to die for his illness. His last RP is going to be something I put all my effort into, since I think the way one dies is as important as the way he lives. ;)


    That could be an interesting storyline. >.> If you want said "love of his life" to be someone's existing char, I have a couple that I'd be willing to use for that. :)


    Yep, I was planning on it being an existing char. If he can meet with one of your characters then that would be awesome! :D

  14. The sweet chirping of the birds and the chill of morning dew failed to rose Jasin Mandraam from his peaceful slumber. The day was just starting, the sun has not showed its full form and the warm heat still soft and comforting. At first glance, the grassland and the road were devoid of any other creatures except for Jasin and some birds, but in a closer inspection, a pair of tiny little eyes were observing Jasiin from its hiding place between the long grasses.


    This tiny creature was barely 10 feet away from the sleeping Jasin, and it curiously edged closer and closer until finally, it was within reach of Jasin, but still the rustling grasses did not wake Jasin up. Finally, the creature closed in and nuzzled its nose on Jasin's cheek. The young man did not stir. Unsatisfied, it once more roused Jasin, and finally, a grunt escaped Jasin and he started to move. The creature, now alarmed, jumped back and started to run away but only for a bare 5 steps before it stood on its hind legs and looked back at the rising Jasin.


    Rubbing his eyes, Jasin looked around for the creature that woke him up, and their eyes met. Later, in his personal and much exaggerated autobiography, Jasin would write that the instant their eyes met, understanding of of the other started to flood on each of their minds, and they became as inseparable as a mother and her child. What happened was not that simple and convenient. Jasin had smiled in delight when he saw the creature and said, "Well hello little rabbit. Thanks for waking me up. Otherwise I would have wasted a truly beautiful morning." Jasin started to stood and for every move Jasin made, the rabbit stepped back. After a few minutes of a fruitless chase, Jasin devised of a plan.


    He started to lay down and close his eyes. Controlling his breathing, he tried to make it look like he was sleeping, with hope that the rabbit would approach him like it did before. The planned work. The little rabbit edged closer and closer, unaware that he was walking into a trap. When the rabbit was standing beside Jasin, so close that he actually smelled it, Jasin quickly threw both of his arms toward the rabbit. The rabbit tried to wriggle away, but its strength was not a match for a grown man.


    With a victorious smile Jasin held little rabbit up and for the first time really looked at it. The rabbit was only as long as one and a half of Jasin's hand, and it's clearly young. The color of its fur was hazel and on one of its side spots of dark red. However, at a closer inspection of the wriggling little rabbit, Jasin realized with a sad expression that the dark red spots were actually dried blood. Not the little rabbits blood, but most probably its dead parents, which would explain why such a young creature would be alone.


    The rabbit was still wriggling, Jasin smiled at it and said in a soothing voice, "It's alright little one, I'll take care of you." And with one of his hand took out a turnip that he fed to the little rabbit. The wriggling stopped at once and the rabbit focused itself on chewing on the turnip. Laughing in delight, Jasin put the rabbit down and put more turnips in front of it. Then, while smiling at the eating creature, Jasin said half to himself, "For waking me up at the dawn, I shall call you Dawn.. Fitting, don't you think?" Dawn just looked at him and continued his eating.


    Soon, Jasin was ready to travel, and Dawn finished his turnips. When Jasin went to pick up the little rabbit, it stepped back. However, when Jasin walked away, Dawn followed. With a smile, Jasin thought, That would do for now... and continued his journey. That night, he put a check mark on one of the item in his Have-To-Do-Before-I-Die list: Get a follower. Jasin put his pen down, looked at the still following Dawn and laughed. A follower indeed.


    After a few day of uneventful travel, Jasin finally arrived at his destination, Tear. Even before he had reached its gate, Jasin had seen the magnificent Stone of Tear, the natural fortress. He got out his Have-To-See-Before-I-Die list and crossed out Stone of Tear. With that, he entered the city, Dawn following behind him.


    While it wasn't his first time in a city, he was born in Mayene after all, the Tear was still an awesome experience for him. For one, it's a much bigger city, and also with more people in it. He dimly remembered that the city was in the hands of the Dragon Reborn now. However, after only a few minutes inside the city of Tear, a familiar, but dreaded sensation started inside Jasin. Holding his head with his left hand, Jasin's legs buckled under the severe pain of a blinding headache, as if his head was split in two. It followed with the lost of vibrancy in the colors of the world, as if he had entered an alternate reality. His visions started to blur to the point that he could not recognize facial features not geometrical shape. The sounds ceased and a loud silence sunk in. Without even knowing it, Jasin had fallen on the ground, his eyes looking at the sky. Jasin looked around and saw people starting to gather around him, but it was so unreal that he thought it was only a dream. The only thing he remembered before finally passing out was Dawn licking his face. Then everything became dark.

  15. I'm glad you like the idea.  ;)


    And yes, I eventually would want him to be tested by a Yellow Sister. But as for now, Jasin had accepted that he's going to die before his prime, so before I go to a yellow sister, I'll make him experience something that will make him really-really wants to not die, like maybe finding the love of his life. Then I'll go to the Yellow Sister. That way, when he founds out that he can't be cured after all, it'll be all the more dramatic. :D


    Alright then, I'll start writing the RP right away, right after I drop off my sister at her friends that is.


    Another thing, do you want to leave the RP Open for anybody else that might want to join? Or just the two of us? I'm totally fine either way.

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