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Posts posted by Hyronimus

  1. Nakomi is Alivia


    That's right, and it makes perfect sense.


    She knows Rand lives in Moridin being the one who helped him leave the cave and swap bodies thus fullfillinf the prophecy that she would help him die.


    As a damane taken from the seanchan and rehabilitated it makes sense that she would both wear Aiel clothes (not those of a wise one of course) and be schooled in their traditions.


    She is incredibly old and one would assume possessing incredible wisdom, with a personal understanding of the structure/purpose dominating ones life being overturned and finding a new purpose.


    Her strenght in the power would make learning new and inovative weaves believable as this is a common trait with those of great strength in the power.


    There is no reason she wouldn't be aware of the wise ones traditions in going through the glass collums, and very likely went through herself meeting Avi on the way out.


    nope, no reason why this can't be at all.


    p.s. would have liked to start a new thread for this in aid of some focus

  2. Hi just general comments...


    After the first few chapters were I felt we were reading some of egwene's emotions that i thought we had delt with before.


    Then things got cranking and I enjoyed the battle scenes. I was sad she died, I really saw her (as I believe someone commented) as part of the 4th age.


    As respectable as her exit was her highest point was getting Tuon to blink on the damane issue(if only a little, man that tuon makes me grind my teath in these conversations)


    pity that wand is lost though...

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