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Posts posted by username13

  1. "There are perhaps 20 other Sisters in Caemlyn at the moment, and all but me are Red Ajah." So who did the Warders belong to? Was this simply an error? I know it's possible for Aes Sedai to "lend" Warders, but knowing the attitudes of most Red Sisters, I really doubt any would have anything to do with Warders.


    I have always assumed that there is a difference between being a Warder-trained man, and a bonded-Warder.

    The tower has (or had, in the past before the new mass influx) a much, much larger force of trained warders than it did AS to bond them, and I assumed that they were under the overall command of the Amrylin seat. (Think Gawyn and his younglings under Elaida).

    Since SS was Amrylin at the time of Logains capture, she no doubt sent along a few 100s of warders along with the red sisters to deal with him.


    Doubt it, the main thing that separates a Warder from other swordsmen is the bond. Suian wouldn't have gone around happily bonding 100 random passerbys just so she could put them in fancloth and send them along with the Red Ajah.

  2. I am re-reading CoT and I can't remember - do we know why Aran'gar killed the the two Blues in the rebel camp?


    Cabrianna Mercendes (If I spelt that correctly) and her warder were tortured and killed by Semirhage earlier in the series. Halima arrived in Salidar claiming to be sent by Cabrianna, and that she died in a fall from her horse (or something like that). The two blues in the camp, Kairen and Anaiya (I think) were Cabrianna's best friends from Novice right through to Aes Sedai. So guessing they were killed by Halima in case Cabriannas death was questioned too closely, or was already being questioned by the two.


    Apologies about spelling, not read those books for a few months and dont have them near me to reference chapters etc

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