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Auld Manriva

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Posts posted by Auld Manriva

  1. Many years ago in the old Pro Boards I posted a story about my father, who'd be 95 next June, and he not shuffled off this mortal coil 4 years ago. There was a Hall of Fame or sommat in the Infantry. I have no idea if it's still there or not, it could be in some archive or other.
    Any Road he was a teenaged Marine in WW2, injured on Iwo Jima, a 20-something tank commander/platoon leader in Korea, a tank battalion 1st Sgt. in Santo Domingo in the mid-sixties and a Sgt Maj to a Base Commander in Vietnam.
    I'm more impressed with 'Jolly Old's' way with Poppies, than I am with the incessant claptrap over here these days.

    Lovely post Tay ... though I would expect no less ❤️

  2. Sal is unerringly upbeat, rarely the slightest bit negative and it's not surprising really, considering his dad over the past 40 years. Since he took my friend Alex Nester on to sing the lyrics he doesn't or can't rap his band has really come into its own. This time last year they were doing an east coast tour with Carlos, playing for tens of thousands.

  3. Ooooof! Lemme up ya' goat ropin' hoyden! I'm yer' Bro, not some Infant tackling dummy! Well... the 'tackling' part applies anyhow :dry:

    Special Brew? Hmmm... special brew *His eyes sparkle of a sudden and a half face smile appears* Umm... If I recall ... Footy an' I buried a keg ten paces east of the big leatherleaf behind the Stables. I remember now, 'cause I just noted a Cav midden heap over that very spot when I let Destiny and Matey loose a bit ago :dry::biggrin: 

  4. Jaysus, Joseph an' Mary on a BIKE! This place sounds like a henhouse with no flamin' Rooster! I could hear you scrubs yammerin' from the stables an' that drunken sot of a glue factory reject Bunyan was raisin' a ruckus over some RR not fillin' his swill bucket full enough!

    What's all this BrouHaH..... oh.. ummm.. why Top o'th Morn.. waitaminute.. can't be mornin', I'm bleedin' awake. Why hello Ms. .... Taymist is it? We've met somewhere before ain't we?

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