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Posts posted by Zentopia

  1. "Bennu, are you going to eat at all this morning?" Rose Miland's cajoling voice cut into the Novice's distracted study of her latest discovery in the library, An Examination of the Battle of the Wine-soaked Piglet.


    It was an odd little text about a minor bit that occurred in the Saldaean region during the War of the Hundred Years. Everyone was at everyone else's throat during that time, truly told – and this little battle proved that politics wasn't the only thing that could set off hostilities. Truly intriguing, to the point that Bennu was totally engrossed in it at the breakfast table. The other novices arranged around the table shook their heads and murmured to Rose to give it up and give over, before going back to their own meals.


    All because a loose pig caused a vintner's horse to shy and overturn his latest delivery of malmsey! This is the most ridic –


    "Bennu....Seriously. Your breakfast is getting cold, and there's only another half-hour till class!"


    The Tairen looked over at her fellow novice, somewhat annoyed, as the story seemed to be getting to the good part just then. "I'm perfectly fine," she told Rose, putting the book down and waving her spoon at her for emphasis – but then her stomach growled quite audibly. One novice snickered. "...okay, maybe I'm not."


    Rose smirked. "Put a marker in it and eat your porridge, Bennu. Honestly. Sometimes I think that's my only task as your roommate – making sure you don't die of hunger." She held Bennu to that, not taking her eyes off her until she obeyed.


    Bennu gave her roommate a smile as she put the book aside dug into her now tepid porridge. They'd become friends about two years into novicehood, and when their previous roommates had both gone on to Accepted, they'd asked and been given permission by Valeri Sedai to room together. It had worked out to be for the best for both of them.


    There was a slight commotion at the other end of the room; Rose nudged the Tairen. "Hey, Bennu?"


    “Now what?" she muttered irritatedly. "I'm eating like you sa -"


    "No, no! Look over there. It's Valeri Sedai." The brownhaired girl jerked her head in the direction of the older woman. "What's she doing up this early?"


    "Uhm, because she can be?" Bennu shrugged, not understanding why Valeri Sedai would be associated with time to begin with. Every novice and Accepted knew there was never any time of the day or night that the Mistress of Novices could not - would not - discipline someone in need of it. That door was always open, and the appletree switches always ready. That didn't mean she wasn't curious about the Aes Sedai's intentions as well, but she kept eating. Slower now, though, so she wouldn't miss anything.


    The room fell silent as Valeri made her way across it, all eyes following her, and a wave of whispers rose in her wake as she passed table after table. Clearly, she was looking for someone...


    And found her. Catching Bennu's eye, she picked up her pace and angled right for her. Bennu's eyes grew wide. She nearly choked on the porridge that her throat suddenly refused to swallow. The whispers rose to a clearly audible buzz.


    "Bennu!” Rose hissed. “What did you do?" All eyes at the table went to the darkskinned girl. One redheaded novice casually grabbed her plate and began to leave so as not to be within Valeri Sedai's blast radius. Always a wise strategy, particularly if you had nothing to do with whatever it was. Sometimes you'd get blamed just for being within two inches of the accused. Or twenty feet.


    "Nothing!" The novice's mind raced as she went over the last few days. "There's not a thing I could have gotten in trouble f -" She stopped in mid protest, the entire table freezing as the click of heels announced Valeri Sedai's arrival. Somehow, Bennu managed to get the lump of porridge down her throat, and all the novices found other more interesting things to stare at rather than the one getting the weight of the Mistress of Novices' gaze that day.


    "Bennu Abravanel," Valeri Sedai said after a brief pause. "Good morning."


    Making one last prayer to the Light to absolve her of whatever she didn't remember doing, the novice took a breath and looked up. “Er, uhm, yes, good morning to you, Valeri Sedai." The words tumbled like a baby bird fresh out of the nest. "How may I assist?" That was always safe to ask.


    "You have been called to take the test of Acceptance, child." A twitch of one side of her mouth could have been the beginnings of a smile. "Rise, and come quickly." With that, she turned to go.


    Bennu nearly fainted dead away. She's serious, she thought, gazing at the Mistress. Aes Sedai can't lie. She got to her feet, somehow, her balance not feeling all too secure.


    Gasps, both surprised and envious, rose from the Novices seated around her. An amused yet wistful look on her face, Rose gently pried the spoon out of Bennu's suddenly nerveless hands before she walked off with it too. "You heard her, Bennu," she said softly. "I'll take your book back to the room, no worries. Get going, and come back in that banded skirt!"

  2. "You're welcome, Nanna." The Tairen novice raised an eyebrow. And how is working in a library and studying past wisdom not helping people's day to day's lives? Honestly! She sighed and shook her head, choosing not to respond to that one. Yet again, someone didn't appreciate her family's job or understand the importance of history. “Well, they do say the Ajah chooses you, not the other way around."


    Not that her choice would change, Bennu didn't think. Sometimes it just was that easy.


    “But we had better get back to our desks. Think we have enough to start?” That was when she saw another book, a brown one with metallic titling along the spine. She couldn't make out the words, so the novice reached out to snag it, her curiosity suddenly piqued. Bennu tugged it free with a finger, but it was just out of her reach again. She didn't think to channel as it tumbled past her hand and hit the floor.


    The sound of the impact practically echoed through their section of the stacks. Either the floor was made of thin wood, or the book was denser than Bennu'd originally thought. Possibly both.


    “What are you doing back there?” the Accepted called from the front of the room. “If you don't get back to your desks right now, I'll have you in front of Valeri Sedai for lollygagging when you should have been finishing your assignment!” There was the faint sound of scratching as the young woman pushed back her chair and got to her feet, in preparation to enter the stacks in search of the gaggle of novices.


    “Uh-oh,” she muttered. “I think our research time is up. Sorry -” Bennu scrambled down from the stepladder and quickly scooped up the book, looking it over to make sure it hadn't been damaged in the fall.

  3. It wasn't until she read the letter wrapped in white ribbon that Bennu Abravanel realized just how much time had passed.


    The day had gone much like the thousands of others she had experienced since coming to the Tower: rising at the crack of dawn, hurrying to classes, toiling in the kitchens, studying...it was a rhythm that the novice had gotten used to as time went by. She'd had to, really; the White Tower would not have accepted anything else, and the young scholar refused to get left behind. Or put out with a bag of gold to her name. If there was one thing Bennu refused to do, it was fail. That would have been an insult to the Abravanel name.


    So she'd focused on staying ahead of her classes and being a good novice. Days, then months rolled by in quick succession. She barely noticed the turn of the seasons; for quite a while she was happy just to see sun coming through the windows of her bedroom, or her classrooms.


    And then, while she was enjoying one of her rare freedays ensconced in her favorite part of the library deeply immersed in The Ballad of Gaidin Zaraveth: A Century of Scholarly Commentary, a fellow novice trotted up to her with a letter in hand. “Bennu? Finally I found you! This came by post today! Here!”


    Bennu just reached out a hand, not looking up from her book. “Oh, thanks. What is it?”


    The blondhaired novice frowned. “Bennu!” she said exasperatedly, “ It's a letter for you. Could you at least let go of the book for a moment and look up when you take this?”


    Bennu blinked, and to her credit, managed a mild flush of embarrassment as she gazed up at her. “Ah, sorry about that.”


    “I'm sure you are. When you have a book in your hand, you could probably ignore Tarmon Gaidon until you finished one. Last. Chapter. Here, already.” The blond - Mira, Bennu thought distractedly – shoved it into her hands before trotting off, muttering to a friend about how all that time studying was finally getting to Abravanel. “And don't forget you have a date with the Mistress of Novices today about that incident in the hallway!”


    Bennu sat there for a moment, turning the envelope over in her hands, and it was a while until she finally closed the book she'd been reading, unfolded the stack of thick paper and began to read. How odd. Didn't they just write me the other day?


    Dearest daughter,

    We hope this letter finds you well. It has been a while since we heard from you, but our love and pride in you has never wavered. Never doubt that we miss your earnest smiling face in our study in the evenings.


    Tell us, poppet, are you studying hard? No doubt the books tower around you like trees! But be patient, dear – you will be allowed to learn all you want. We hope you do not overwork yourself. Have you spoken to Maira Aes Sedai yet? I am sure she is as proud of you as we are. Continue in that vein, and be a true Abravanel.


    Interesting news - Your brother, Jaime has been squiring about a lovely girl by the name of Varya Kinoreth. They seem rather serious, and her father has contacted me as to a possible alliance by spring.


    That brought her up hard. “Varya Kinoreth?” she muttered. “Who's that? I thought he was completely tangled up with Katinel Vallier.” They would have been a lovely match – the daughter of a minor noble family like theirs that earned their money from shipping - perhaps she favored another? Sad, that. But so strange that he didn't press his suit of her.


    She read further.



    ....Zorya said it was a shame that you were unable to come and celebrate her daughter's birth...


    “Huh. Didn't even know Zorya was married....when was that?”


    Old Man Senex has passed away, Light bless him. You remember him, don't you? He so loved to hear you read when you were little, and expected much out of you when you grew to adulthood. We gave regards on your behalf at his household when we made the visit, though speaking much of where you went would have been considered improper. Perhaps unlucky...there is still no love for Aes Sedai and their ilk here.


    Ah, poppet. It is hard to believe that five years and three months have passed, without us seeing you....


    That brought her up short.


    Bennu blinked, mentally losing the current thread of the missive. Five years and three months? No wonder she didn't recognize her brother's current paramour, or knew that her friend Zorya was now a mother of two – no, wait. Three. There was a letter a...Light that was a year ago.


    Light. When did I last mail them anything? She gazed down at the letter with a growing sense of guilt.


    Be sure to write us, Bennu. Your mother yearns to hear from you and know you are happy.


    She nodded firmly, folding the letter back up and putting it n her pocket. As soon as I retire for the evening, I will sit and pen a letter to Mother and Father. They'll be so pleased to hear from me.




    The letter was long in the writing. Bennu faintly remembered penning other missives to her family as time went by, all of them enthusiastic and filled with stories about life in the Tower and her studies....but they slowly became few and far between as work and Tower duties pressed. She was sure they didn't fault her for that, but to not contact them at all was unconscionable.


    What can I tell them that they would understand?


    There was so much she was doing now, so many things she was learning...so much she couldn't share. Some things she probably wasn't allowed to share, and some things that...well...they wouldn't understand anyway.


    And five years... She gazed into the mirror at her desk, realizing for the first time that although she would be called 'child' for years yet, the reflection that looked back at her certainly was not that of the child that walked into the Mistress of Novice's office to sign her name in the roster. She was in her twenties now, with a hint of crow's feet beginning to show around her eyes from endless squinting at books in libraries. Much to her dismay, her hair was still bereft of curl as ever, but she had finally gone ahead and trimmed it to just past her shoulders instead of the waistlength mass her mother had been so proud of. She even acted older – though being expected to carry yourself as though you were decades older than you were tended to do that.




    The tears didn't come until the next day. And they were completely without warning. It was her turn for a rotation in the kitchens, and so she was perched on a stool in one corner, peeling potatoes for the evening stews and absently listening to the chatter of the novices working around her. It was truly mindless work, so she let herself be lulled – but not too much because the knives were sharp.


    As she reached down for the next potato, one of the cook's assistants came by with a large pot of broth to add to the stew. Bennu inhaled – and found herself strongly reminded of evenings by the fire with her family, as they waited for the cook to announce that dinner was served. And then how, before anyone put fork to food, her father would lift his glass, bless them all, and thank them for the deeds they did that day.


    Despite herself, tears came to her eyes all of a sudden. Five years since..since...


    “Bennu, do you need to take a rest?” The head cook's voice, normally stern, was touched with a bit of concerned as she looked over the steaming pot. “ You've been working rather hard, there, child.”


    “No, ma'am,” she said steadily after a moment, trying to steel herself and mimic an Aes Sedai's 'none of your business' look. “It's just the onions and pepper in the broth; they were very strong.” She dabbed at the corner of her eyes with the end of her sleeve, gave a fleeting smile, and after a moment went back to her task.


    “All right then,” the older woman said after a moment. “Make sure you get those tubers completely clean – the skin ruins the broth.”


    “I know, miss.”


    The Tairen girl thought she'd done a good job of it, but the cook'd been there fifty years. In all that time, she'd learned to spot lies that obvious leagues away. She was training to be Aes Sedai, yes, but that impassivity would take years yet.




    Bennu had always been glad of the strong oak doors to her room. Those plus the thick walls served to muffle sound, and did it very well. Many were the nights that she'd thanked those walls and those doors when she'd sneaked to another novice's room to have a whispered conversation about a planned prank, or when she'd stayed up past bedtime to get through one more bit of a reading assignment.


    She was appreciative now because no one could hear her weep. Or if they did, people sensed that they should leave her to it. The depth of her emotion completely drove her off guard the first night, and she went to class the next day with reddened eyes and a massive headache.


    Five years gone....and yet more to go, before she would earn the banded skirts. A decade or so more after that to earn the shawl. Every day, a little more of her connection to her home slipped away. She would always be Tairen, but her loyalty and love would be to the Tower.


    For the first time, she truly realized the price she was going to have to pay.

  4. Bennu shook her head at Nanna's comment, and said somewhat defensively, “The Brown Ajah has a very important job. If they didn't focus on history, and keep what was forgotten, who would?” They turned a corner, and her hand brushed across a copy of commentaries on the Karethon Cycle. She pulled it out and waved it at them for emphasis. A small dust cloud puffed and settled floorwards.


    “And where would we be when things from the past come back, if no one reads about it? Mmm?” Her point made, the Tairen slid the book back into place. “Besides, I love books. Give me a library and I'll be happy for the rest of my life, you know? With the exception of all this dust - this is atrocious!” She got rid of the worst of the dust with a few hand swipes, grimacing at the streaks growing on her skirt from just moving through these stacks.


    “Okay, Tear is here, I think, and...a moment.” Finding a stepstool, she started to peruse the shelf. “Just a moment, this is my country, so I might be able to find something here.” She gave the others a happy grin. “This is what I'm born for, I think. I couldn't be a Green either, Elin – I think I was meant to be a Brown. After all, someone has to record and remember all the messes the rest of the lot get into, and help people find what they need to get out of the messes.” She too blushed, half waiting to be chided for speaking of Aes Sedai so, or saying that she would be one.


    Ah! Bennu looked left and squinted slightly as something caught her eye; even with Elin's small ball of light she couldn't quite see. “Why does that look...Oh, yes. Of course they'd have a copy of that, I shouldn't be surprised. Here, Nanna, you were working on Tear...hang on.” She frowned, as it was right out of her reach....She glanced left, then right, and channeled just a bit of Air, pointing at one of the books. A moments later a medium-sized gray book covered in green writing slid out from the stack and floated to her hand. She handed it down with a flourish.


    “It's High Lord Yuven's Year,” she said conversationally as she continued searching the shelf the text came from. “I wager the Tower has few nice things to say about it, and probably more corrections than would fit in the book, from their perspective. It's a classic book back home in Tear about one of our first High Lords and the Aes Sedai that may have helped him to power.”


    The novice shrugged. “They argue about it back home because nobles really don't want to admit that Tamra Sedai influenced highlevel politics in Tear, ever, and insist all of Yuven's choices were done of his own free will - which is why he only lasted a year in the spot before he was assassinated. He wasn't much of a politician. But everyone knows the story in some capacity. It's a pretty easy read, compared to what you had earlier, and may give you another starting point.”

  5. Bennu grimaced. That was a subject and a half, right there. "I wish you joy on that one, then. Can't wait to see what you come up with." The girl handed the book to Elin and turned her full attention on the text still in front of her. It had probably been a lovely tome, decades ago. The dark green cover had been embossed with gold, once upon a time, but age and a million different hands had worn it down to mere flecks that shed on her fingers, making it hard to see the title anymore. Even the small globes of light weren't really enough to bring the book's name into focus. That was truly a shame. It really could use some repair to bring it back to its former glory, and she did know how to do that. Perhaps she could ask the Mistress of Novices if she could take it and refurbish it as a project.


    Later, she told herself. Assignment first, personal time later. She sighed, opened the book and flipped through the pages, scanning it for what it contained. At first glance, she was not impressed as the writing style was as dense as as the caulking on a ship. "Probably won't be using this ei – hmm. An index.“ One long finger flitted down the table of contents, and she grunted. “All right, I might use this one. It's covering sisters in Murandy, though – huh. Does Murandy even have nobility worth an Aes Sedai's time?” For all that she was a Tairen noble, she’d never really given the inwardly fractious tiny country much thought, politically speaking. Those of higher rank than her family certainly hadn’t, and wished they’d just get absorbed by Andor already. Or, at least, that’s what her parents always said.


    If I want to be an Aes Sedai, the dark haired girl thought, that will doubtless have to change. Maybe studying how the sisters had influenced the country, and how that turned out, would be a worthy subject, and help her understand her homeland’s politics in the process. Oh yes.


    “Yes. Definitely keeping this one,” she murmured, with a nod of satisfaction. “I…eh? What are you--?” Bennu peered in the direction Elin pointed, with a slight frown. She was somewhat put out at the distraction from her book, but the annoyance vanished when she saw who Elin was indicating. Ah, one of the older novices, clearly struggling through a tome you could kill a horse with, but trying gamely all the same. The young scholar was immediately sympathetic; old texts could be overwhelming, even when you were used to the overwrought anguage in them. And for those that weren’t….years of assisting in her family’s library had her responding by sheer instinct. Of course she’d try and help her!


    She placed her chosen book in a nice safe spot on the desk before following Elin over to their fellow novice, nodding in agreement with her words. "Oh, yes – Nanna, is it? - why not come with us? Elin’s right. A task shared is a task halved - or in this case, thirded." She gave the older woman a cheerful smile.

  6. There was a soft thunk next to Elin as Bennu trotted up carrying a small stack of four books, and dropped them on the desk next to her. She’d headed straight into the stacks before she’d even started jotting down ideas; for the young Abravanel, she got her best ideas by looking at what the shelves offered and letting her mind do cognitive leaps, rather than coming up with the subject first then beginning her researching.


    "Do you have any idea where we should begin with this?" the novice asked Elin, a grumble in her voice as she slid into her seat. She gazed glumly at the tomes in front of her for a moment, then sighed, picking up her pen and spinning it through her fingers. "This is like chasing after a school of rushlights - they're all worth catching, but with the way they swim and shine to distract you, you find yourself going after five when you mean to go after just one.” Another glance at the books, and she shook her head. “I love research. I love libraries. Honestly, I do – I grew up in one! – but this…”


    The darkskinned Tairen picked up the first book, emblazoned with the title An Examination of the Court of Cairhien Before Hawkwing, and flipped it open. She flipped through a few pages, musing to herself. “We’ll practically be tripping over shawls in this one….when weren’t they there, is more the question I’d be asking…” Bennu dipped her pen in the inkwell, and scribbled down a few notes before putting the book aside.


    “Hmm. Elin, can you use this one in any way?” Bennu asked, offering the leatherbound book to her, the light blue silk marker stirring idly in a slight breeze. She was already focusing on the next one, a tome with a rather faded cover. It was hard to tell what precisely its title was.

  7. Bennu tilted her head, eyeing the Accepted as she lectured on the three elements they'd be focusing on. She tried to suppress a yawn, and succeeded for the most part; the novice hid the rest by biting her lip and looking down at her paper as her pen flew across it. She hadn't been up late, but she hadn't slept very well. Too many things running through her head this week.


    Earth, she thought to herself as she watched the instructor produce three green threads and weave them together. Three threads of earth, woven just...so...Seems easy enough.


    It wasn't. Pulling up the threads felt like pulling teeth, and they weren't the most stable of things. The first few times Bennu lost her grip on the first thread when creating the second, causing her to have to start all over again. But she finally succeeded, and as she sat back to examine her handiwork, saw that they were far paler than the Water and Air threads she'd spun during the previous class. But this didn't faze her too much, as she remembered the Accepted informing them that women were weaker in these elements for the most part. Also, practice did make perfect...


    Bennu wrapped the weave about the first bud, and it opened, but not very far. Hmm. Just need a little more concentration. The second attempt proved that she concentrated too much, for she got a brief glimpse of a lovely dark yellow blossom – before it opened far too wide and shed its petals to cover her desk like snow. The novice eyed her desk glumly. I think I need more classes in control... It took her four times to finally get it right.


    Given the trial that Earth had been, she was not looking forward to the Fire exercise at all. Thank the Light that we can all weave water, and the Accepted can do it better than the lot of us. Having her parents receive a letter stating she'd died in a conflagration of her own choosing was not something she was determined not to have happen.


    So, just a little Fire at first....The first weave, again, looked easy enough, and Bennu made a point of channeling as little as necessary to create the thread. There. She eyed the faint red thread hovering before her with satisfaction and wrapped it around the candlewick. There was a slight flicker along the wick a moment after she laid the thread there...then the flame slowly crept to life. The novices around her could not miss her sigh of relief as she managed to light the thing on her first try, and snuffed it with Water just as quickly.


    Bennu was relieved that they would only be observing Spirit weaving and not attempting it themselves. However, this did not mean she let down her guard; no, she watched the Accepted very carefully as she performed the weave. It was a truly delicate thing. The novice had no idea how she'd ever learn that one. But she took notes anyway, sketching the weave next to her written description. No doubt she'd have to practice it herself, later.


    And with that, the class was over. Bennu gave a quick curtsey, thanking the Accepted for leading the class, and hurried out. She didn't want to be late for the course on Old Tongue, and she doubted the instructor would be any more forgiving about it.

  8. Here's what I was thinking:

    Novice Life Requirement RP


    RP Concept: Studying in the Library

    Characters: Novices

    Timeline: IC: One afternoon, OOC: a week (or if we're good, we could do it all in one weekend)




    I. The novices are sent to the Library to research (perhaps AS roles in world politics; 1 post)

    II. Novices begin to talk among themselves (1 post per novice min.)

    III. Novices get distracted while searching in the stacks, talk about other things (ajahs? warders?) (1 post per novice min.)

    IV. Novices practice embracing the source (maybe break a rule to use Air to reach books?) (1 post per novice min.)

    V. One novice hears someone coming, so they rush back to their desks and notes to finish researching (1 post)


    The way I see this going, is one novice starts the thread, then we all (however many of us there are) reply and follow the outline, and to end it, a different novice does the final post. It shouldn’t take more than a week, and can be kept to one thread. If we all do the bare minimum, we'll meet the requirement... but I doubt we'll do just the minimum. ;)


    I would be more than happy to work with you on that - and I LIKE the way you plan! :) Currently I'm hopped up on painkillers, but I'll be more than happy to brainstorm that.

  9. "I hope not to disappoint, Valeri Sedai," Bennu nodded her head respectfully as she watched the Aes Sedai enter her name in the book with a firm but graceful hand. At first she thought she’d be required to add her information hersel, but a quick glance proved otherwise. That was all for the best. Would that her own handwriting could be better - doubtless a few years of study would fix that once her teachers in the Tower complained about not being able to read her chickenscratch.


    And now…the dresses. After standing up for the Aes Sedai’s careful scrutiny, the new novice glanced down uncertainly at the neatly folded garb in her arms. As much as she liked cleanliness and clean things, white was a color she’d long avoided like the plague. Oh, Bennu would wear things touched with white, but nothing completely white. There was a perfectly good reason she preferred dark clothes at home. Such colors worked better to hide dust and ink splatters, all of which she was used to encountering daily in her past vocation as an archivist.


    Not past, she reminded herself. Once I make it to Aes Sedai, I can do that again, if I want. Perhaps. Or if I don’t, perhaps I can get a recommendation to the Royal Library. Who knew what she’d be doing once she finished her studies?


    Bennu looked back up at the Mistress’s query, and shook her head, smiling. “I didn’t bring much, Valeri Sedai. Meryani Sedai advised me not to pack much for this very reason. Just a book or two, a couple of my favorite quills, and a few changes of clothes. Not that I’ll be needing the clothes, but I’ll keep the books. They’ll probably help with my studies. Maybe.” She paused. “Do I start classes today, or tomorrow? I mean, I don’t mind starting today if it’s necessary.”

  10. Valeri smiled again and nodded, "Yes Bennu, i believe that Maira Sedai is in the Borderlands at the moment, perhaps you shall see her next time she returns to the Tower."


    Bennu’s eyes widened. Maira was still alive? But that…but…”That was nearly 150 years ago!” No one alive in the family remembered her personally; that was impossible. But Valeri Sedai talked about her with familiarity as though she had tea and cookies with her just yesterday. Her thoughts tumbled about much like blocks under an unsteady child’s hand. By the light, 150 years…and she couldn’t have been that young then to have that much gold – or could she? Bennu wasn’t entirely sure of the state of the family fortunes then, and if she was Aes Sedai to boot…the mind reeled to think.


    And she now had the chance to meet her. Light! The very idea of meeting family history… Bennu made a mental note to write her father as soon as she had the opportunity; he would want her to get every last inch of information on their relative that she could. Well, within reason.


    The Aes Sedai was watching her, clearly bemused at her befuddled reaction so Bennu struggled to regain her composure. At the same time she wondered just how old Valeri was, but knew full well it’d be completely impolite to ask that. That ageless look was…unsettling.


    Valeri nodded again. "Well we will not need to test you today child, since Meryani Sedai has taken care of that already," Valeri pulled open the large bottom drawer of her desk and carefully lifted out a large leather bound book. "this child is the Novice Book of the White Tower, entering your name will seal you to the Tower forever."


    The young Tairen stared at the book, her hands itching to pore through its pages, even though it was just no doubt a ledger. But it was so large…How many years does that go back, I wonder? she thought as the Mistress of Novices leafed through to find a free spot for her registry.. So large. So many hopeful novices in there. How many actually earned the stole and staff? How many got sent home? How many were still here?


    And where would she be, a year from now?


    “Bennu Abravanel, born and raised in Tear. Seventeen years of age.” Somehow she managed to keep her voice fairly even.

  11. (ooc: oh dear. Sorry about that!)


    "Oh dear, I've interrupted yo - " But the Aes Sedai - Valeri Sedai - she reminded herself - was already putting her book down. Apparently it could wait till this interview was through. The smile was somewhat unexpected, but she was determined not to monopolize the lady's time. Bennu couldn't help but give a brief smile back as she straightened up and sat in the chair situated in front of the Mistress's desk. Ah, blessings! Tea! Just what I needed.


    "Oh, thank you for the tea, Valeri Sedai. It's nice of you." At the Aes Sedai's gesture, she lifted the teacup and peered at it for a moment before taking a sip, examining the graceful curves and swoops of the delicate design painted round the rim with ungarded fascination. "If I could ask, who made this? It's lovely...is this Seafolk-made? It reminds me of something I read about in a book once." Truly told, that was the way she'd been resigned to ever see objects from the Sea Folk; while her family was noble, they could never afford such fine things. Besides, having things so breakable was not good design around heavy books that had a tendency to fall.


    The tea was excellent, clearing a throat she hadn't realized was so dry from travel. Bennu had long loved the stuff. There was just no way for her to awaken properly without it. That made her wonder if she could perhaps have a teaset in her quarters. Perhaps. "My name's Bennu Abravanel, Aes Sedai," the young woman said after a moment. Her hands curled around the cup, letting it warm her hands as she rested it in her lap. "My family's nobility pretty much in name only, but we manage a small library on the west side of the capital city. We have for about a century now."


    She tilted her head. "Perhaps you know of Maira Abravanel? She studied at Tar Valon, and though we know very little else about how she fared in the Tower - family diaries say she was always very close-mouthed - she sent a very generous bequest to the family some decades after coming here. To build a library, she said, and 'keep alight the flame of learning'. We've never heard word from her since." Yes, that was one thing she'd research as a favor to her father should she be given the opportunity to browse the libraries here - she could at least get more information on their relative's fate so the records at home could be complete.


    "But yes...Meryani Sedai did us the honor of choosing us for some research while she was in the city, and after a conversation with her when I brought some books to assist her, she tested me and saw I could channel. And being that we were in Tear, well...you know the country's custom about channeling." The young woman gave a brief shrug and took another sip of the rapidly cooling brew; Bennu wasn't that upset about the speed of her uprooting. It wasn't like she couldn't contact her parents. Although the idea of channeling made her extremely nervous, it didn't completely repulse Bennu as it did the majority of Tairens. That would be almost like refusing to use the information in a book just because one didn't like the illustrations...tools were meant to be used!

  12. “Good morning, Accepted Amadine,” Bennu said as she slid into a free desk at the front of the room again; much to her happiness, she'd been the first one in the classroom.


    Mmm. Now we're getting into proper theory! she thought as the Accepted announced the subject for the day's lesson. The novice's quill flew across the paper as she carefully noted everything the instructor. How interesting. So that's how channeling works. It's not just pulling on the Source and telling it what to do; it's balancing the different elements against each other for different effects. The Tairen drew four lines across her paper. No, wait, five - Spirit does count. Oops.


    Bennu's eyes widened as she saw Amadine embrace saidar. “Accepted, a question. Can we see men channel? You said women, but you didn't mention men.” The idea of men channeling made her shiver, but the Reds clearly had to have a way of knowing when they channeled so they could stop them.


    Water, she said the first thread was. Bennu watched with fascination as the thread doubled in thickness. Duly she noted that it was bright blue. As would be expected.... The novice shrugged, and followed along as the Accepted showed the other elements that made up the Source.


    She kept that in mind as Amadine began the second section of the lesson, and watched carefully as the Accepted performed the simple water weave. Compared to simply hanging onto the Source, actually doing something with the threads was rather easy once she figured out how to actually twist them in the first place. So wind this one this way, and the other this way.... The novice concentrated, making wringing motions with her hands as she did so, and felt a surge of triumph as she saw the first drips of water flow back into the bowl. And then her concentration slipped - she jerked just a little too hard on one thread, and got a squirt of water in the face.


    “Bleah.” She spluttered, glaring at the soggy piece of cloth, ignoring the giggles of the classmates around her. Not what I intended. I can't force it. She did it again, and again till she had a handle on that task, then looked up for the next mission.


    Air turned out to be much easier than water, mainly because it was only one thread she had to juggle for the task. However, keeping that one thread in place and not letting it blast everywhere was something of a trial. The first time she didn't channel enough in an effort to control the random nature of Air, and the blasted scrap of fabric lay there like a dead thing. Bennu found herself chasing the handkerchief as she blew it off her desk the first time she channeled enough, and shot it high into the air the second. A few more attempts and she found her balance, finally getting it to hover just above her hand.


    By the end of the class, Bennu had a small headache thanks to all the work, plus not eating much at breakfast (as usual). And next week is Earth and Fire? She groaned. I hope I don't burn the Tower down!

  13. It cheered Bennu a great deal that she'd managed to be in the earliest group to get to class this day; as a result, she'd managed to get a desk at the front of the room right in front of the Accepted this time. Pia Sedai wasn't going to get a bad report on her attendance today! As she set up her paper and quills, she saw the instructor turn back to the board and start to write on the board. Instinctively she started following along on her own paper, even if they weren't being asked to write them down. Always best to take notes on anything written down.


    But what could they be? The novice frowned as the list got longer and longer.


    Tilting her head slightly, she studied the names being placed on the board. Ah, a history class, she thought after a minute. No doubt a list of famous Aes Sedai we should emulate. She raised her hand when the Accepted asked for identification of what all the names had in common.

    However, she was wrong. Oh, so very wrong. Well, the emulation part anyway. Her pin slipped from her hand as she stared at the board.


    By the Light, that many? Bennu's gut roiled, and she clenched her jaw, fighting the wave of nausea that suddenly rolled through her. She found herself unable to meet the Accepted's gaze as Amadine told her grim personal tale. That could have been her – she wasn't about to confess that she had tried to embrace saidar while alone in her room a few nights before. She'd not been successful, but what if she'd managed to do it, and something had gone wrong?


    She could have been on the next boat back to Tear and a boring existence in her family library. The novice gulped, her hastily eaten breakfast feeling like a stone in her belly.


    I wonder if I can find a book somewhere in the library during the next study period about it? the Tairen thought, tapping her quill thoughtfully against her paper leaving a row of ink dots across the top of it. There was no doubt a record of all of the cases somewhere; maybe getting permission to study it would....


    But...wait.[/i] Her pen stilled. She said those were novices. That isn't necessarily everyone who've done this. What about Accepted? Or... Aes Sedai? Bennu's gaze flicked back up to the Accepted at the front of the room, then back to the row of dots on her page.


    Not that they'd ever tell them about that last one. The Tairen shook her head to clear it, and focused on the day's lesson again.


    The day's channeling lesson was more difficult than the last. It'd been hard enough trying to embrace the Source, but now she had to push and pull that sensation. How under the Light did you move something that you couldn't really touch anyway? Bennu was sweating by the end of class; her grip on saidar was still not the best, and the earlier stories of burning out made her even more tentative in her opening to the source than she had been before. That resulted in her losing it completely and having to start over multiple times on the exercise. She managed to perform the task once, but the dark-haired novice knew she'd have to find an Accepted to practice with several times before the next class.


    With a heavy heart, she gathered her things as class was dismissed. It was going to be a very long week...

  14. “That's more like it!” Bennu murmured, satisfied, as she folded down the last coverlet on her bed and stepped back to admire her work. A yawn slipped from her mouth unbidden. She'd woken up a tad earlier than might have been wise, but cleaning this room to her satisfaction needed more than the hour or so that novices normally got in the morning. But now, the room smacked clean with the bright acrid smell of well-used cleaning materials.


    With a smile, she donned her Novice dress, collected her notebook, ink and extra quills, and hurried down to breakfast. A certain Accepted's advice from her first day here was deeply imbedded in her mind; she was going to do her best not to be late to her first class. So, she found the lightest, quickest things to eat for the first meal of the day; she'd make up for that at lunch. The novice was still nibbling on the last bit of bread as she ran to the classroom.


    Even despite her determination, she managed to be among the last people in class. Clearly she wasn't the only one obsessed with not being hauled up in front of Pia Sedai. Light! I really wanted to be near to the blackboard, she thought glumly as she slipped into one of the seats at the rear of the room and checked the time....she wasn't late, that she knew, but Light, some people were horribly early.


    Thankfully she made it in just ahead of the Accepted, and blew out in relief. She barely heard the teacher's introduction, but did notice when she asked for introductions around the room. “I'm Bennu Abravanel,” she said brightly. “I'm from Tear, and I was a librarian before I came here.” As she spoke, she arranged her writing materials in anticipation of all the notes they'd no doubt have to take in the course of today's lesson.


    Thirty minutes later, Bennu found herself frowning; she'd filled four pages of notes and broken one of her quills in the process. Much of what the Accepted started with was warnings that didn't need to be written down, with quite a bit of it being taught her by Meryani Sedai during the sea voyage from her home, but she noted it down just because it helped her think. She was puzzled; she had no problem with channeling practices only in the presence of those more versed in channeling the Power, but how often would they be practicing? There was so little time in the day, and those days were already crammed full with other classes. Not to mention chores. Ah well, she did love a challenge.


    Sometime after that, the Accepted called for quills down so they could actually make a first attempt on drawing on the One Power. The novice quickly discovered that imagery was really not her strong point; how was imagining a rosebud connected to saidar? Despite the Accepted being calm and encouraging, telling them that that first touch would not be easy at all, Bennu fumbled multiple times, her temper spiking by a degree each time she followed the directions and felt nothing.


    And then she did. Just a brief flicker of something, and it was gone. The next attempt the novice managed to hold onto it, feeling it out. It was unlike any sensation she'd ever experienced before. So this was the One Power....


    The Accepted harumphed, and Bennu let go, sheepishly. She'd been so deep in her thoughts she'd not heard the command to release.

  15. Bennu Abravanel paused to examine a large vase sitting in pride of place on the left side of the hall she was walking down. She knew she shouldn't be dawdling so, but every inch of the Tower was so full of distractions. "I wonder who you are?" she said, tilting her head thoughtfully as she gazed at the painted image of a darkhaired woman wrapped in a green-fringed shawl, holding up a hand in defiance of an oncoming wave of darkness. "Or...were," she added after a moment; there were signs of wear on the paint and the Aes Sedai's dress was cut in a fashion she didn't recognize at all, proving it could be quite older than she'd originally thought.


    So many wonders. A smile crept up her face as she shifted her shoulderbag that carried a favorite book and a couple of other keepsakes. And she was being offered the opportunity to study here – she just couldn't believe it.


    And then her smile drooped as she noticed a faint ribbon of dust edging the top of the vase. How on earth did the servants miss that? Bennu wiped the edge clean by instinct; she just couldn't abide the stuff.


    My goodness. Once she signed the novice book she could start to --


    “Excuse me, are you lost?”


    oh Light! I knew my lollygagging would get me in trouble!--


    The girl nearly jumped out of her skin at the quiet yet firm voice behind her, and spun to face...a young woman just a little older than her dressed in white with seven colored bands along the hemline, who met her gaze with a lopsided smile. “My apologies. I didn't mean to startle you, but you seemed kind of lost. I'm Accepted Jenavira. Are you looking for Valeri Sedai?”


    Bennu frowned. “Valeri...Sedai?”


    “Yes. The Mistress --” The Accepted would have finished her sentence if not for Bennu's interruption.


    “Oh, right ! Yes, the Mistress of Novices. Meryani Sedai told me it was along this way but she wasn't able to take me to the door. Besides, she said it was probably better for me to learn the path myself because...”


    The Accepted finished the thought, shaking her auburn head and tutting. “Because you'll be finding yourself in the penance chair far too often,” she replied, a hint of annoyance in her voice, “for not getting where you need to on time and interrupting those of higher rank than you.”


    THAT shut the novice-to-be up, the Accepted saw. Jenavira sighed, and jerked a finger in the direction of a set of large oak doors. “Through here. No doubt Valeri Sedai knew you were coming and she'll not be happy you're late.” She hesitated and added “I'd better make sure you get in there. Should I turn my back, you'll probably get distracted by the carvings on the door and never knock. Come along, now.”


    Bennu ducked her head in acquiescence and fell in step behind the Accepted as she rapped thrice on the door and opened it. “Valeri Sedai? It's Accepted Jenavira. I've got a petitioner to the Tower for training.” In a quick aside to her, “Get IN there, girl. Don't keep her waiting any longer.”


    The Tairen got, slipping in the door and dropping the deepest curtsy she could manage. Her bag banged on the floor, and she resisted the urge to wince. Hopefully she didn't damage anything in there. “Valeri Sedai? I'm sorry for taking so much time, but Meryani Sedai sent me to you. She says I can channel, and I need to sign the novice book so I can start learning.” She couldn't help giving a surreptitious look around the room as she raised her head - again, so many wonders!

  16. Reqs for NOVICE: Bennu Abravanel


    • Novice Quiz - [Complete]


    • Arrival: Meet MoN - Orientation - [ 4 / 4 ] (1808/1000) [Complete]




    • Choice RP:
      Homesickness - Five Years On- (1693 words) - [Complete]


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