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Posts posted by DarthRand

  1. Hehe, somehow I think Dyrum's got a world of hurt coming at her from all angles lol


    And yeah, that link update would be great...at this moment I'm compiling a list of what weaves Dyrum will be capable of manually....it's full of lose lol

  2. Dyrum's temper flared as the Rytali girl stated that she also wished to learn at the Tower. How dare that commoner waste the Mistress of Novices' time with such nonsense. But if Rytali's statement was a shock, then the Mistress' reaction to it was a bolt of lightning from a clear blue sky. She was actually going to allow this common-born girl who couldn't even speak properly a chance to become Aes Sedai? The very idea was preposterous in Dyrum's mind. Still...it was only a chance. Dyrum sniffed, a small smile sliding across her face. Yes, of course anyone could try to become Aes Sedai, but surely Rytali would fail. She was a commoner, and Dyrum was her better tenfold.


    Dyrum's thoughts of superiority were snapped back to reality when the Mistress of Novices spoke again. "I assume you have both been tested?" the Mistress asked. Dyrum nodded. "I was tested by Lady Meraila Covan Aes Sedai, Pia Sedai." The young noble smiled slyly. She knew how to address those who were clearly her betters, and any full Aes Sedai was above a noble...for now at least. Rytali stated that she had been tested as well, adding to Dyrum's consternation, though the young girl chose to ignore it for now. The Mistress waved them to sit, and Dyrum noticed the two oak chairs in front of the Aes Sedai's desk for the first time, seating herself in the left one, sitting up straight and prim, every bit the noble that she was, choosing to ignore the Illianer commoner entirely for the moment.


    The Mistress of Novices opened a drawer in her desk, and brought forth a massive leather-bound book, setting it on her desk with a heavy thump. Even the book ended up squared and ordered in accordance with everything else on the desk. "This is the book of Novices," Pia Sedai said, "all who come to train are recorded in this book, and yes, that includes me." She flipped through the pages of the massive book before coming to a stop, instructing the two girls before them to provide their information. Dyrum took the initiative once more. "Dyrum Meidan Alede, fourteen years of age, born on the Alede Manor in northern Cairhien." She smiled. Let the commoner match that.

  3. Dyrum tapped her foot lightly against the stone floor as she waited, still fuming at the way that fool Accepted had treated someone of obviously noble blood. She winced at Rytali’s first attempt at conversation, honestly, someone should teach that woman to speak properly rather than like a sailor. The Illianer’s second attempt proved successful, if only marginally. As the woman mentioned Dyrum’s case, the Cairhienin hugged it slightly closer to her body, as if she feared theft  in the White Tower. “Yes, it is a flute in fact. I’ve been playing for a few years now, taught by a court bard, if you’d know.” Dyrum sniffed as the girl mentioned hearing her play some time, eyeing Rytali up and down once more before smiling. “I’m sorry, I would love to, but I don’t think you have the right…tastes, to truly appreciate my playing.”


    Before she could speak further, another Accepted, this one with hair the color of honey bound in many tiny braids and slightly tanned skin, approached them. “You are both here to see the Mistress of Novices, yes? Come along with me, please.” Dyrum sniffed, but kept her mouth shut. At least she had the common decency to say please, the young noble thought to herself as she followed the Accepted, making sure to stay just a step ahead of Rytali. As Dyrum walked, she thought. Perhaps I should let Rytali go in first. After all, she is a servant, and likely her meeting will be brief, leaving more time for the Mistress to spend with an actual student. Dyrum smiled slyly at her deduction, and before she knew it, the trio of girls was standing in front of an office. The Accepted merely said, “The Mistress of Novices,” leaving the Illianer and Cairhienin alone.


    "If you do please, you may go first, Dyrum Alede.  I be quite content with waiting out here,” the Illianer girl said tentatively. Dyrum sniffed. The girl had the gall to speak to Dyrum without being spoken to again! The Cairhienin smiled, doing her best to appear friendly in the midst of such an insufferable, insolent girl. “That’s kind of you dear, but I really think your business will be quicker. A quick assignment to the servant’s quarters and that’s that. Real initiates take more time.”


    Of course the fool girl protested, but Dyrum refused to be swayed, until, without warning, the oak door swung open, producing the unmistakable ageless face of a full Aes Sedai. The sister regarded them both with cold eyes. Dyrum’s jaw dropped, and the Aes Sedai chose that moment to pounce. “Aes Sedai deserve your respect, children,” she said, “you should greet me with a curtsey.” Dyrum’s eyes bugged slightly, but she did her best to curtsey. Hers was shallow and clumsy, after all, who would she have curtseyed to back home? The Illianer girl’s was far more graceful,  irking Dyrum’s temper for the moment, though there was no time to act before the Aes Sedai waved them both into her office.


    Light, Dyrum thought, she intends me to attend a servant’s business, and a servant to see the business of Aes Sedai? She shook her head barely in shock, but followed, the door clicking behind them with a click as the Aes Sedai glided over and took a seat behind her solid desk, the papers neatly arranged with near-perfect precision. "I am Pia Tovisen,”the woman said, “and I am the Mistress of Novices. I presume you have a reason to be bickering outside my door, unaccompanied in the tower?"


    Dyrum drew in a deep breath that seemed to take minutes rather than heartbeats before stepping forward slightly. Giving a withering glance to Rytali, Dyrum returned her gaze to the Mistress of Novice as she spoke. “What this…commoner, is here for, I couldn’t say, Aes Sedai. Perhaps she wishes a place with the servants. I, however, am Dyrum Alede, first and only daughter of the Alede family of Cairhien, and I have come to become an Aes Sedai myself.” She finished the statement proudly, beaming at the Mistress of Novices while pointedly ignoring the young girl that stood at her side.


  4. Dyrum nodded sharply as Rytali introduced herself, as if she perfectly expected such a name. Her slightly content smile faltered a bit as Rytali forwarded a question herself. Of course, Dyrum would have given her own name in time, but it would have been her own time. Besides that, a commoner had no place asking questions of a noble, period. Dyrum sniffed, though with less force than she could have. "I am Dyrum Alede, first and only child of the Aledes, in Cairhien. You are from Illian? It's the only place I could think of where that horrid accent could have originated."


    The young Cairhienin shrugged and waved her hand in a dismissive gesture, bringing it to rest lightly on the leather scrip worn over her shoulder. Inside rested her flute, delicately crafted by one of the best craftsmen in all of Cairhein. She really would like to simply break it out and play a tune or two, but things of such beauty were not meant for common ears. Even Meraila Sedai had only heard her play occasionally during the trip to Tar Valon. Dyrum frowned, returning her gaze to the Accepted at the steadily approaching front of the line, her dark eyes hardening into a glare. She sniffed slightly, muttering under her breath, wishing she actually knew words harsh enough for that woman.


    The rest of the wait was mostly spent in silence. Or at least, if Rytali spoke, Dyrum either didn't hear or chose to ignore her. When finally they reached the front of the line the noble had to restrain herself from jumping in front of the commoner, only the thought of a repeat of the gag incident, and being forced to the back of the line again stayed her. Rytali gave her name and stepped aside, leaving the Accepted open as Dyrum strode up confidently, mustering all of her poise and composure. "Dyrum Alede, to see the Mistress of Novices," she said, giving another sniff to indicate her exact feelings towards that particular Accepted. The woman in the banded dress chuckled. "Very well, stand over with the other one, be quiet, and someone will be along to fetch you." Dyrum nearly gave her a good piece of her mind, but thought better of it, fuming beside Rytali. Honestly, the nerve! Sending someone to fetch a noble, as if Dyrum were just some other serving girl!

  5. Dyrum fumed as she was sent tidily to the back of the line, giving the Illian girl a withering glare as she passed, taking up a spot immediately behind the other girl. "Of course I saw the line," Dyrum snapped, keeping her voice low. Not out of fear of being gagged again, no surely that was not it. This commoner simply didn't deserve the amount of attention Dyrum would be giving her by shouting. "Lines, however, are for commonfolk, like yourself." Dyrum pointedly ignored the other nobles standing further up in the line, surely they were simply more commoners dressed up in an attempt to look noble. Of course, that must be it.


    Dyrum sniffed, turning her glare to the woman in the banded dress behind the podium. Meraila Sedai had told her of the rankings within the Tower of course. Novices, the girls in white, were at the bottom. Above them were the Accepted, who wore the banded hem, with the Aes Sedai taking the head, although even full sisters had ranks within themselves. But surely being of noble blood counted for something? Dyrum just couldn't fathom how the White Tower, bastion of civilization according to Meraila Sedai, could be as respected as it was if it allowed commoners to boss nobles around. It was just backwards!


    The young noble shook her head, fixing the Accepted's face in her brain. There would be a punishment for that one, Dyrum would make sure of it. Sighing, Dyrum figured she'd best make what she could of this situation. Turning back to the Illianer girl in front of her, Dyrum sniffed. "You never did introduce yourself. It's quite rude for a commoner not to introduce themselves to a noble, especially with as long as you've been standing there laughing at me." Dyrum did not offer an introduction herself of course, it was beneath her to introduce herself first to a commoner. Perhaps after she had this girl's name....

  6. Dyrum eyed the newcomer girl up and down silently, wincing slightly as the accent grated on her ears. Where under the Light did the girl learn to speak like that? The young Cairhienin shook her head, almost sadly. "If you're asking me where the Mistress of Novices is, I don't know. I was simply told to go inside and ask for her." Dyrum eyed the other girl's clothing with a little more scrutiny. It seemed to have held up well so far, but it was hardly as fine as the wonderful green silk dress embroidered with gold vines Dyrum's mother had given her for the journey. The young noble sighed. "And besides, my dear, I think you are mistaken. The Aes Sedai would never let riff-raff such as you into the Tower."


    Dyrum quirked her mouth in a frown, as if considering her statement. "Actually, they might let you in as a servant or something." She narrowed her eyes, "You'd certainly have to get rid of that awful accent and learn to speak like a proper, civilized woman. Still from what I understand, the Mistress of Novices sees all who are new to the Tower, even the...servants. Come along, I'd hate for you to get lost." Dyrum smiled, truly thinking herself charitable as she turned and entered the main Tower.


    The inside of the structure was every bit as amazing as the exterior, with vaulted ceilings and beautiful tapestries, it was enough to make the Alede manor look like a commoner's farm. Not that Dyrum had the slightest idea what the inside of a commoner's farm looked like of course. Glancing behind her to see if that other girl had followed her, she gave a slight sniff before taking in the rest of the room. There were women in commoner's rags and noble's regalia standing shoulder to shoulder, apparently all wishing to speak with an Aes Sedai for advice on disputes or other nonsense. Interspersed among these ran younger girls, though some were certainly older than Dyrum herself, clad in simple white dresses, some of the older ones had banded hems in seven colors on their dresses. Dyrum admired these latter, such simple clothing and yet so elegant at the same time!


    Regaining her composure, she was a noble's daughter after all, not some country bumpkin, Dyrum strode directly to a young woman with the banded hem on her dress who stood behind a small podium, ignoring the line of women in front, much to their indignation. Dyrum ignored them. They were commoners most of them, and even if they weren't, Dyrum doubted if any of them were actually going to join the Tower. They were too old by half for sure. The young woman at the podium raised her eyebrows as Dyrum spoke, "I am Dyrum Alede, here to see the Mistress of Novices."


    The young woman smiled. "That's nice, but you'll need to wait in line." She pointed back, to where the line began a good twenty or thirty people back." Dyrum scoffed, and stamped her foot. "I will not be dismissed like some...some...commoner! I demand that you ta-." Her sentence was cut short by a hard ball of...something...being forced into her mouth. The young woman in the banded dress smiled smugly. "You will go to the end of the line, and you will wait your turn. Just like everyone else." The hard ball faded, leaving Dyrum with a scowl on her face as she stalked to the end of the line. The nerve of some people! Surely not all in the Tower were so ignorant of the proper treatment of a noble's daughter! Oh, Dyrum fervently hoped that girl got the punishment she deserved....

  7. Dyrum couldn’t help but gape as her small party of three, led by the Aes Sedai Meraila Covan of the Blue Ajah, crossed the marvelous white bridge spanning the river between the mainland and the magnificent island city of Tar Valon. It had been a long and arduous journey; Dyrum wasn’t accustomed to such hardships as riding all day and sleeping in the wilderness if there was not an inn handy. However, every time she voiced her concern, either Meraila Sedai or her Warder, Jowan would give the girl a single look, but say nothing on the matter. Dyrum had learned quickly that her temper had no effect on these people, considering how disastrous her first attempt had been. The young girl blushed abruptly at the memory of being suddenly yanked up into the air and flipped upside down, hanging until her temper had burned itself out from embarrassment.


    After that incident, Dyrum had been content to remain petulant rather than combative, though the mood never lasted long, as inevitably her curiosity would win out, and she would begin asking questions of the couple. Mostly these questions were directed to Meraila Sedai, but a few made their way to Jowan Gaidin as well, such as how he managed to move through the autumn forest without making a sound. The majority of Dyrum’s questions revolved around life at the Tower rather than actual use of the One Power, and Meraila Sedai answered them all with the same cool dignity she had displayed in Cairhien. Of course, the Aes Sedai had her own agenda, and took it upon herself to begin teaching Dyrum the very basics of the Power, mostly theory rather than practice. By the time they reached the Tower, Dyrum had learned about the Five Powers or elements that made up the One, as well as the basic concept behind embracing saidar, though she hadn’t been able to actually do it, despite days of Meraila Sedai working with her on it.



    All those minor lessons were forgotten now as the young Cairhienin noble gaped in awe at the Ogier-crafted city. White stone buildings seemed to almost come to life, so masterful was the masonry, where one row of buildings suggested flowing water, others a growing tree, the sight took away the girl’s breath. But most magnificent of all, and the trio’s destination, was the White Tower. Visible from many miles distant, the massive yet graceful ivory spire rose like a majestic empress overseeing her domain, which just so happened to encompass the entire world. Dyrum could feel her heart quicken at the thought of living and studying within such an amazing structure, to be respected worldwide.


    As they reached the gates, Meraila Sedai and Jowan dismounted, Dyrum following suit soon after. Here Meraila turned to the young girl and nodded. “Here is where our ways part for now. I have other business to attend to, and cannot supervise your every day of training. Go through these gates and into the Tower’s lobby. There you will ask for an audience with the Mistress of Novices. She will take care of you from there.”


    Dyrum’s jaw dropped, and she could feel a tantrum brewing within her. One look into Meraila Sedai’s cool eyes and that ageless face that Dyrum still found slightly unnerving convinced the girl otherwise. The only Alede child simply gulped and nodded, turning to the gates, trying her hardest to look as serene and calm as Meraila Sedai always did, though she could feel her stomach aflutter with nervousness.  Dyrum looked over her shoulder only once before she was in the gates, and just as she was reaching the Tower’s main doors, she heard another voice call out, this one younger than the Aes Sedai’s, causing the young noble to turn completely around and appraise her addressor.


  8. Even without the requirement, I'd still like Dyrum and Rytali (when she gets CC'd and all that is) to be roomies, it's something we've been planning for a bit now lol. And thanks for the welcome ^_^

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