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Posts posted by Crael123

  1. went out and saw  Dear John last night with Bubba. cried my little eyes out cause it touched so close to home with having actually dealt with most of that.  brought back alot of memories for both of us, like having to drop him off at the airport when his 15R&R was over, among other things.


    the only thing i can't relate to in that movie is her breaking up with him. it really makes me mad that chicks can be so selfish to break up with a guy while he's over in there. i could never understand it and never will. a chick who does that is not only selfish but also a coward.


    awe you can't stand being apart from him   >:( . well he's goign through the same thing only he's getting shot at and having to kill to stay alive. trust me you stupid censored.gif, what ever you're going through, he's going through 10 times more  dry.gif


    gettting that letter over there is sometimes the only thing keeping those guys sane while their over in that hell hole.  i have no respect or sympathy for any chick that does that. 


    Has anyone told you how wonderful you are recently? ;)


    I TOTALLY AGREE amen wow you are a beautiful person. I also hated that movie

  2. I read on Luckers who is the fake sammy thread that Ishy personally killed the super ter'angreal lady. where is this i dont remember reading it. super terangreal lady is the one that discovered all the uses of the terangreals and died that weird death :aessedai:



    I read on Luckers who is the fake sammy thread that Ishy personally killed the super ter'angreal lady. where is this i dont remember reading it. super terangreal lady is the one that discovered all the uses of the terangreals and died that weird death :aessedai:




    i was thinking of wrong person sorry sorry. luckers was talking about the head of the black ajah

  3. To deepen the question. SO far Taim has shown more proficiency with the one power no? Considering we know he has his own weaves, even teaching one to Rand. Whereas we have seen, little to no innovation from Logain. Or does he have his own assortment of tricks as well?

    Firstly, Rand may be considerably stronger then both, as he was very likely no where near his full strength, since he was only about a year into learning to channel at the time. Secondly theres been little about Logain's abilities, altho in TSR at Tear someone Mat overheard talking about Logain said he was very powerful, being able to flatten a village himself or something like that.


    that was just a rumor probably. rand cant even do that unaided now i wouldnt think


    Not to mention the fact that there's no particular reason why a message board <i>needs</i> to be rated PG-13. MPAA ratings are, of course, for films. But eh, if the site owner wants everything kept PG-13 (does anyone that young actually get through twelve epic novels and then come looking for forums?), and wants the mods to enforce that, then fair enough. We are playing in their sandbox, after all.


    dude i read lord of the rings in 4th grade when i was like... 10 i think. when i got to 5th grade i discovered wheel of time. some 12 yr olds can be cool okay? hahha :P

  5. what exactly is a shocklance? 


    Sammael says that he wishes he had one and it would make things a lot easier as far as killing Rand or something.  Is it just...well, literally a lance that shocks you?


    i always thought of it kind of like the whips on whiplash from Iron Man 2's new trailer. go to imdb and watch the trailer. imdb stands for international movie database, it has a ton of new trailers and stuff

  6. Falme was awesome.


    in KoD at the manor house when rand used all of the new channeling techniques like deathgates and blossoms of fire. that is prolly my number one.


    mat vs gholm


    rand vs rahavin


    rand vs ba'lal sammael




    far madding


    Lanfear on the docks


    dumani's wells, HELLO!!


    perrin vs trollocs


    rand killing all the seanchan with callendor, book 8, possibly best scene eva




  7. I seem to recall Perrin having foretelling "dreams" as well when he wanders around TAR. He looks up in the sky and there's a window that shows him stuff going on with our other characters.  I suppose that could be some sort of early manifestation of the color ta'veren vision, but I'm not sure.  I never pay enough attention to the timelines so I'm not sure if Perrin's windows were present or future visions.


    Or I could be misremembering.  And here I thought I'd be all sharp with this stuff since I just did a reread.


    Those visions aren't foretellings, but glimmers of the present in the pattern. Him being a wolfbrother doesn't make him a dreamer or a dreamwalker. Dreamers foretell, he doesn't do that. Dreamwalkers have complete control and knowledge of T'A'R. He doesn't.



    I just finished tSR and something I noticed made me think back to this exchange.  When Perrin is going around the TR trying to figure out how many Trollocs are in the area, he has two foretelling visions.


    One is Mat, naked and tied up to his spear with the medallion hanging from his neck.  I think I recall someone suggesting that maybe part of Mat is still trapped in Finnland like this.  It's more likely a vision of his rescue attempt.  The second vision Perrin has is of Egwene and a bunch of women bowing/kneeling to her.  Among the women are Nyn & Elayne.  This seems to clearly foretell Egwene becoming Amyrlin and does not really reflect anything that's happening with her at the present in the Waste. 


    i dont remember this.

  8. there are lots and lots of simalarities between Wheel of time and Stephen Donaldsons Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever.


    In both:


    At the beginning of time, the Creator sealed the bad guy inside time and he wants to bust out.

    a normalish guy realises he is the saviour of world, he has potential for huge magic.

    Lots of mini-quests and journeys of discovery trooping around the land.

    Both have a Giant race. In both, the giant race are great workers of stone and live longer than people.

    Worlds have long, detailed history and geography, including both having a breaking of the world, which was caused by a wise-leader-who-crazy-guy.

    A sub-race of dour, really tough guys who fight with their hands and feet who come from a region of the land that is somehow harsh and character building. In the prior age, prior to the wise guy going crazy and breaking the world, these tough guys used to serve the wise-guy-who-went-crazy and somehow 'failed'.

    In both series, there is a region of the world / land that is corrupted by Dark Guy / Lord Foul the Despiser, including warped animal and plant life. And in both theres big nasty worms. Donaldsons its a water-dwelling wormy though.

    In both the evil guy at some point inhabits a big scary mountain.

    Relics from prior ages do cool stuff.

    In both the journey starts a village, and the hero is guided by a chick, and there is a bad guy (also from the same village) who tails them (ie padan fain)

    Big evil guy has a select gang of stooges with strong evil powers (ie Forsaken  / Ravers)



    In short, I've always felt that Jordan was a enourmous Stephen Donaldson fan. ;)


    1) creator sealed foul IN his creation


    2)covenant wasn't a normalish guy, he was a physico with leprosy and a solid antihero.


    3)when were there worms in WoT


    aside from that i agree with what you said. I loooved the first series and the first book of the second one. i havnt been able to finish them cuz my mom went ripshit when she found out the books had a rape scene... graphic one at that. and i cant drive so i cant get it myself. leave me alone i am not even 16 yet.  :'( 

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