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Posts posted by Tiinker

  1. On 01/02/2018 at 8:45 AM, Krakalakachkn said:



    The rebel ships were shielded from the First Order's sensors, that is until Poe and Finn's plan led the only code slicer who could give the FO access to those codes directly onto Snoke's ship.  They should be executed for their incompetence at the very least, let alone their treason.

    Rose suddenly showing up was bulls***.  Way to toss all believability out the window.  Also Finn should have died.


    Agreed - unnecessary.


    He went to confront him, not kill him.  The level of the dark side he found in Ben's mind caused a momentary gut reaction, much like the way you would grimace or pull away if you stuck your hand in a bag and encountered a bunch of creepy crawlies.


    Luke acts like a baby in this movie.  It's really grating imo.  What grated even more was how everyone was praising Hamill's role as "the best of his career."  Really?  I can't see it.  I'd take Professor Arnold any day.




    I'll concede that there may be more logic in the script than I originally gave credit for.  The gut reaction to draw your weapon to kill your sisters child still seems incredibly unbecoming of the world's saviour and dedicating 30-40 minutes of the film to Finn and Rose going to casino-island which serves no real purpose beyond screwing the good guys is just a very strange choice of writing.


    What I DO want to see in the next film, if I get round to seeing it, is some explanation of what on earth the First Order even is. Do they have an agenda or a philosophy? What are their key bases? I'm stumped on how the whole of TFA ends in destroying some jumbo death star (that we're led to believe is supposed to be a crippling blow to the FO) leads to their being like a few hundred rebels left at the beginning of TLJ. 


    I feel like in order to save this film series there really needs to be some sort of *purpose* beyond "this is an inherently good thing to do" and "this is an inherently bad thing to do".  In the previous films you had a notion of these philosophies which came from the concept of the Force. In these latest films it feels like the writers seem to have just decided that the Force and magic are literally the same thing. 




  2. 28 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:


    Re: Hyperspace as a Weapon

    Maybe it's a size/mass thing? AFAIK the ship they were using was the largest the Rebels have ever had, and while less massive then Snoke's ship, it wasn't like an X-Wing. My guess? Perhaps it was a lets see if this works + kamikaze run. (It also strikes me as a blatant rip off of the Picard Maneuver gone horribly wrong.)
    Side note: No one finds it at all troubling that the Rebels employ sucide bombings, and if the ending show's us anything, Child Soldiers?



    irt the last part, I feel like there was at least 3 separate occasions where suicide bombing was the answer.


    1. opening scene where she drops the bombs and destroys her own ship.

    2. commander going to suicide into the imperial ship to save the remainder of the fleet after they'd run out of gas.

    3. finn trying to blow up the battering ram.

  3. 3 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

    Oh, the one thing I absolutely hated about Last Jedi?


    All the Fan Bois hate on Social Media that completely ruined it, and spoiled every single thing about it with complete disregard to those who haven't seen it. I have two words for those people, that I can't repeat on DM!


    On the other hand, perhaps all there hate lowered my expectations enough that this movie was decent/good/worth the money for me.



    It's kind of surprising. The majority of people I know liked this film. The reception seems to be all over the place and depending on who you're friends with, you're going to hear quite different things. 

  4. I didn't really like the Force Awakens at all but at least it had some enjoyment as an action film. 


    The story here was so bad that I couldn't even enjoy the action because the scenes leading to the action were so mind boggling ridiculous.




    Stages a mutiny meanwhile all the leaders on board have a plan (which is a really bad plan. It's just use the escape pods, which the Imperial ship just won't notice for some reason, and go to a nearby planet and chill for a while.


    Goes and finds a professional code-breaker and comes back within some hours to save the day? What did they accomplish during this whole 30-40 minute episode of the story? 


    The pilots are speeding towards the battering ram when the base is under attack. Everyone turns back. After deliberating for 5-10 seconds Poe decides to keep on going to suicide to save the day. The girl turns back to follow him. Suddenly the girl shows up out of nowhere flying in from the SIDE to push them both out of the way. Wtf? How did she even catch up let alone fly in at a 90 degree angle? 


    Kiss now? Kill me.


    Luke Skywalker - arguably the most powerful jedi to ever live, the one who brought balance to the force, defeated the Sith by saving his father who tortured and killed hundreds.


    They killed this character in this film. He's going to attempt to kill his sister's son in his sleep because he sees the dark side? Mate.


    Then, his unwillingness to join the resistance and fix the shit that he started? 



    I hate this film.








    Surprised that no one mentioned that GRRM gave Westworld permission to have a Westeros world if they wanted it. I don’t think they are going to go in that direction, but thought it might be a fun way of bringing back Ned Stark, Robb Stark and other characters that have been offed in the prior 6 season.


    Also, I’m not buying that the maze was just a children’s toy. Granted it might have been just a red herring, but it seems like it still have a larger significance than just a children’s toy.




    Wait am I missing something? The maze is supposed to represent a journey of consciousness. "Not a journey upwards, but a journey inward." Like a maze. It was supposed to be a narrative that would help them learn about their true selves.




    I’m sure that is part of it, but it has to be more than that. Remember the Man in Black (MiB) scalped an android and the map was on the inside of his scalp,  and after he massacred the lady and her daughter she picked up her daughter and died in the field where the maze revealed itself again. Either the writers didn’t know what the maze was when they wrote those parts in the show, or the maze has a larger more important meaning.






    Symbolism for the maze being a mental journey for the hosts (irt. map inside of scalp), and the maze can also only be "solved" when the hosts greatly suffer (losing her daughter). That was my interpretation at least.






    Surprised that no one mentioned that GRRM gave Westworld permission to have a Westeros world if they wanted it. I don’t think they are going to go in that direction, but thought it might be a fun way of bringing back Ned Stark, Robb Stark and other characters that have been offed in the prior 6 season.


    Also, I’m not buying that the maze was just a children’s toy. Granted it might have been just a red herring, but it seems like it still have a larger significance than just a children’s toy.




    Wait am I missing something? The maze is supposed to represent a journey of consciousness. "Not a journey upwards, but a journey inward." Like a maze. It was supposed to be a narrative that would help them learn about their true selves.

  7. I could have done without

    Dolores turning out to be Wyatt. We had Bernard really be Arnold, William really be the Man in Black, do we really need another "X was really Y all along" twist? One is a good surprise, two is still interesting, three is beating the trope into the ground.




    Yeah I feel you on that. The Bernard = Arnold thing threw me off massively though and him being a host was an awesome twist.


  8. We rescued him and his sister when they were 9 and they had all sort of behavioral issues. He never stopped being a big baby but he got over everything else and the last few years of his life were pretty happy.


    That's awesome man, I'm glad you could give them a home. I'm going into grad school and I almost want to drop out so I can get the money to adopt a cat or dog..




    How has no one started this topic yet???



    Found out about it a week after it started, got a new phone (old one died) had to wait another week before I could start using it..


    Work happens to have a pokestop on it, so I spin it during my breaks.

    Currently lvl 17, and my highest pokemon is around 1100 CP (the water evee)



    Vaporeon bro. Vaporeon.


    Rainer bro. :wink:



    It absolutely blows my mind how people find this stuff out.


    How has no one started this topic yet???



    Found out about it a week after it started, got a new phone (old one died) had to wait another week before I could start using it..


    Work happens to have a pokestop on it, so I spin it during my breaks.

    Currently lvl 17, and my highest pokemon is around 1100 CP (the water evee)



    Vaporeon bro. Vaporeon.

  11. Man, I feel like I'm the only one who thought that this game was quite a big let down. When I heard it was an augmented reality game I was expecting some sort of interaction with your environment beyond being tracked by your GPS. I think it's a pretty wonderful concept but I think the execution is pretty meh.. I love the nostalgia it brought though and people have been loving it so I'm clearly a minority. 


    How are you enjoying it?

  12. Perks of Being a Wallflower. Extremely surprised by how much I liked it! Emotions were all over the place during the film, and even though the entirety of the script is pretty saccharine it doesn't even matter just because of how much heart is poured into the whole thing. Great movie! Recommending it.

  13. Hitchcock.

    No, not that bombshell with willsmith, The one with Anthony Hopkins.

    I loved this movie. Specially the ending when he did the  'composers moves' to the screams of the viewers of his movie. It was epic. ^_^


    Django Unchained.

    This was suprisingly good IMO.

    Not only was it a western, I enjoyed it. It was entertaining. And had, IMO a GREAT performance of D'Caprio, (As a Villian no less!)

    And it had just enough blood, without being ridiculous.



    I lked it... but, there was just something off about it. The actor that played his wife.. Dunno, didn't like her acting in it. Otherwise it was definately oscar worthy.


    How come it was so surprising for Django to be good? imo if it's a Tarentino film then you're always in for a treat. Daniel Day Lewis was incredible in Lincoln though wasn't he?

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