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Posts posted by Lynander

  1. Just read Gardens of the Moons from the Book of the Fallen series. Are all the books in this similar style? I had a hard time reading this. Just when I felt I was getting to know Whiskyjack and the whole gang, it shifts over to a total different set of characters that I had to get to know. Then I had a hard time figuring out what was actually happening in the end.

    Specifically the parts where Paran fights a tree. Somehow a house is made out of it. What's an Azath? Suddenly Vorcan is the major antagonist but is saved. A major antagonist (Tennshyn) throughout the book doesn't even appear in the end. I'm not trying to complain. The storyline after retrospect was very good. It's just frustrating to read the first time through.


    Although I'd have to say, Kruppe is very fun to read.



    I assume you mean Tayschrenn? Why does he have to appear towards the end of the book? It's a series, his status as an antagonist and whether he's a bad boy or not is addressed in later books. And an Azath is a being that strives for balance. In essence its a "house" that serves as a prison designed to lock up extremely powerful entities, such as Raest the Jaghut Tyrant. Oh and yes there are a shit ton of characters in MBOTF, get used to it ;)




    Tayschrenn, yes. I totally annihilated his name lol. I see your point. Thanks for the explanation on an Azath. I just have this feeling that I'm gonna get frustrated with this series. The only things that are keeping my interest are the Paran/Tattersail storyline and Tayschrenn. And I want to see what Quick Ben's powers are. Since he was good enough to win that cage match thing a while back. Meh...I'll give the next book a shot.


  2. Just read Gardens of the Moons from the Book of the Fallen series. Are all the books in this similar style? I had a hard time reading this. Just when I felt I was getting to know Whiskyjack and the whole gang, it shifts over to a total different set of characters that I had to get to know. Then I had a hard time figuring out what was actually happening in the end.

    Specifically the parts where Paran fights a tree. Somehow a house is made out of it. What's an Azath? Suddenly Vorcan is the major antagonist but is saved. A major antagonist (Tennshyn) throughout the book doesn't even appear in the end. I'm not trying to complain. The storyline after retrospect was very good. It's just frustrating to read the first time through.


    Although I'd have to say, Kruppe is very fun to read.

  3. Do we know anything on how Rand being bonded affects Moridin?


    Moridin seems to suffer from Rand's wounds. In TGS Graendal notes that Moridin's hand seems to be bother him.


    Not sure if you understood what I was referring to. I realize there's a blending of sorts going on. What I'm curious about is how the bond with the superwomen and Alanna affects the situation. Does that give Moridin a boost of sorts too? or something along those lines?

  4. The Tower of G chapters in ToM were my favorite

    close seconds

    Fain in the epilogue of ToM (i love anything Fain)

    the Cleansing

    defense of Maradon

    Perrin destroys the dreamspike



    Rand gets attacked by 100,000 trollocs and Lews yelling about not being able to use his hands

    (don't remember chapter titles and dno't have books on me)

  5. Slayer background/confirmation

    Who exactly is Luc and Isam? Luc is Lan's uncle right? How was he involved with the whole destruction of Malkier thing? Not good with names, but I seem to remember, possibly, that his mother convinced his father (king's brother) to go into the Blight, and he died there, and Luc was their son. What happened to the mother? Or am I completely off base with this one? And he looks a lot like Lan.


    And Isam is somehow related to Rand right? Was Isam a channeler? I mean a male Aiel in the Blight says Channeler to me at least. Or am I missing something? What's his background?


    They somehow meet in the Blight, fight, and merge...somehow. He can also change identities when going in/out of TAR. Luc hates wolves. Am I missing anything else?

  6. 1. What exactly did Rand do on Dragonmount?  at least as far as the skies are concerned.  or what was the benefit of it?  besides Rand changing his attitude.  was it worth destroying the male CK?  Are the outcast skies supposed to be some big metaphor for how Rand is and now there is a little light? 


    2. When and how did Rand get his newest sword, the one people are refering to as "Justice"?  I don't remember that taking place. 


    3. As far as Rand's dark aura goes.  WHen people don't look directly at it, they can see it.  I seem to remember something else like that in the books but can't remember what it is.  Possibly Warder related.  Or am i just mistaken?  And was his dark aura caused by using TP?



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