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Posts posted by Arc

  1. I just read twelve pages of battle criticism and i'm feeling exhausted, so just a simple question: can anyone tell me why that pallisade on the little map of Merillor somewhere before Chapter 37 is oriented north-south facing the woods, while the entire time the riverbed formed part of the front line? I can more or less deal with all the other complaints and points of criticism raised, but the pallisade, the flaming pallisade, it drove me nuts.

  2. While rereading LoC the other day, two small questions rose while strolling through chapter 22 (heading south), and since i can't remember them having any further importance in the story later on, i'd like some clarity.


    - Is it known as of yet who and why the tuatha'an caravan found by Vanin was butchered? And is the unfinished message written in the blood of a dying Tinker actually (in)significant?


    - Later in the chapter Mat got ambushed in the Band's camp by a dozen Aiel dropped of by travelling. Has it been discussed (where pls?)/ is it known who send them, discounting Mat's own speculations on it being Sammael not wanting the Band joining the Army in Tear, cause that just doesn't seem right IMO.


    Even if Sammael was able to find and gather 12(!) Aiel DF and drop m' of at Mat's Tent, why not just do it yourself, saving effort and risk of failure?


    Furthermore it seems a bit out of character, as in how Sammael acts (again IMO).


    True, it could be one more attack send by another forsaken to put the Focus of the dragon on Sammael, or Greandal in aid of Sammael, thinking him possibly nea'blis at the time.


    Or Sammael might have plucked them from between the Shaido and told them they could avenge Couladin's murderer or some such.


    But, what if those Aiel were in fact the same 'Aiel' seen in the epilogue of ToM? perhaps channeled there own gateway, as some theories suspect them to be the Aiel male channelers who ventured into the blight.


    Anyway, can someone point out to me where I might find some more on these two questions, or, if there isn't, clear this up for me?

  3. Recently been rereading FoH again and read about the Raven Tattoo Carlynia sedai is seen with in Min's viewing. Carlynia died during the Seanchan attack in TGS. The Tattoo is the sign of the Imperial seekers,... so what's this all about? The viewing hasn't been fulfilled between FoH and TGS, has it? Quick lookup on the wiki told me that Brandon had already RAFO't the question. Is there a place, thread, etc. where I can find speculation or additional info about this subject? I kinda liked the scenes with Almurat the seeker in them, so would love seeing him again in aMoL if possible.

    Or was it really a misprint, cause one might start to wonder about a possible link between the logic of the White Ajah and seekers.



  4. The next couple of days will be spent re-reading and studying: Problems of knowledge, a critical introduction to epistemology by Michael Williams,... DO NOT read this unless you have vast oceans of time, a hammoc and the opinion that there is nothing more to life than reading that very book. (This only goes for people who are not familiar with Filosophical scepticism, Coherentism, Fundationalism or Contextualism... (that's a lot of -ism's))


    ... the exams make my mood drop below zero. There is light at the end of the tunnel though, I just ordered Dance with Dragons and am really looking forward to reading it. Also got my hands on Joe Abercrombie's 'Best served Cold'. Haven't really read anything of his work till now. Is it any good?

  5. a couple of quick Wise Ones questions.

    1. how many are there? and how many of them can channel? Sevanna had at least 300 Wise Ones that could channel with her in Malden. and that's just Shaido. Rand has 11 clans. So he has over 3000 Wise Ones channelers? that's an army bigger than Asha'man and Aes Sedai put together. yet he hardly seems to use them.

    2. Sorilea is supposed to be over 300 years old yet she can barely channel. how is it that she slowed so much? we are told that the slowing effect depends on strength in the OP.


    Alivia is supposed to be far older than that (I can't remember off the top of my head) and she looks barely middle aged, so Sorilea being a wrinkled out walnut at 300 seems reasonable enough to me!

    I'm not talking about the looks here but of the fact that Sorilea lived as long as she did (and is still going strong). Alivia is extremely strong in the OP so no wonder that she slowed so much more than the other. Sorilea can barely channel, yet she lived over 300 years.


    Well the life span of a channeler who's not bound by the Oaths is supposed to be something like 600 years. So for her to make it to half of that as a weak channeler is not unbelievable.


    but if I do remember correctly Alivia is 500 or 600 years old and looks like a middle aged woman, so if the lifespan would be maxed at 600, shouldn't she look like someone about to drop dead?

  6. In No particular order, just a few:


    Almurat Mor = love his paranoid conspiracy theories.

    Alivia = 600year old badass

    Gawyn (against general opinion)= Love the way he made every possible mistake he could make, struggled with his ideals and values, his strong loyalty to those around him, his passion and regret for past actions, + awesome blademaster.

    Rand = overall epic, but not without error = very nice. the enraged Rand is always a very intense read.

    Siuan = like her especially after her stilling and healing.

    Tuon = The symbol off absolute power and control, though the fingernails are a bummer. a woman who could channel but who has CHOSEN not to, respect on that.

    Teryl = he's the dude that escaped the Shaido 4 times with his son. Just respect the everyday hero.

    Loial/Hartha and the other Ogier = big, strong, and funny felah's. not easily enraged but if they are: a raging tempest, love the attitude.

    Lewin = the first Aiel to take up the spear.

    Perrin & Mat = they just belong among the favorites, no explanation needed.

    Talmanes = need I say more?

  7. two quick questions here. couldn't immediatly find another topic to post these.


    Today I was re-reading chapter 20 of CoT, Egwene has one of here dreams again. something about a woman running down a cliff and saving Eggy. She thinks it's a Seanchan woman who will save her and that together with that woman she would be able to do anything, anything in the world. -- now now, might this be something still to happen as of aMoL? something about an alliance between Tuon and Eggy? or something to do with Tylee? since in the dream the woman carried a sword. Ideas, thoughts? Has this already been discussed somewhere?


    secondly, can anyone explain to me what Alviarin did exactly on Tremalkin? (chapter 21,or 22, also CoT.)Probably something to do with the mass suicidewave happening there later on, thoughts?

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