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Posts posted by vanceme

  1. Strictly speaking, Lanfear did it for him (at least on the way out from Randland).

    DId she? Rand and co slept next to the portal stone, and the last thing Rand remembers before sleeping is the flickering light of saidin. Its possible he was channeling as he began to fall asleep, into the portal stone, and that lanfear just followed him.

    Granted, I don't have definitive proof, but it fits better. First, the whole thing was just too convenient for her. Second, Verin seemed to believe he couldn't have done that in his sleep. Third, it took everything he had to get them back to Cairhien; I doubt he could've done it and not be aware that he did something.


    Egwene dreams of a woman standing over Rand, and then a flash of light, and he disappears. She then stops dreaming of him, almost as if he's... gone... I took that to mean Lanfear sent him. Reason? To see if he could get himself back. Both a means of judging his current control and a way to force him to use the power. Poor Rand everyone and their Mother were looking for ways to make him use the power in the first few books

  2. Why do I keep getting angry at my phone for not autospelling words like cuendillar?

    That's an easy one.


    More to the point, do you mind giving the chapter (an Egwene PoV?) that made you believe they do? It's not something I know how to search for.


    It isn't an egewene pov. In TGH in one of the scenes with siuan and moiraine, moiraine thinks to herself that every piece of cuendillar ever made was recorded in the WT. Especially the 7 seals, which are remembered especially. I feel like its weird that the WT would have this list considering the book also says the making was lost during the breaking and the WT (if I remember correctly) was established after the breaking

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