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Mrs. Cindy Gill

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News item Comments posted by Mrs. Cindy Gill

  1. I'll watch the show whatever they make of it, and I won't expect and don't want it to be "true" to the books. What would be the point of a show if it just played the pictures in our heads?


    from what I see of the toxic fandom response to every hinted at change, I think I may just recede further from the fandom. It's depressing to learn that many of those with whom I share a love of this series ... see life, the universe, and everything so differently from me. It's not just toxicity in the WoT fandom, either. It seems to be a feature of fan culture in much of sci fi/fantasy, and I can't understand that at all.


    anyway, show is shaping up better than I'd expected and I hope it actually gets made and aired for a while.

  2. And the series will be a trilogy... Ok it will be six books... Nah, nine. The next book will be out next year... Ok in two years... Well maybe three... It will be finished with one more volume. It will never be finished, and that's final. Ok, it will be finished, one really big book. Well we can't do that, so it will be three more books. Anything that isn't answered in the books will be answered in the companion...


    See, I love Harriet, I loved RJ, but not everything could be taken as gospel. This series never worked that way. It grew out of all expected proportions, and deadlines meant... Not so much.


    I would take as given only that a new studio has obtained the rights to produce a WoT TV adaptation.


    That's it.


    Many options are bought and never produced. Many promises are made in negotiations, and many things are heard that aren't exactly what was said.


    So maybe, possibly, the studio that has the rights will go ahead with a production. And maybe that production will have enough money and talent thrown at it to be good. And maybe it will be televised and not stored away in some vault. And maybe it won't get canceled before the end of the first season.


    I love the books. I don't care if they're made into any kind of other thing, and I think that like most adaptations of great books, the odds of it being a great show, or of there ever really being a show, are slim. And I don't mind that because what Robert Jordan had to give us, he gave. And whatever comes of this, eh, could be a bonus, could be another debacle.


    I'll expect it like I expected the next book after the sixth or seventh. If it appears, it will be a happy day.

  3. From TOR:



    McDougal’s update is all the information we have at the moment. As she mentions, the announcement will be coming from the acquiring studio, who are certainly eager to cross all the t’s, dot all the i’s, and get to heralding the big news. Further, it should be noted that this announcement does not mean that a TV series is ready to be put into production, merely that a new studio has acquired the rights to do so."

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