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Atan Lodorn

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Posts posted by Atan Lodorn

  1. Listening to ToM is GC the son of Grady, Grady states that his kid is damn ugly, not in those words but that's his meaning. Grady is talking with Perrin about going back to the black tower when he mentions that his son is not a handsome boy.


    Also Rand talks about getting his 'people' organised because he won't be there to fight for them. I read into that, that Rand understands it's NOT all going to happen in one place and wants to position his forces in the best place and that by gathering his forces then dispersing them gives him the best chance to accomplish this.


    I also think Avi will get back to Rand just as the are concluding the Dragons Peace, then interupts it and discusses the Aiel being included. I always thought the Aiel would make a good police force in general, have them do that.


    So does Callandor have a deliberate flaw? A flaw created during its making deliberately. I don't know that it does, but listening to what is said about it, it does seem to indicate that, rather than it being discovered, or was it during the testing of it before sticking it in the stone, they discovered the flaws within it?


    The Dark Ones own luck, how does that make you lucky, that damn creature has never escaped never 'WON' how would anything that has always lost (I know he can have degrees of success) be lucky?


    Also how does Moridin escape ToG, I thought things of the shadow weren't tolerated. So how come the Finns didn't stop him, or was it Slayer or Proxy who went in for Lanfear? It seems that Moridin waltzed in and took what he wanted, maybe asked about the Shadow book of prophecies at that time?


    Also does anyone have Ashaman numbers, or a link to a page that give me an idea on their numbers?

  2. I always thought Rand was going use Justice and hand it over to Tuon, when he 'kneels to the Crystal Throne', ie he kneels to give her the sword as respect not as an inferior. BTW is there any other prophecy that uses the word 'bind'?


    This is always a bit that interested me is the when the Aiel first meet Egwene they talk about the last dreamer the Tower had, I would like to know if the Aiel trained her too, or left her to her own devices in Tel. When Nakomi (I know this is coming from Jupiter never mind left field), I thought that was her, and that her task was to tell Avi.

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