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Posts posted by azrael.1289

  1. After Morgase escapes Caemlyn, why does she go to Amadicia of all places? Because it's a stable nation that Rand hasn't conquered yet? With that logic, why not go to Illian (I know, Sammael was there, but she didn't know that). I ask because Whitecloaks don't typically go over well in Andor, and Amadicia is basically the Whitecloaks' country.

    Because all the Trakands we have seen are plain stupid?  :P
  2. Does the White Tower have an Elevator system?

    Let's face it, how many of those old women could walk up and down that many flights of stairs?

    How many levels is the thing supposed to be? Counting the Lower Levels, and Dungeons, and everything.


    Now that they've rediscovered Traveling, wouldn't you think the first thing they'd do is set up a safe area for using it to move throughout the tower?


    Haha, funny thing is that i think Mesaana mentions it somewhere in the book, how the tower should have elevators. Or something along those lines, I am not 100% sure where, but I think it is from a Alivarin PoV

    I think it's in Elaida's first PoV after she became Amrylin.
  3. What happened to ishamaels body after Rand killed him in tDR, could they have balefired the dead body and cut him out of the pattern

    They had no reason to at the time, and now is too late. They didn't know that the DO could trans-mitigate souls until tGS.

    BFing the already dead body wouldn't have made any differnece anyways I think. DO needs only the soul to transmigrate and the soul leaves the body upon death.
  4. The reason I brought that up is because I also remember her thinking that she had not even thought of that before seeing it which would mean she didn't mean her seducing him when she said "I am almost desperate enough to--".


    You are correct, I just went back and reread it. She had never considered it before the Rings showed it as a possibility. So she likely meant bonding him against his will... Ignoring all Blue Ajah custom.

    I was trying to find that passage a while back but couldn't find it. Can you please point to the chapter it comes in?
  5. Moiraine wasnt desperate to seduce Rand, she was desperate to get him ready to fight the Dark One. In the possible futures she saw she had tried to get to that end by seducing him, and that was disastrous. Seducing him was never her main objective. She knew how important Rand was and knew that if it came down to something like seduction, she'd take one for the team if it made Rand fight the Dark One. Just like she said she'd kill Rand Mat and Perrin if it was necessary to stop the Dark One from getting what he wants.


    The conversation Alligator refers to (Chpater 6, TSR) is before Moiraine's gone through the Tear door and long before Rhuidean.

    The reason I brought that up is because I also remember her thinking that she had not even thought of that before seeing it which would mean she didn't mean her seducing him when she said "I am almost desperate enough to--".
  6. Why is LTT called Dragon and Rand Dragon Reborn when clearly the same Dragon soul was used even before LTT? Or have I misunderstood how that works?


    I think Lews Therin was called the Dragon because they didn't have any prophecies regarding the Dragon's soul being reborn, like they did in the 3rd Age with Rand. And whose to say the soul has always been referenced to as the Dragon?



    Remember there have been MANY turnings of the Wheel and Ages galore have come and gone. The Dragon may not have been reffered to the Dragon in previous incarnations.

    Yeah...That makes sense.
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