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News item Comments posted by TonyMacaroniGlenholmes

  1. Since when is making money a bad thing? It makes the world go around (or is it love? I get confused sometimes.)


    I can't help thinking that the decision to delay until the new year is not Tor-related at all. Why would they not release a VERY anticipated book (and most likely, their biggest seller) at peak selling time? They wouldn't.


    After reading Brandon's blog on this issue, I may be wrong but I really sensed a frustration on his part but he is merely a cog in the wheel (of time.) Harriet is the keeper of the Jordan legacy and if she wants to take a little longer to release the final book in the series and get it right and perhaps reduce the stress on herself, so be it and good for her. It is not as if this is a monetary decision on her part - it so isn't. I would rather the continuity errors (e.g. Sulin in the wrong place in TGS).This is the culmination of over twenty years work, what is wrong with waiting a few more months so such errors and clunky prose are refined and fixed?


    This is an artistic decision. And that's fine. I'll read something else while this happens.

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