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Status Updates posted by Zosime

  1. SUCCESS!!! I have folded a fitted sheet and it actually looks neat! Yay! Go me!

  2. "GIR, why is there bacon in the soap?" ... "I MADE IT MYSELF!!!" :D

  3. It's February and I have on shorts, and I'm ok with that. :)

  4. Just saw 'The Woman In Black'. It scared the bejeebers out of me- and Pat, too. Therefore, it was excellent. Hammer Films, that was one hell of a comeback.

  5. Just remembered that Anne Rice's new book, 'The Wolf Gift', comes out tomorrow. I can't wait to get my hands on it! *fangirl squee*

  6. This night shall be filled with coffee, the making of outline index card thingies, the procuring of special effects makeup, and Invader Zim. This night shall indeed be made of win. I'm gonna sing the Doom song now! Doom, doom, doom, doom.....

  7. Oh, no sugar added mint chocolate chip ice cream, thank you for understanding me.

  8. Word count as of 5 seconds ago: 8,084. 10,000 words by February 1st? Bring it biatches. I'm gonna blow that goal out of the friggin water. :}

  9. 'We can dance if we want to, we can leave your friends behind...'

  10. Is it February yet? January is lasting way too long for my liking...

  11. I had a dream that I got a strawberry cupcake from Edgar's bakery, and it was delicious. Dream, why u no real?! *cries*

  12. Richmond from The I.T. Crowd. That is all.

  13. It's very surreal to see all the pictures of the damage in my hometown. Neighborhoods where my childhood friends lived are completely gone. Please keep the affected communities in your prayers.

  14. 'Underworld Awakening' was pretty much full on badass awesomeness. I think it may be my favorite of the series. Serious business.

  15. *sigh* I don’t think I need to be around people at the moment, it could be very hazardous for their health and general well being- not to mention my sanity. *grumbles*

  16. Got my hair did, and the girl that cuts my hair straightened it out. I haven't seen myself with straight hair in years, it's kind of weird. But, I like it. It's very Louise Brooks in a modern sort of way. :) End ramble...

  17. Goal: A minimum of 10,000 words by February 1st. I'm at 6330, so I'd say that this is a fairly reasonable goal. Now, let's get cracking. *grabs mug of coffee and plugs in some Coheed and Cambria*

  18. Pat encouraged me to try on a bikini today while we were at Target. While it did show me that I still have a bit of work to do, it was actually a bit of a confidence boost. I felt good in it, and I know when I go back in a few months to seriously buy one, that I will look and feel great in it. :)

  19. I just got home from my first Zumba class, it was an absolute blast and I am dripping with sweat. Two piece swimsuit, here I come! :D

  20. 'Kick-Ass' is such a kick ass movie. <3

  21. "In ancient times, hundreds of years before the dawn of history, an ancient race of people...the Druids. No one knows who they were, or what they were doing..."

  22. "We read to know that we are not alone." - C.S. Lewis

  23. Woo-hoo! Congrats Peter Dinklage! You more than deserved it.


  25. Happy Friday the 13th! Please be sure to avoid all lakes and abandoned campgrounds, the Hudson River, and the Manhattan sewer systsem. Oh, and just to be on the safe side, let's include space and Elm Street as well. :D

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