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Posts posted by cookiecrisp

  1. Actually that was her greatest triumph. If it hadn't been here Rand would never have been pushed to reconcile his issues.


    I don't think that's a valid argument for anything. That's like saying Lanfear is a hero for setting the dark one free so that Rand could seal him up again.

  2. It'd most likely turn out as at most 20,000 Andormen from the neutral high seats against 30,000 Andormen from the high seats that sieged Caemlyn and the other ones licking Rand's boots and the Aiel and Saldeans.


    The neutral high seats turned out all the armsmen on their estates held. There's no way they'd all come to fight the ruling power in Caemlyn and 5 times their number in trained soldiers instead of a patriotic Succession.


    It would have been a gesture more than a real battle.







    Elayne would find it suicidal to use OP in attempt to gain the throne of Andor. She'd look like a white tower puppet, and be held in low regard by the white tower itself.


    To compound on that, her opponents could have contracted Taim's Ashaman while giving them special rights in Andor if it became obvious OP was being used against them.


    The neutral high seats were ready to fight the full might of the rebel Aes Sedai and their army to stop what they thought was going to be an Ashaman v Aes Sedai battle that would've turned half of Andor into slag. I'm sure no one in Andor, especially the politically savvy Elayne would have risked a move stupid enough to leave her the queen of a glass plain.

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