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Elayrin Eleazar

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Posts posted by Elayrin Eleazar

  1. Also just finished reading Ender's Game aloud to my children, they loved it, now I have to find something new to read to them so anyone have suggestions for appropriate reads for 9 and 10 year olds? (Before you suggest: The Harry Potter Series, LOTR, Percy Jackson, and Neil Gaimon are already off the list we tackled all of them this year).


    What about Michael Ende? He's a German author, but his works have been translated. "Die unendliche Geschichte" is "The Neverending Story" - maybe you know the films? They're not half as good as the book - in fact, they don't have much in common. Maybe you could give it a try? I can also recommend other Michael Ende books. "Der satanarchäolügenialkohöllische Wunschpunsch" is "The Night of Wishes" (the title is so funny in German, the English title sounds rather simple, but it's a great book), or "Momo". Ende's books are unique, his imagination is vast, he writes intelligent fantasy for children, but even adults enjoy his books. If you want something special, you should try it out (and please tell me if you liked the books! :happy: )

  2. You Scored as Moiraine Damodred

    You are Moiraine Damodred. Like Moiraine, you have a very graceful, yet strong personality. You are very quiet and mysterious and don't often show feeling. You love magic.


    Moiraine Damodred 65%

    Nynaeve al' Meara 60%

    Egwene al' Vere 55%

    al' Lan Mandragoran 50%

    Thom Merrilin 45%

    Rand al' Thor 45%

    Elayne Trakand 35%

    Perrin Aybara 30%

    Matrim Cauthon 25%

    Galadedrid Damodred 25%


    Hm... somehow I don't think that fits... :unsure:



    You Scored as Nynaeve

    You are Nynaeve al'Maera! You speak your mind, and are not afraid to flay someone with the sharp side of your tongue if you feel they need it, but have a kind, protective heart beneath your steely exterior.


    Nynaeve 80%

    Verin 75%

    Moiraine 60%

    Egwene 60%

    Lanfear 60%

    Graendal 55%

    Berelain 50%

    Liandrin 40%


    I think this fits better. :happy:

  3. just started the Black Jewel trilogy


    How do you like it? I don't know if I should give it a try or not.... heard a lot of good things about it, but a lot of bad as well - and the uninspired names are definitely bugging me... :unsure:

  4. Just finished reading Patricia Briggs' newest Mercy Thompson novel, River Marked. I've really liked the other ones as far as light reading goes, this one felt shorter and more rushed though.

    I had the same feeling. "River Marked" is not bad and definitely has its moments, but you're right, it feels shorter and somehow rushed through - more like an expanded short story.


    Right now, I'm reading "A Game of Thrones". After 200 pages I can say: more of it! :biggrin: But I'm prepared, the other books are already waiting for me on my bookshelf... together with "Gardens of the Moon". Enough stuff to read for a couple of weeks. :biggrin:

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