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Posts posted by Almain

  1. Oooh... A green sister  :D


    Well, meeting an Aes Sedai is in his Have-To-Do-Before-I-Die List. (This is an actual list) And he has two other specific reasons to want to meet an Aes Sedai.


    He has an incurable disease that would eventually cause him to die well before his time. He wanted to see if the OP could cure him, although I OOCly prefer that it can't :P


    Also, being a Warder is in his Things-That-Might-Be-Cool-To-Experience-Before-I-Die List (Another actual list). So he'll be talking a lot about that too, and might even ask you to bond him for a while just to get the experience it. (An impossible thing to ask, but that's how he is)


    If you are still interested in RPing with him, which I hope you are, then how about this? I RP Jasin entering Tear and while walking on the road get a sudden attack of his usual blinding headache, a symptom of his illness. This time, the headache would be severe enough that he'll faint, then it's your turn. :D


    Of course, I'm not good at this creative stuff, so I'm open to all suggestion!

  2. Since my FL is now approved and CCed, I can actually start roleplaying. :)


    So I was wondering if anybody would RP with a harmless young adventurer.


    For the location I was thinking either on the road from Mayene to Tear, or at Tear itself. Although if those don't work I'm open to other places.


    Just an FYI, you can see his bio by clicking on the Jasin Mandraam link on my signature.


    So... yeah, I promise it's going to be fun! :D


  3. Hey everybody! As the title suggested, I'm joining the Black Tower!  :D


    I figured since OP is so big in the WoT series, I should make at the least one character who can channel, and I can't RP a woman so an Ashaman it is!


    Before I write my Bio though, I have some questions. I hope I'm allowed to post them here.


    One, I read the history of the tower, but I just want to clarify: So, if my character wants to join the Black Tower, would he go to Tear? Or straight to the Farm?


    Two, does the Black Tower sends out those recruitment parties like it does in the book?


    Thanks a lot for your assistance, and I can't wait to get to know and RP with all of you! :)

  4. Thaes sighed quietly in relief before he could stop himself upon hearing that the fight wasn't to the death. At once, he revoked himself of the sigh and as if that was also the man's fault, Thaes' fury grew. But still, he did not move. It did not occur to him that submission would be harder for a man of Thaes' arrogance then maybe even death.


    With his hands still trembling in fear and anticipation, Thaes kept his eyes on his opponent, now with his sword out, circling himself. However, Thaes could not take the first move, even if he had wanted to, his feet would not take the step forward. Then his opponent shouldered his sword and taunted Thaes even more in front of the guards.


    A growl escaped Thaes' lips. The gesture itself, paired with the words that came out of the man's mouth flamed Thaes' fury to the point of momentarily overriding his fear. But still, his hands trembled and his legs refused to move. Raising his left hand high, Thaes shouted, "RAAAH!! Move damn you!!" and hit both of his legs hard until his palm hurt. Then with another roar, Thaes charged at his opponent, starting his slash from below and continued it towards his opponents neck. In his fury, Thaes had forgotten that the fight was to submission, and performed what is meant to be a killing blow.

  5. Thaes' mouth tightened when the man turned around to face him. A part of him had hoped that the man standing before him would ignore Thaes and move on. Still with his hand on the hilt of his unsheathed sword, Thaes watched the taller man with fury in his eyes but also a growing uncertainty. His anger heightened when the man called Thaes a blowhard and an idiot and Thaes started to slid his katana out of its sheath.


    However, Thaes abruptly stopped his hand when he heard the word death from the man's mouth. Instantly his expression turned to be one of fear. Death? Despite Thaes' arrogance and his likeness to beat down people weaker than him, not once in his life have he ever taken a life. Even the thought of it never crossed the young man's mind. More than the fear of taking somebody else's life however, was the sudden fear of losing his own. Looking at the man's eyes and his readied form Thaes could not but think that the man was serious. Frozen in place, cold sweat started to bead Thaes' bare forehead.


    Nobody had even stood up at Thaes before. Nobody had ever dared to. Thaes was in a situation that he had no idea how to get out of, or what to expect. Gritting his teeth, Thaes repulsed himself, You idiot! What are you so afraid of?! Getting more irritated at himself by the second he tried to rationalize his fear, It's this damn place, that's what unnerving me... However, glancing at the man's eyes, Thaes knew that it was a pathetic lie. The man scared him; the prospect of death scared him.


    I brought this upon myself, and now I have to take the consequences. The blade slid out more, but ever so slowly and with uncertainty. This is the first obstacle to be the strongest man in the land, I can't back down... The blade was halfway drawn. Then Thaes remembered the way the man was looking at him and he could felt a tiny bit of anger pushing down at his fear, Nobody can look down on me and get away with it! His katana was out, held in his right hand in a stance that he had practiced so much before.


    Thaes forced himself to look at his opponent, and thought about the answer to his question. Thaes definitely did not want it to be to the death, but he couldn't say that in fear of being seen as cowardice. So he forced a smirk and said to the man, "Your call." and hoped for the best. With his free hand, Thaes wiped the sweat off of his face, but they did not stop pouring. The fear was there in Thaes' eyes, and only his pride prevented him from turning away from the man's dangerous gaze. Finally, a thought that never occurred to Thaes before appeared in his head, I am going to die. And his hand trembled.

  6. The sight of the Warders Yard calmed him if but a little bit. Here, in this place, Thaes can practice what he does best, combat. However, just as it seemed like Thaes was going to forget all about the old woman, little kid, and the mysterious woman, a man much much taller than him walked up to his side from behind.


    A little bit taken off guard, Thaes gave the man a quick scan. Black haired and at the least 8 inches taller than Thaes himself, he could see that it was no ordinary man. If that wasn't enough, his gray eyes made it clear. That same gray eyes looked Thaes from head to toe, and shook his head before he left as if looking down on Thaes.


    Thaes could feel his anger rising once more, close to the boiling point. After the treatments from the old woman, the little kid and the woman, Thaes could take it no more. I held back with the old woman, stayed my hand with the brat, and kept my cool with the mysterious woman... I'm not going to take it anymore from this man, especially this man! Thinking he can look down on me just because of my height... Being awfully sensitive of his short stature, Thaes always presume that when people looks down on him, his height is the cause.


    Thaes smiled at the man's back, A perfect chance to vent my frustration, he thought. "You there!" Thaes shouted at the man and started walking towards him. "I didn't like the way you look at me earlier. At other times I would've forgiven you and think little of it." A lie, but Thaes didn't care. "But this time..." Thaes chuckled, "Blame your luck that you caught me in a bad mood." Thaes stopped when he was only a few paces behind the man. Thaes would not strike a man from behind, or even brandish his weapon before the other does so. However, all this is not because of honor, which Thaes did not have, but as part of his arrogance in his fighting skills.


    With a smile he continued, "Turn around and wield your weapon. Let us see if you soft city folks can show me a decent fight." With that, Thaes put his hand on the hilt of his katana, ready to unsheathe it any second.

  7. Hmm, I do have a question, since this morning (It's still 11:14 AM in my place) the forum has been really really really slow. It takes more than 5 minutes to open any page in the forum. I open all other sites fine, even dragonmount.com


    Is anybody else experiencing this? Or am I the only one? :(


    Secondly, sorry for being slow, but after opening the links that you gave me, I still don't really understand when I'll get my WS... Do I make a new topic in that board? Do I wait till somebody make that thread for me?


    Sorry for being so slow...  :-X

  8. The journey from Kandor to Tar Valon was an uneventful one. Despite the fact that it was the first time Thaes has been so far away from home did not dampen his mood. He traveled atop Car'Caban, his crimson stallion, feeling as if he was a king on a journey of a great destiny. In his last letter, Thaes' great uncle had warned him on the world outside his village, on how times were dangerous for a lone traveler. However, his arrogant disposition and the swords strapped on his back sent most road bandits looking for an easier picking. All in all, Thaes felt good leaving his flyspeck of village behind thinking, That place wasn't for a man of my talents and destiny. He then laughed, thinking how a village like that could hope to contain the greatness of Thaes.


    When not resting and conditioning his body, Thaes spent his travels imagining how his abilities would shock the people at the Warders Yard, and how he was going to one day set a new standard of blade mastery. Smiling foolishly while thinking those things, Thaes' eyes spotted something that at least for quite some time, managed to quell his arrogance. The Dragonmount. For all of his great ambition and imagination, Thaes had never in his life imagined that something could be so majestic. Involuntarily, and to his irritation, Thaes' had goosebumps looking at the Dragon's gigantic tombstone. He did not allow himself to stand in awe for too long, and a smile appeared in his face. The Dragonmount... The Dragon's grave, now that's worthy of my destiny... Thus once again, Thaes sunk himself in his imagination, Maybe I'll make a natural fortress out of Dragonmount, just like the Stone in Tear...


    Thaes let his imagination run wild, exploring the greatest of ambitions and the most impossible of goals, and Thaes believes that all that can be realized by being the strongest in the land. He went on with his head above the clouds until finally another great scene appeared before him. The White Tower. Thaes gaped before he could stopped himself, the Dragonmount was one thing, at least it was nature, but Thaes couldn't believe that something like The White Tower was built by humans. They probably built it with the One Power though... The thought did nothing to diminish the awesomeness of the skyscraper. The closer he got to The White Tower, to Tar Valon, the more difficult it became to hide the overwhelming awe that he was feeling. For a man who spent his whole life in a small isolated village, something like Tar Valon was beyond his imagination. Finally, when he arrived at the bridge, Thaes forced himself to act like he was experiencing nothing unusual. However, he could not stop himself from looking left and right at the bridge he was on, and revel at its magnificence. Now, in front of the Shining Walls of Tar Valon, Thaes wondered if he was ready for what awaits.


    Even from the outside Thaes could already see the greatness of Tar Valon, with its white palaces like buildings seemingly made of stone laces and the wonderfully paved roads, to the amount of people that busied its street. Once again, Thaes had to force himself to move on. Half-disgusted at himself, he thought, How would you be able to be on top of this world if you can't even face a lifeless set of stones!But even that did not stop him from gawking at every little thing in Tar Valon.


    Being it's his first time in a city, Thaes was at lost of what to do with his horse. He was well aware of his lack of height, and if he was sitting on a horse Thaes could pretend that he was as tall as any others. However, whether it was true or not, Thaes felt like everybody was watching him, and decided to dismount and lead his horse by the nose. Looking at what the citizens were wearing, Thaes could not but worry if he looked okay in his attires. Back at his village, the things he were wearing usually would only be worn on feast days, but even that didn't match what the citizens had on.


    Thaes wore a sleeveless blue buttoned shirt never buttoning the uppermost button. Staying true to his homeland, he wore a pair of black breeches with blue embroidery along the side. On his left ear Thaes wore a jeweled earring in style of the Kandori and on his back two swords, one notably shorter than the other, both sheathed on beautifully ornate sheaths. His blond hair were combed neatly to the back, his forked beard marked him a Kandori.


    Thaes knew that he was a good looking fellow, but for some reason then, he could not meet any of the women eyes or show them his winning smile like he usually does back at his village. Looking at the women in Tar Valon, Thaes could not help but smile and looked pleased, City girls are indeed a whole different class from those homely ones back at that sorry excuse for a village...Thaes made note to visit the city later and try his luck on some of the women there.


    Remembering what he had set out here to do, Thaes went to find information on the whereabouts of the Warders Yard. He saw an old man seemingly taking his time walking on the road and decided to ask him, "Old man, where can I find the Warders Yard?" The old man looked up and Thaes was surprised that the old man was indeed an old woman. Noting the rude tone in Thaes' voice, the old woman sniffed and walked away, muttering something about "young people these days" and "foreigners". Irritated and more than a little surprised -nobody ever dares to ignore him back in his village- Thaes looked for another source of information. He saw a little kid drawing at the side of the road with a stick and approached him, "Hey brat! I need the directions to the Warders Yard!"The little boy looked at Thaen, stood up, kicked the bigger guy in the shin hard, and ran away laughing. Holding his shin, Thaes cursed loudly, "Blood and ashes!"Suddenly, Thaes felt a lash on his bottom and let out a yelp.


    Thaes turned around furious and ready to beat up the life of the person who did that to him but to his surprise nobody was behind him but a regal looking woman looking at him from several paces away. Thaes looked in puzzlement at the woman. He was used to women looking at him, but something about this one seemed really different. The woman were pretty, just a little short of beautiful. At first Thaes thought that the woman were as young as himself, but another look made her seem much much older. Thaes just seemed to can't put an age on the woman. Still confused, Thaes could only watch as the woman glided at him, a penetrating look on her eyes, "The Warders Yard?" She said in an unfamiliar accent. Thaes could only nod. The woman gave him an appraising look and proceeded to give him direction. When she was done, the woman smiled mysteriously and said, "Hmm... You're a promising one it seemed. I already have one, but one more couldn't hurt." She chuckled quietly and added, "Once I take care of that attitude of yours and the foul languague that is." Once again she laughed mysteriously and left with a, "We'll meet again."


    Thaes stood there gaping at the woman's back and he could not help but thought how crazy a city he had entered. Realizing how stupid he must look, Thaes grumbled and proceeded to the directions that was given. Bloody old man, bloody kid, and bloody bloody woman!


    Navigating once again through the light-forsaken city, Thaes finally arrived at his destination, the Warders Yard.

  9. *watches in dismay as he sees the cookies dissapear*  :(


    On a happier note, my Bio's approved! And CCed! Thanks for the quick approval Talavin, and nice to meet you all! It seemed I have gotten myself into a lively place.


    Now that I managed to tear my eyes off of CNN, I think I'll write my fun first RP in the Warder Yards! :D



  10. Well, as the topic said, I'm joining in the Warder Train! :D


    I just sent in my Bio and while waiting to get approved I thought I should say his and make myself known.


    Anyways, hey everybody! Looking forward to knowing you all, :)


    Get ready to meet the newest Trainee which I'm pretty sure you'll all learn to hate :P (but don't hate me!)

  11. Nice to meet you all!  :D


    Hmm... I wanted to be either a scout or archer.. But looking at the statistic it seems like I need to go to infantry... There has to be someone standing on the front line receiving the blows. ;) It's decided! But there will be someone to train me even though there's nobody at infantry at the moment?

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