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Posts posted by Glip

  1. I've been thinking a lot about it. I'm in the middle of Aviendha's trip into the future. If it was hard for the Aiel to accept their past (many who go to Rhuidean never return) it must be nearly impossible to see their future and survive.

    Is that the reason that no wise one can go through the Pillars twice? Back when they were figuring out what the Pillars were for, they sent someone in. They came back and told the story. The wise ones decided it would be a good test to become a wise one. They sent her back to find out more... she never returned. Could it be that Avi didn't actually change a thing with the Pillars? They have always shown you the past the first time, and the future the second time. It's just that Avi was the first person strong enough to cope with the second trip.

    Yes, I think you're right. I re-read this scene recently and there's no line which could be interpreted as Aviendha doing something to change how the ter'angreal works. It seems to me either that no-one survived a second trip or that a decision was made not to allow a second trip.


    That sequence was probably the most depressing part of the whole series.


    If that were true though, why would the ter'angreal work multiple times for visions of the past and just once for the future?

    Aviendha felt something "almost alive" when she probed the ter'angreal, afterwards it was dead. So either Aviendha actually DID do something or the ter'angreal was a one-shot-gun for the visions of the future. Please discuss.


    Actually, come to think of it, it was the words of Nakomi (Verin or not) that started Avi's line of thought that put her through a second time.

    Some more oil on the fire of that theory?

  2. Question: What the #@&*! was Nicola all of a sudden doing in the middle of the battle in TAR with the BA in ToM only to be killed a second later? It was never fully explained and when Egwene wakes up, her line of thought on that is interrupted by the discovery of Gawyn and the dead bloodknives.


    Question 2: How come Egwene's room wasn't warded or trapped when Gawyn burst in to save her from the bloodknifes whereas Egwene had done that the first time?


    1) She stole one of the ter'angeal I believe.


    2) It was, but the bloodknives used a servant to set off the traps and get her (the servant) caught instead of them. Egwene couldn't wake up even if she had an alarm set to do that, as the dreamspike kept her stuck in the dream.



    Okay, that explains the second.

    As for 1), Egwene commented on that when she met Nicola there along the lines of "she must have gotten a ter'angreal" but wouldn't those dream-ter'angreal have been closely guarded? And still... why would Nicola choose that moment to sneak into TAR? I think it's a bit too easy to assume she's just so naive as to think she could help.

  3. Question: What the #@&*! was Nicola all of a sudden doing in the middle of the battle in TAR with the BA in ToM only to be killed a second later? It was never fully explained and when Egwene wakes up, her line of thought on that is interrupted by the discovery of Gawyn and the dead bloodknives.


    Question 2: How come Egwene's room wasn't warded or trapped when Gawyn burst in to save her from the bloodknifes whereas Egwene had done that the first time?

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