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Posts posted by BlueSun

  1. ]


    Matt Hatch

    ...Really...heh, so the obvious question, where did the Finns get great stores of ter’angreal, angreal, and is that part of the Pact they made.?


    Brandon Sanderson

    RAFO...but if you just think about it, we don’t even have to go to the notes for this if you think about it logically, we know of them providing certain items of power to certain individuals that they were able to match very nicely with certain requests very easily. If you run the statistics on that its either a huge coincidence or they have very many to choose from.


    This means that the Finns have a very large repository of ter'angreal and angreal, and maybe even other "items of power", which may not be related to the One Power. Not all of this could have come from the AoL Aes Sedai, I feel. Some must've been crafted by the Finns, or through agents from still other worlds.



    Thanks, Whizbang.... I guess one of the great things about this series is that not everything has perfect explaination. The mysterious origins of the ashanderei is but one of many. Still, this feels like an itch I can't quite satisfy, or maybe I just like thinking about it all. Perhaps the Finns inscribed it; that's the most obvious/easiest answer, but on the MoL re-read I noticed no evidence beyond assumption. And the path the weapon took to reach Mat was intruguing (the doorway to make deals was inaccessible during the bulk of the 3rd Age, after all)....


    Ah, well: I guess I'll let this one go.....


  2. About the inscription, not sure who did it.

    I take all of their items came from people that went through the doorway or the tower. Not sure if the Eelfinn would modify any item they received.


    About the inscription, not sure who did it.

    I take all of their items came from people that went through the doorway or the tower. Not sure if the Eelfinn would modify any item they received.


    Hmmm.... I can accept that people enter, die, and donate their worldly possessions to the Goodwill of A/Eelfinn World.... But the probability that some poor schmuck delivered such a supremely unique weapon so perfectly fitted to Mat's situation is a bit of a stretch..... Also, if it was brought in from the outside, then the inscription was unique for that original owner and only related to Mat by coincidence.


    There seem to be only two possible explanations: (1) the A/EF have the ability to effect and/or create Power-wrought metal; if this is the case, discussion closed. Thank you all.... But I don't remember mention of this, hence the original question.


    A second explanation is that the AoL AesSedai made the exact ashanderei that Mat received due to a Foretelling, and also made a bargain with the A/EF to deliver/safeguard it. His medallion, too.....


    Anyhow, I'm new here and don't really know where to post this thinking. Any advice/guidance would be appreciated.

  3. Hello, all! I've lurked around Dragonmount for years; just now introducing myself......


    I fell in love with WoT eleven years ago and have gained immense pleasure from re-read after re-read..... Haven't read MoL yet, but not in a hurry......


    Looking for a good social group. I despise Egwene al'Vere so please recommend other haters; also I dislike ALL of the Trakands in the later books so there's that, too.....


    Please message and friend me at will!! And thanks!

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