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Maglin josVinn

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Posts posted by Maglin josVinn

  1. Vinn looked at the woman with an eyebrow raised, cross eyed at the finger... "A walk? and why are you coughing, if you've taken up a pipe or anything like cause of these idiot men around here i'll thump some heads."


    He straigtened, and in a haphazard attempt at making himself a bit more presentable, straightened his vest over his wrinkled shirt, and attempted to brush a bit of the crud off his pant leg.


    He returned his gaze to Drea, and past the hand that waggled a finger in front of his nose, and instead, at the package in her hand. "Well... i suppose i could walk with you wherever it is you're going..."

  2. "Light?" Vinn chuckled, standing from his haphazard bow "More like dim." he released his grip on the woman in front of him, looking down to his left hip where he seemed to have remembered putting his wineskin last.


    He sighed. the skin was there, but like everything else on his person, it was in worse repair than not, and the clingy mud and dust on his pant leg could only have been glued there by whatever cheep wine he nicked last. He removed the skin anyways, and took a full hearted swig from it, figuring he might get lucky. a drop or two was his reward.


    He took the skin away from his mouth, inspected it with a actively unaware eye, and decided he could just get another if he wanted, tossing the torn skin off to one side.


    "So. You're lost. I'm drunk, i think, and that much is clear. Funny, i should think, not that i'm drunk of course, but that your lost. Perhaps you should return to the woods. A wee bit easier out there i would think." he offered a grin, not aware of the words coming out of his mouth. "Then again, never too sure about it... you did disappear for a while. a man like myself should have a chance in hell of finding someone..." he stopped, a moment of clarity... "then again, i am not entirely sure where i am right now. hard to find something when you don't even know where you are." completely distracted already, he glanced about for a easy target for his pilfering antics, and perhaps a solution to his already forsaken thirst.

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