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Shadow Rider

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Posts posted by Shadow Rider

  1. My thinking is Justice belonged to LTT, Lans sword belonged to Be'lal.....soldiers in the AoL didn't need swords, a sword on the hip would have been an inconvenience, they had Shocklances and weapons that could kill over thousands of miles.... the Generals were presented with Heron mark blades....nothing rong with that Generals don't usually take part in the actual fighting, but any modern soldier will tell you a sword is of little use to them and would only get in the way.

  2. Will you accept Lan's original comment on marked swords as having belonged to lords?

    "One of those swords, a plain soldier's sword" - with a faint grimace, almost sad, if the Warder could be said to show emotion, he slid the blade back into its sheath - "became something more. On the other hand, those made for lord-generals, with blades so hard no bladesmith could mark them, yet marked already with a heron, those blades became sought after."


    No.....this only explains that Lan does not know the swords true Origin, only that it belonged to a soldier once..... by the sound of it a few have owned the 2 swords through 3000yrs.

    Was it made specifically for the soldier? or..... was it a trophy a soldier found?


    I am still wondering why only 2, I suppose you could argue that because they don't have Herons, they weren't a sort after, but, no.... I'm not convinced.

  3. About Mat and his link to the Horn.

    My brother asked a question I thought deserved a post here

    Mat is linked to the HoV, does this link prolong his life?

    We have no evidence to think so. So, I think it's safe to assume that the link doesn't provide any additional benefit.


    I ask because I believe Tuon will channel. which means she will live a very long time, What about Mat?


    If she survives TG.

  4. I know that for obvious reading smoothness everybody has to speak the same language, but that's something that's always bugged me from the very beginning. How come in this whole world, supposedly as vast as our real world, has there ever been only 1 single language for all the peoples. I mean, come on, even in 1 country alon you have so many dialects, and there would be the same language, albeit slightly different accents, on the whole world of WoT including across one huge ocean?


    I can't buy it. RJ must have thought about this being illogical given all that he's been thinking through.

    Is there any reason to that, 1 language for all, aside of making the story easier to write?



    Besides, I have 1 other thought, who the hell is Jack-o the Shadow which is referenced in the song?

    Could it be an important character? Or only a metaphore of death?


    I think the reason that there is one language is because in the AoL everyone spoke one language because it seemed to be a completely globalized world at that point - meaning the whole world was essentially one government, one culture, and one language, because they were very technologically advanced. This let them be able to communicate instantaneously across the world (some of the cell-phone like ter'angreal) and they could travel quickly around the world (via flying machines and through actual Traveling). So for the AoL it makes sense to have one language.


    So when you think about the Third Age, your starting point is for everyone to have the same language. Now, in the intervening time language would probably drift some, and it seems to have a bit in WoT in the fact that people have developed accents and stuff (the Seanchan, Illianers, Taraboners, etc.). The reason that the Seanchan speak the same common language despite being on another continent is because they started out in Randland and then went over in Hawkwing's time - so they haven't been separated that long - the people they conquered when they arrived in Seanchan may have still been speaking the Old Tongue or another language, but we don't know. For all we know, they might speak something else in Shara - though they do seem to have had contact with merchants through the Sea Folk, so at least some of them must know the common language so they can trade.


    EDIT: Ok, I should have read you other guys posts better, because I think you already said the same thing. Sorry.


    But I do still wonder if they speak the common language in Shara, and if they do, why? How did it end up evolving from the Old Tongue in the same way there, when they are so decidedly isolationist and xenophobic?


    Where does The old Tongue come from?

    Manetheren spoke the OT ... but it didn't originate from there since all the Chosen have names in the OT, Aiel sept names are OT ...... ???

    Maybe they speak a different language in Shara.


  5. Just read a post on darkfriends being in Mat or Perrins army and someone posted about Semi making the comment to Moridin on how the information would've been useful earlier.  Now, we all know that Rand, Mat and Perrin are ta'veren and the forsaken should know, could Moridin's connection with Rand have something to do with his desire to finally give the order to kill Mat and Perrin to the other forsaken?  Also, one of the forsaken tell Moridin that ta'veren aren't that easy to find, but Moridin just gets mad and says just kill them, could the connection be strong enough that he knows where Mat and Perrin are or at least is seeing them like Rand?  Sorry if this was answered earlier.


    I believe it's been stated by BS or RJ that the link is from Rand and Moridin ccrossing Bale fire at Shadar Logoth...

    i could be wrong though....can't remember who, where or when....

  6. Where is The Bore?


    LoC Prologue: The First Message.


    Demandred POV

    Demandred felt awe. Here he could sense the Bore, the hole drilled through so long ago to where The Great Lord had lain imprisoned since the moment of Creation. Here The Great Lords presence washed over him. Physically, this place was no closer to the Bore than any other in the world, but here there was a thinness in the Pattern that allowed it to be sensed.


    Where is The Great Lords prison and the Bore Drilled through in the AoL?




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