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Status Updates posted by Jeannaisais

  1. unpacking, cleaning, oh dear how did we get so much stuff....now where to put it?

  2. Waiting to head on our flight to San Diego :)

  3. working on decorating the church for the big day tomorrow :)

  4. Four days to go......one more day teaching, one day in St. Joe helping kids write before a fun night on the plaza with Maia HannahMarie Bondy, Shelley South, Meaghan Reddy, Jennie Palermo, Brittni Relf, Haley Bennett, Nicole Dawn Pinkley, Brianna Cagle, Brittany Clark, Special-Kay Falterman and maybe some others! Then it's a day of decorating for the rehearsal dinner and then it's the wedding day!!!! :D

  5. wedding in a week....hope everything is ready and I'm super excited! :)

  6. so, my first real day with the students and my cooperating teacher tells me that she's going to change her Hamlet wrap-up activity to what I did with the students today....carousel brainstorming went perfectly today!!!

  7. Stuck at work wondering how I'm going to handle the last three weeks of wedding planning and taking over my classes for student teaching .....so exciting and yet so nerve wracking?!

  8. Wants to know why her sinuses decided to get all blocked up....gotta be better by Monday since it'll be my first day student teaching!

  9. A walk in Missouri is nothing compared to a walk in Granada! I miss the mountain views......but at least it's Spain like weather today!

  10. one last week of seminar and then I'll be in the school every day....excited and nervous!

  11. is currently wondering why her professor has let the class out early every day this week....except for today? Meeting at 1pm, need to pack up my car and be home for work at 5pm, don't really want to sit here with nothing to do for another 30 minutes....

  12. a year ago I was roaming Madrid, eagerly awaiting the bus ride to Granada....today I'm preparing to student teach and planning a wedding.....maybe I should just go back to Granada? Nah, too excited for the wedding....but I do want to go back to Granada some day!

  13. Can't believe it's been one year since I left for Spain.....lots has happened since then!

  14. we got all of the wedding invitations done, stuffed and sealed...now for a three week seminar in St. Joesph, wedding shower on Saturday, and probably the busiest semester I will ever have despite only taking 16 hours and not 19 (and most of those are my student teaching hours!).

  15. Stuck at work, ready for bed and excited to continue working on wedding invitations tomorrow after church! Can't believe it's getting so close!

  16. can't believe my last semester of college starts a week a from tomorrow....but being a teacher means I'm nowhere near done with school!

  17. 1. I survived doing P90X plyometrics. That wasn't easy. 2. I need to send some invitations to a certain large event that is only 2 months away! Eeeekkkk!

  18. Happy new year everyone .....enjoy your night off haha

  19. 7 A's and 1 B.....I survived my 19 hour semester, the last I will ever have! :D

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