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Posts posted by Mandro

  1. I always pictured a sorta southern accent for the two rivers folks. A Brahmin like accent for caemlin, same language, and much he same accent but different inflection. I think the Aiel are like the brittish, simply because of how common forgotten words that are old tongue but their meaning still stands are present in their language.


    I think . . . taraboners? Whatever Bayle Doman is. I always imagined it as either irish, Scottish, or greek.

  2. Yep. I'm quite biased on the subject. I find the Wheel of Time enthralling. I was bored with Sword of Truth after Wizard's First Rule. I find the WOT world to be deep. SOT just felt like Richard, Kahlan and Zedd were walking through an empty world with three cities, a town, and some Mud People. Unlike RJ who planned everything out in advance, it seemed to me like TG just sectioned off parts of his world and, once he'd resolved all the conflicts in the part he'd exposed to us, he then would just let a barrier fall and make the world bigger.


    I'd be willing to forgive that if Terry Goodkind weren't such a prick about it. :laugh:


    Yeahp, actually had a convo about it with some friends on a game, and a guy who works in the movie industry and reads scripts, read Goodkind, and just finished the series because damnit he started reading, and that's just polite. This friend said "every book is a thousand pages with one memorable moment and nothing else."

  3. comparing common tropes isn't the same as actual similarities. The Sword of Truth might have been initially written with an outline based on the Wizards Rules, but there was no sincere continuity to the story other than that the various characters started where they were when the previous book ended.


    The last 4 books of TSoT were only able to tie up the conflicts by pulling crap out of thin air.

  4. ToM Epiclogue anybody? Maybe it'll lose the effect when AMOL is out, but for now it's got me hyped.

    Lan's part kinda ruined it. I see where he was coming from before with his one man battle against the Shadow. No family, no real friends, just anger at the Shadow and before he died he was going to take as many of them out as he could. But that was before Rand came along. There's a chance to WIN now against the Shadow! And he's throwing his life away... why? He's earned every bit of braid pulling Nynaeve can throw at him for that stunt.



    Well wasn't that sorta what had been building? He was a man with out a nation, without a crown without a people without a family, but Nynaeve showed him that he was not alone, and would not fight alone. You think for one second that if rand didn't agree to help lan that she wouldn't have gone herself? Malkier rides behind Lan, and the future of Malkier is at his side (or in his head) with Nynaeve. Nynaeve is the only woman, other than moiraine, that has rehabilitated from titchy pushy irritating chick, to an actual depth character. Well, maybe siuan.

  5. My favorite scene is with the Malkieri merchants when Nynaeve shows up and convinces them to join lan.


    That is the other one I was gonna include "The Golden Crane." Great. It got to me, but I figured it was mostly a personal thing.


    I was in the military, and when I left all of my officers were kinda surprised, not unhappy, but surprised, and asked why, and I said "Because I'm the Worst kinda Marine. A true believer." and I left on my own terms fighting tears the whole time. when reading "The golden crane" I sorta had a feeling that I was being called back rather than being allowed to walk away.


    It gets you right there, like a knife.

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