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Posts posted by Puny

  1. Other dislikes: Darrell K. Sweet




    That was so obvious I forgot to mention it. Terrible covers =/


    A pretty funny and spot on comparison of the the Sweet covers vs the new ebook covers:


    Cover comparison


    Nice. I'd never seen the eBook covers. The TSR and TFOH ones are awesome.


    The comparison was spot on. And funny =) Now I´m waiting for part 2 and I agree with the author. The Robert Jordan on the new covers is abit too large.

  2. I´m a huge fan of WoT and I haven´t read ToM yet, just the prologue. I can wait abit more since I´m doing a reread. Not every fan jumps on the books when they come out. I need to read some other books too <3


    Another thing I dislike... well would like to have more of is food and desserts! I think it´s interesting to know what people eat. They gotta eat something else then bread and cheese and mutton. It´s not a huge dislike.. more a puny one.


    Speaking of which - does Thom feels guilty for killing Moiraine's brother Taringail?


    Doubtful, it was either kill him or allow him to kill Morgase.

    yes, I don't see why he should feel guilty about that one. and Moiraine didn't seem to hold it against him either. What's interesting is how she knew that it was him who did it.


    =/ When did this happen and how did I miss it. Or maybe I´ve simply forgotten it... But Thom killed Taringail?

  4. I´m rereading WH and a couple of chapters after Rand and Elayne had sex Narishma runs to get Cadsuane cause there is something wrong with Alanna. She is laying limp in a bed and they can´t make contact with her. Cads is fearful cause she is afraid they will lose a connection with Rand and Verin is all horror and big eyes.


    What was Verin so afraid of? Did she think someone would discover Alanna had been Compelled, did she think Alanna was a DF, what is me missing?

  5. In the early days of my WoT obsession I hated the descriptions, describing everything in detail. Now.. I actually like it, it brings (you are gonna kill me lol) a slower pace to the books that I kinda like. I have work that requires of me to always pay attention, think and analyze and so on and it involves kids so the slower pacing and boggy descriptions is almost kinda meditative for me as they really make me focus on the story.

    I dislike some of the characterization and how it´s written and how some men/women are portrayed.

  6. I think part of the reason Rand is behaving somewhat oddly is that he is still discovering and coming to terms with who exactly he is now. He makes that remark "I thought I was beyond such anger now, but I guess I have to be angry sometimes too" after A Storm of Light (paraphrased). Indicates that he has found a new peace, but isn't sure exactly how to feel about it/what balance to strike.


    He also seems a bit...giddy, which I think is totally fair. I mean he was in horrible agony and madness and despair, and then he was suddenly healed and found hope. He can see without madness for the first time in years (?), has hope, doesn't have LTT screaming at him, and is finally not furious all the time. I think after an emotional experience like that, you would both laugh and cry a little more easily for a while until you regained some emotional composure--hence the Tam scene. He doesn't have his barriers anymore so he needs a little time and space before his head is entirely on straight. All this is without even considering the LTT memories.


    Re: Sanche questioning, I think that made sense along similar lines. He is letting himself feel things again, and he is understandably interested in what HIS OWN reaction would be to seeing Egwene as Amyrlin when he wasn't in a crazed rage void. I think his new mental state and merger with LTT is a puzzle to him, which is part of the reason he spends so much time meditating on a cloud.


    I think the final Rand outcome will be something like how he was with Egwene really. I thought that scene read quite plausibly for him. He comes in, is curious about Egwene b/c she was a childhood friend, is a little sad at the distance between them (and at using her) but he manipulates her into gathering the world's armies. He does so somewhat formally, but also playfully (his bow and smile after she yells at him for turning his back). As mentioned, he has become very much the noble and philosopher and, well, king. In addition to Moiraine schooling, he has spent most of the series out-smarting people at court and at war and trying to puzzle out the prophesies (with some success). He also founded the first universities in this age. Between that and LTT personality seepage, he was already pretty formal and scholarly--look at how Dark Rand (embarrassingly) treats Tam when he first meets him (before he freaks). Very formal. Now he is still somewhat formal and philosophical, like he always was, he just isn't a huge dick who is brimming with rage all the time, so he is a little more playful and compassionate like how he used to be as a kid in the TR. Felt right to me.




    The abruptness and the sense of feeling fake I think has abit to do with us waiting so long for each book. I think and hope that when I reach ToM on my new read it will all feel... connected. And I think it will. PoD flowed like a charm when I read it and WH will be a breeze. So the sense of disconnection will lessen I think. But here is supposed to be a dramatic shift from Dark Rand to Rand Sedai.

  7. I think its safe to say that the new rand was intentional. the question is whether it was merely a plot device or part of his character due to his recent changes. imo it is really how rand would behave. i mean to suddenly gain the wisdom and experience of 400 years is going to change you. not to mention the fact that the biggest weight on rands mind was his death,and he now has the memory of going insane, killing his family and everyone he knew then becoming sane just long enough to kill himself. knowing the worst possible way he can die must make sacrificing himself to stop the dark one and save the world seem easy. these two things alone would explain his new "zen" attitude. as to the monologues with strangers thing; the two rivers was a quiet peaceful place where rand grew up honest and unafraid and as we see when he encounters daes daemar he prefers to be straightforward and it works. as he became darker he trusted everyone less and less and kept his thoughts to himself more which led to him becoming even darker. now that he has released that darkness he can return to the straightforward person that he is.



    And Rand´s transformation- although the depth of it was unexpected for me it fits his charactergrowth really well. I for one love Rand Sedai.

  8. The portrayal of the females when they interact with the male protagonists (the gender thing) and the "funny" rape of Mat.


    First off! Heja Sverige. Ett steg närmare världsdominans! =P


    Second: I dk if that was Jordan´s intention but maybe he portrayed the women as interacting with the men as he did, to make a statement how the men in our world act with women. Subversive writing... although if some of the men irl were as pigheaded as some of the women in WoT I would smack them.

    And rape of women is still considered as something... like meh. Mean crime, rape is bad, but hey girl? What were you wearing and maybe you liked it rough? And nobody cares.


    But my biggest one is! Nobody communicates! And I hate the fact that there is a man vs woman war going on. I really hope that will be reconciled at the end of the series.


    Yeah, Azazel is a demon type thingy. He's Nightcrawlers dad.


    :ohmy: That was a surprise for someone that doesn´t know any Xmen-Lore lol. Although Azazel was way cooler <3

    I think Fassbender was really good, I liked his portrayal of Eric.


    On tuesday you can get a review of Super8. Ima see it then =)

  10. There is a metal band named "Lanfear"

    The band Nightwish has a song called "The Kinslayer", though it is not about The Wheel of Time. Seems likely the title is a reference to WoT though.


    The band Nightwish is badass! <3

    The title is not a reference to WoT. The song is about the Columbine massacre.


    I said the song is not about the WoT. It does, however, seem likely that the title is a reference to WoT, especially considering Tuomas is a fantasy fan and many of their songs have literature or movie references. I have no proof that the title is a reference to WoT, it just seems likely.


    It does not seem likely at all. I know Toumas is a fan of fantasy,the song Wishmaster is one such example. But why would the title be a reference to WoT when the song is about the killings at Columbine, doesn´t make much sense...


    The song is about Columbine, we've established that. Is the title referring to Columbine though? The slayers at Columbine did not slay their kin. Nobody ever referred to them as kinslayers. I think it's obvious that the title has nothing to do with the song, which is not at all unheard of. Smells Like Teen Spirit comes to mind, it has nothing to do with deodorant. Toumas obviously got the name of the song from somewhere... I guess he could have made it up, but being a fan of fantasy it doesn't seem that likely.


    Kinslayer as in slaying kin =students/humans. Just because there is Kinslayer in the title doesn´t mean that it´s about WoT. Besides Kinslayer is pretty normal compared to say Myrdraal. We obviously disagree since I claim that the title is indeed referring to the actual song and not some WoT-reference. In the songs were he has been inspired by fantasy like Wishmaster, Elvenpath and Wanderlust he even mentions some fantasy-names such as Shalafi and Elbereth.

  11. This is fascinating (truly), but a little unrelated to the original question (though we now have about 2 pages' worth of discussion about Compulsion - almost as much as we had about Egwene and Rand). Nevertheless, could I suggest a return to the issue at hand?


    For those of you who think Egwene was never a good friend to Rand (or vice versa), I remind you that she was the only one of his friends to accept his channeling. Though it obviously pained her greatly, the very first thing she said to him upon learning of it was "I'm sorry, Rand. I'm sorry. I don't care. Truly, I don't." Even Nynaeve only had this to say for herself: "you are still Rand al'Thor of Emond's Field. But, the Light help me, the Light help us all, you are too dangerous, Rand."

    Think for a minute what that would mean to him, in a world so biased against male channelers. He just discovered he's to be an outcast, but here she was, accepting him nonetheless.

    Moreover, throughout TGH she worried about him and longed to help him (when she saw Lanfear in her Dreams).

    And for his part, a mere glance at her made him ride into a city being wrecked by battle. Part of that was the Pattern's pull, for sure, but I'm certain he felt something for her. Mat had also said that "saving Egwene isn't wasting time", true, but that only serves as a measure of the friendship between all these people, I believe.


    Yoniyo... you destroy all the fun. =/ This is more fascinating then the usal Egwene is awesome/Egwene is dumby discussions we fans have.


    EvilSocrates: The example with the pedohile was really interesting and true. I assume that if you would use Compulsion that way that would indeed increase the freedom for said pedophile. But it isn´t only a question of freedom, as you said before, it depends on what values the sisters have. For example, one Sister could very well find that being under Compulsion to a nice Asha´man as Logain and serve and obey him would be better then beind dead. Light, some sisters would do that willingly. Other sisters would rather kill themselves then be the slaves of Asha´man. But with Compulsion they don´t even have a choice. They have to do it, no matter what. About the binder and how it was used during the AoL: I dk if they only bound the serious meanies; like rapists, killers and so on, or if they did it for lesser crimes, like thefth, assault and so on. And then there is the interesting discussion when using the binder is "right" Is it when the criminal has stolen a sho-car or when he has beaten someone into a pulp, or is it every single crime?


    Yoniyo... again: It is true that Egwene cared abit for Rand in the beginning but that quickly changed into, maybe not into open hostility but certainly into "I see no Rand, I see man that can go crazy, he is dangerous" to "Mad Dragon that is gonna destroy the world, you need to be leashed and controlled by me for the good of mankind." It changed quickly and we don´t get to see that she thinks one thought that he is somewhat kind or w/e... she too readily imo believes all the rumours and whisperes.

  12. There is a metal band named "Lanfear"

    The band Nightwish has a song called "The Kinslayer", though it is not about The Wheel of Time. Seems likely the title is a reference to WoT though.


    The band Nightwish is badass! <3

    The title is not a reference to WoT. The song is about the Columbine massacre.


    I said the song is not about the WoT. It does, however, seem likely that the title is a reference to WoT, especially considering Tuomas is a fantasy fan and many of their songs have literature or movie references. I have no proof that the title is a reference to WoT, it just seems likely.


    It does not seem likely at all. I know Toumas is a fan of fantasy,the song Wishmaster is one such example. But why would the title be a reference to WoT when the song is about the killings at Columbine, doesn´t make much sense...

  13. "You're troubled by him, Egwene. More than usual, I mean. I can tell. Why?"

    "I have reason to be, Elayne. The eyes-and-ears report very troubling rumors. Only rumors, I hope, but if they aren't..." She was very much the Amyrlin Seat now, a short slender young woman who seemed strong as steel and tall as a mountain. Determination filled her dark eyes and set her jaw. "I know you love him. I love him, too. But I am not trying to Heal the White Tower just so he can chain Aes Sedai like damane. Sleep well and have pleasant dreams, Elayne. Pleasant dreams are more valuable than people realize." And with that, she was gone, back to the waking world.

    I think Egwene meant what she said—she still cares about Rand in her own way—but her tendency to assume the worst of him (like Rand having used Compulsion on the sworn Aes Sedai) excludes the possibility of any real friendship.


    Another Egwene trashing thread? "They're not friends cause Egwene is selfish and broke his heart QQ." Everyone knew they wern't getting married, including Rand. And you skipped over the KEY part in this quote:


    "I have reason to be, Elayne. The eyes-and-ears report very troubling rumors. Only rumors, I hope, but if they aren't..." She was very much the Amyrlin Seat now


    People complain about Perrin ditching his duties and admitting that he'd let the pattern fall to shreds in his fight to save Faile, but Egwene focusing on her significantly more important duties is somehow a bad thing. She didn't say Rand would leash Aes Sedai, she said she wasn't going to allow him to, based on the rumors she was hearing. If her eyes-and-ears were telling her things and she just ignored them she would be a terrible leader.


    If I hear another critiscm of Egwene as Egwene bashing I´m gonna ... I dk, tie their hands and tickle them until they beg for mercy!


    Sure it´s her job to be annoying... I mean Amyrlin, and ofc she is to listen to her eyes-and-ears. But she detests that he is to chain Aes Sedai as damane, which he hasn´t (Aes Sedai has sworn, some willingly, some by ta´veren effect and some by Compelling) but she is willing to put a chain on all women who can channel tying them to the Tower. Admirable as that may be, she doesn´t even consider IF all those channeling women want a connection to the Tower or if that´s a good thing. (which I dont think, sure the numbers of AS are gonna increase, but in an enviroment like that most AS are gonna think the same, and evolution and change comes from people thinking different, and doing views differently and experimenting which the Kin, Aiel women) She and the AS is like the frakking Pope with rules and traditions, although in her favor, she is more willing to change then the actual Pope.

  14. I just watched Priest. Crap movie IMO. Misleading trailers, horrible cliche dialogue, and a plot thinner than Paris Hilton after Gastric bypass. Again, IMO.


    =/ Really? Crap.. and I was planning on seeing it next week when it comes out in the Land of hard stale bread and rotten fish. I watched the trailers as did you, and it looked really good. I even like the first book...


    I watched Xmen-First Class yday and I thought it was really good. But I´ve always had a week spot for the mutants and their "Bow down filthy humans" vs "We can coexist man next to mutant kinda man". And Fassbender was just awesome in this movie. I <3 him =)


    Yeah, I thought it was terrible. It just could have been more. I thought the whole "Priestly abilities" was gonna be more than a less cool ripoff of some matrix shit. But again, that's just me, it's only an hour and a half so you may still enjoy it. :]


    I'm going to see X-men first class and I have high expectations for it. Or at least it should be better than the original trilogy or Origins:Wolverine.


    There are other ways of watching movies though without having to wait. *shifty eyes*


    Priest was written before Matrix, so I dk about rip-off. People get inspired and lend from one another, it´s all cool. Hmm then I guess ima skip Priest or watch it the same way you are gonna do... the other way! :tongue: Asha´man Kovan, you are not gonna be disappointed. I hope not, I think the story was good and you get a background story for Eric and Xavier. Plus you get to see a really cool Azazel.. I think he is the same creature as Wagner but blue oO

  15. I just watched Priest. Crap movie IMO. Misleading trailers, horrible cliche dialogue, and a plot thinner than Paris Hilton after Gastric bypass. Again, IMO.


    =/ Really? Crap.. and I was planning on seeing it next week when it comes out in the Land of hard stale bread and rotten fish. I watched the trailers as did you, and it looked really good. I even like the first book...


    I watched Xmen-First Class yday and I thought it was really good. But I´ve always had a week spot for the mutants and their "Bow down filthy humans" vs "We can coexist man next to mutant kinda man". And Fassbender was just awesome in this movie. I <3 him =)

  16. Faile is very, very young, the youngest of the main characters. I think you have to take that into account when reading her.


    She is brave, she is clever, she is loyal, she is hot, and she is at least slightly kinky. What's not to like? It's not her fault her husband got all emo when she was missing. (Not really his fault, either, but that's a different thread.)


    I don't even find the jealousy irritating; it's realistic. And, let's remember, it's not like she was imagining things where Berelain was concerned.


    What I do find irritating is the hypocrisy. She's always insisting that Perrin step up to his responsibilities, right? From practically the first moment we meet her? But what did she do? She ran away, abandoning her own responsibilities, to seek adventure.


    I like her too, I just wish she would speak her bloody mind sometimes. Perrin´s nose just confuses him sometimes. The jealousy is realistic in someone who has jealousy issues, which she has. I dk if you can see that as hypocrisy, she is as you said young. Young people tend to shy away from responsibilities...

  17. Don't be too hard on yourself, Mat made the same mistake when he told Nynaeve immeaditely after he heard the promises “You just finished promising to do as I say." Of course, she was not amused. ;)


    From the context it's apparent the promises were only about the stay in Ebou Dar, but I don't think that was said straight out. But later on Elayne hired the Band, so she'd have to give Mat some orders as its commander, and none of them thought the Ebou Dar promises would be a problem, so it's seems they considered them not binding any more.


    Pff... I´m not hard on myself. ; ) Oki, no binding then. I gotta say, those chapters were so much fun. And I always thought CoC was boring. Makes you wonder how much you forget or mix up when you haven´t read the series in a long time.

    Thanks for your help.

  18. Elayne and Nynaeve never swore to obey Mat. This is what they promised:


    ACOS, Ch.22


    To show the depth of our regret, we undertake the following promises.” Aviendha had said an apology was only a beginning. “We will not belittle or demean you in any way, nor shout at you for any reason, nor . . . nor attempt to give you orders.” Nynaeve winced. Elayne’s mouth tightened too, but she did not stop. “Recognizing your due concern for our safety, we will not leave the palace without telling you where we are going, and we will listen to your advice.” Light, she had no wish to be Aiel, no wish to do any of this, but she wanted Aviendha’s respect. “If you . . . if you decide that we are . . .” Not that she had any intention of becoming a sister-wife—the very idea was indecent!—but she did like her. “. . . are putting ourselves in needless danger . . .” It was not Aviendha’s fault that Rand had caught both their hearts. And Min’s as well. “. . . we will accept bodyguards of your choosing . . .” Fate or ta’veren or whatever, what was, was. She loved both women like sisters. “. . . and keep them with us as long as possible.”


    Lol, my mind conjured all that up to obedience. Anyhow, all those things, like listening to his advice and having bodyguards from time to time, all that was cleared right? They don´t have to listen to his advice anymore?

  19. Either way, Cad's 270 year comment coincides with her run in with Norla.


    Thanks guys, now I know. =)


    Man a female Swede calling herself a pet.. too good to be true.


    Pff, I am a female, women, girl w/e you wanna call it. I´m Swedish too, lol. So it´s all good and true =)


    And now for my question.

    I know that Nynaeve and Elayne swore to obey Mat when they were in Ebou Dar (love those chapters) Did Elayne/Aviendha ever consider the toh being met or did Mat just release them?

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