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Posts posted by Kal11

  1. I agree with a lot of the points Toy made, she has no regret or remorse for far too many of her actions. Having a good work ethic does not mean a person is not spoiled. A big flaw in the character for me is the way she expects people to allow her to lead them around by the nose. People talk about how Gawyn is mistreated by Egwene but look at how he grew up being an accessory to his sister, it is what he has been conditioned to accept. She won't even acknowledge Galad as her brother for no reason other than he does what is right instead of indulging her in what she wants. She even expects the freaking Dragon Reborn to obey her of all things and talks about treating him like a Warder.


    She has a general hissy fit any time someone else does not fall into step agreeably with what she wants and has no concept of consequences for her actions. Concerning Birgitte and unweaving the gate I do not think it is a matter of being unselfish in her intentions but rather that she had no thought for what might happen. Demanding to get your own way constantly and not realizing the impact of your actions and decisions are as un-Aiel as anything, hence why I do not find the Avi and Elayne relationship logical at all.

  2. Was flipping through ACOS and POD the last couple days and one thing came to mind that I always found completely unbelievable and out of character, that being the relationship between Aviendha and Elayne. Given Aiel sensibilities and culture (which Aviendha is as hardcore about as anyone)I always found it ridiculous that she respected and admired Elayne so much given her spoiled, selfish and completely out of touch with reality personality. I shake my head everytime I read a scene about the two of them interacting, much less becoming first sisters.

    Well, good thing then that in fact Elayne is neither of those things makes it a lot more understandable.


    Are you reading the same series as I am? Elayne is the most petulant and immature character I can think of in the story who rarely if ever learns from her mistakes or grows. At this juncture she is the only character I am praying dies. AMOL could be ten pages long and I would give it a thumbs up if it involved her death.

  3. Was flipping through ACOS and POD the last couple days and one thing came to mind that I always found completely unbelievable and out of character, that being the relationship between Aviendha and Elayne. Given Aiel sensibilities and culture (which Aviendha is as hardcore about as anyone)I always found it ridiculous that she respected and admired Elayne so much given her spoiled, selfish and completely out of touch with reality personality. I shake my head everytime I read a scene about the two of them interacting, much less becoming first sisters.

  4. Fine, then she should pay back the common people of Tyr and Sidona for all of the money extorted from them to pay for her upbringing, education, clothing, etc.


    THEN she is free to follow her bliss.


    Logic so bad it makes my head hurt terribly.



    Faile is a noble. Nobles have obligations in exchange for the benefits they receive.


    Right. Such as all the Tairen, Cairheinen and other nobles that spend the majority of their time gambling, drinking and wenching. When they aren't spitting on and stringing up commoners for petty and arbitrary reasons of course. Just because someone is born to a certain station does not mean they are inherently indebted to maintain it (or deserve it for that matter). She did not run off and keep collecting benefits, she made a clean break.


    The money you claim was extorted from the commoners was her father's anyhow, taxes were not collected or paid to her. He spent it as he saw fit in the upbringing of his children like any parent would. She also ran a number of his affairs until she left hence paying off her debts through work. So there.



    Oh, please. You don't even believe that.



    That is funny because I was thinking the same about you. For the record I do believe that, I don't think anyone should be forced into a lifestyle or position if they choose otherwise. What I said was perfectly reasonable and elaborated upon, you are just finding excuses to hate the character.

  5. Fine, then she should pay back the common people of Tyr and Sidona for all of the money extorted from them to pay for her upbringing, education, clothing, etc.


    THEN she is free to follow her bliss.


    Logic so bad it makes my head hurt terribly.



    Faile is a noble. Nobles have obligations in exchange for the benefits they receive.


    Right. Such as all the Tairen, Cairheinen and other nobles that spend the majority of their time gambling, drinking and wenching. When they aren't spitting on and stringing up commoners for petty and arbitrary reasons of course. Just because someone is born to a certain station does not mean they are inherently indebted to maintain it (or deserve it for that matter). She did not run off and keep collecting benefits, she made a clean break.


    The money you claim was extorted from the commoners was her father's anyhow, taxes were not collected or paid to her. He spent it as he saw fit in the upbringing of his children like any parent would. She also ran a number of his affairs until she left hence paying off her debts through work. So there.

  6. Fine, then she should pay back the common people of Tyr and Sidona for all of the money extorted from them to pay for her upbringing, education, clothing, etc.


    THEN she is free to follow her bliss.


    Logic so bad it makes my head hurt terribly.

  7. That's pretty much the definition of running away from responsibility.


    I disagree. True responsibilities are what you choose in life not what is forced upon you by birth (unless you choose to take such responsibility to heart of course). Every person has the right to choose their destiny.


    He's not trying to be a lazy slacker.




    He's uncomfortable with the idea of becoming a lord to people who never needed or wanted a lord before. Rightly.


    Those people do want it however. Perrin chose to be there and chose to take charge of them changing that dynamic. If he was that uncomfortable he should have gotten out of town following the trolloc invasion. By choosing to stay he took the mantle of lord and needs to act appropriately, which Faile is teaching him to do.

  8. Faile is very, very young, the youngest of the main characters. I think you have to take that into account when reading her.


    She is brave, she is clever, she is loyal, she is hot, and she is at least slightly kinky. What's not to like? It's not her fault her husband got all emo when she was missing. (Not really his fault, either, but that's a different thread.)


    I don't even find the jealousy irritating; it's realistic. And, let's remember, it's not like she was imagining things where Berelain was concerned.


    What I do find irritating is the hypocrisy. She's always insisting that Perrin step up to his responsibilities, right? From practically the first moment we meet her? But what did she do? She ran away, abandoning her own responsibilities, to seek adventure.


    Her reason for running wasn't to get away from responsibility per se but from a life she didn't want. Had staying in Saldea satisfied her I am sure she would have jumped in with both feet. In Perrin's case he is right where he wants to be but tries to be a lazy slacker accountable to only himself, she is just doing her wifely duty of giving him a kick in the ass.

  9. Faile definitely grew on me over time despite hating her initially. You just have to understand Saldean women and get a feel for their personalities :biggrin: . I do think Perrin is the wrong match for her though given the fear of his own temper and largely deferential personality, possibly the worst of all the major male characters possible. She is the type that needs/wants a strong male personality that will put his foot down when appropriate. I have had relationships with a few "Failes" in my life and they are not for everyone, certainly not for the timid or faint of heart lol.

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