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News item Comments posted by stormcrow420

  1. an interesting cover. Better than TGS, maybe not as good as ToM.


    Qujick glance at the HD version - looks like Rand has some blood spots on his left side? is that where the wound(s) that never heal are?


    One thing that was pointed out over the years was that DKS always painted these his own way. It doesn't sound like their was much collaboration between him and RJ. I think here Whelan has paid more attention to the actually backstory. Rand looks more Rand-ish, Callandor looks much more like it is described in the books than on the cover of TDR. Looks like some of the covers to the Coldfire books - which I think Whelan did as well?


    I guess it's suitably iconic for the series swansong. Looking forward to the read.

  2. I've been reading WoT since the early 90s and it really feels more like research than reading for pleasure. I've read most of the later books a couple of times, but the early books at the most I've read only once or twice. I just started reading EotW again a few weeks ago. What a difference! I cant believe how young Rand is, you can almost see the hay in his hair lol. And I always thought that the animosity towards Aes Sedai was something that built as the series went along, woops, Aes Sedai are synonomous with Dark Friends from the start. Padan Fain, one of my favorite characters, has a whole conversation with Rand in Baerlon and at no time does Rand try and rip out his throat with his bare hands!


    I'm not sure if I'm down for a series reread, I don't think I have the time to spare these days, but it's great getting to go back to the beginning with the final act on deck. Sandersen has done a great job picking the series up and giving it the spark that it needed to carry it to the finish line, no disrespect to the Master meant. Can't wait for AMoL when we find out that the War between Bela and Narg has been going on through endless ages!

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