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News item Comments posted by TankSpill

  1. One of my favorite moments, not just of Lan, but in the entire series, is in Winter's Heart. It is one of the defining moments in the series for me, of both Lan and Rand, in showing Lan's recognition that Rand's life must outweigh his own, and his duty is to let Rand go. And Rand, no matter what he says or does afterwards (particularly in The Gathering Storm), shows his true character here.


    "Let go," Lan said quietly. He looked up at Rand, his eyes cold and hard, no expression on his face. "Let go."


    "When the sun turns green," Rand told him.


    If he could just pull the other man up a little, enough to catch the eave . . .


    Whatever his fingers had caught broke with a sharp snap, and the alley rushed up to meet them.

  2. "James - What’s the funniest/oddest thing a fan has ever suggested to you, or asked you about the series?


    Brandon - There was a fan who came up to me completely seriously and said, “I know the secret. Don’t worry. I know it’s going to happen. I won’t tell people. I just want you to know that I know. I know that Mat is actually the Dragon Reborn and not Rand. I know this is going to come out in one of the next books, and everyone else will be surprised, but it’s all laid out right there, and here are the facts of why Mat is the Dragon Reborn.” And I blinked and said, “Oh, well, that’s an interesting hypothesis,” and then thought, I hope you’re not terribly disappointed when you find out you’ve been wrong all these years."


    That had to be Dida/Felix, right? :tongue:

  3. Great review Mr. Denzel. Your emotions mentioned at the end are very similar to how I believe my own must be - I've invested almost twenty years of my life now into this series, and though I crave for the ending, I fear for it as well. Thank you for your dedication to the site, the series, and the fandom.

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