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Posts posted by OHurley

  1. Hi you Dragonmount Guru's!

    nice thread this, so i'll ask away. (My second post, although i've read lots on these forums)

    First question that comes to my mind is this: How did the Dark One get Lanfear of the 'Land of the Finns'?

    Sure, he is the Lord of the Grave, but we kinda know Moraine isn't dead, so i think it is safe to assume Lanfear/Cyndane wasn't killed by the ter'angreal either. Does he have some power in 'Finnland'?

    Anyone can shed some Light here? (I am aware i made some assumptions here: Moraine=alive and Lanfear=Cyndane, but they seem pretty safe)







    I've often wondered this, myself. My own theory on it is that Moiraine (who we all know is an evil genius when it comes to cleverly out-manipulating others) actually used the Finn's game of wishes and such to kill Lanfear. It's also possible that Lanfear tried to channel too much and that/the Finns killed her for it. Remember- no channeling in Finnland.

  2. Min might know if she was conscious and processed Semi's reaction.

    AS in general will wonder how he got loose from the Domination Band.

    But he didn't explicitly discuss it onscreen.

    Rand also asked Dyelin and other Andor noblewomen carefully about his genealogy and Andor family trees because he was scared of cosanguinity to Elayne. He's shooting to give Elayne the Sun Throne because of the Damondred connection.

    So, he knows about Galad, I think, unless he's failed to put it together, which is very unlikely.

    Galad doesn't know about Rand. Apart from his half-aunt and a few other AS and Aiel WO (who don't know who Shael was), nobody does.


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