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Posts posted by Roxinos

  1. Okay, I pretty much disagree with the Moridin/sickness theory. Seizing of the power, even in early books is frequently followed by "the sweet essence of life itself, covered with a sicking slime" or something along those lines.


    Along with the increased parania/attempt to become cuendelair, I attributed the progression from "sicking slime" to physical manifestavation of throwing up to the progession of the taint.


    Except no other male channeller (aside from Moridin) experiences what Rand does.

  2. I'm guessing Sanderson wasn't a class-clown type and just isn't really that funny; and there's nothing wrong with that.


    I can tell you from Sanderson's appearances on reddit.com (especially when Ken Jennings did an Ask Me Anything) that Sanderson has a great sense of humor.


    Of course, I can also tell you that I find dead baby jokes pretty hilarious.


    So what you may find funny does not necessarily coincide with what someone else may find funny. And just because you don't find someone in particular very funny doesn't mean that they don't have a good sense of humor.


    P.S. I hate Sanderson's Mat and find him nigh insufferable most times.

  3. Going by simple visible observation of how they looked wouldn't of been wise with teh knowledge she had at this time of the story.


    Why not? Moiraine searched a long time for Rand. She knew that the person she was looking for had been born on or around Dragonmount. Rand was obviously not born in the Two Rivers, simply by the looks of the people who lived in the Two Rivers. No one looks like Rand. He was taller than everyone, with odd eyes and odd hair. Without even knowing that Rand was Aiel, just simple observation tells you that he wasn't born in the Two Rivers.


    She also did not think the other two were important.


    Oh really?


    In any case you could argue that the 3 boys pushed the pattern to all be taken. I doubt that the pattern would of allowed one to be taken away at that point without the others.




    ... but Ishy did not at that point and all three were targets.


    So? Ishy didn't know that Rand was the Dragon Reborn specifically, but that doesn't mean that Moiraine wasn't almost certain.



  4. *grin* It certainly made me snicker a little. Made me feel good too. Surprisingly, there was a lack of hair on it. *shrugs* Anyway. I'm surprised it even got to me. Takes 3 months for a postcard from Tess to get to me. And she lives far closer to me than Roka.

  5. Especially with me around. Something like all the spam getting erased would definitely bring me back in full force. *laughs evilly* If I have to regain 15k posts, then I'll sure as hell do it.

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