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Posts posted by NARISMA

  1. Pherno was smiling evilly at him,he was confident that he will win this battle.Let him believe he thought,that was all part of the plan.He used Callandor as a shield to protect himself from Phernos attack.The blast of the power was tremendous,he could see the flows even after the Callandor cut them in half.Pherno was using full power of his black sword Angreal.It was time to try something different he thought to himself.To take him by surprise.

    Instead of using the power,ha attacked with Callandor,using the Crystal sword as an weapon.

    Wild Lions running from the mountains,he used to attack Pherno.

  2. as Phernos discs of flame came he had just enough time to create the shield around himself.Hot air burned his coat,burned his skin,but that didn't matter,he was alive.He spun the weaves of air and fire,creating the ball of lightning that should give him some time to figure out what to do.His emotions lead him to this battle,rage inside him demanded Phernos blood,but now as his thoughts begun to clear up,he wasn't so sure that this was the best idea.But now there was no turning back,he will kill him and get it over with this all.

    He created the ball massive enough to keep the Pherno distracted for a moment,but he didn't sent it yet,he wanted Pherno to think that he is tired and slowly but steady losing the grip on the Power.Just a moment he waited,long enough to Pherno suspect him but not long enough to see the trap .Pherno was not a fool he had to admit that.He finally sent the ball toward the ball toward the Pherno.

  3. Dovien smiled to Alviarin as she bowed to him.she learned her lesson,and now was obedient as one of those Seanshan da'covale.You did well he said to her.His task was now much easier.She was the one who talked Pherno into the fight with that fool Orbein.Now he could take control of the battle and take all the Credits for destruction of the Tower.

    "How are our circles advancing",he asked her.

    "Slowly,great master,with every level we take we loose many Trollocs and Myrdrals.There is about 150 000 left and we reached only to the Ajah quarters,that are empty,we didn't find anything useful there."

    His anger boiled and he opened to the True Power.Magnificent and overwhelming,it threatened to Crush his mind,like every time he used it.But he stayed alive,he was still in Great Lords favor.He will be victorious here no matter the price,now as he had one less obstacle on his way things are going to be more easier.

    He opened the gateway to the Tower Ground and started channeling at the Circles on the upper levels who were standing on the Platforms of air and killing Trollocs below.He destroyed those platforms,killing many of them,but some survived,attacking him with more anger than before.He countered those attacks,and stopped many of them,but some got through and killed many dreadlords,but that was not important,because he made big hole in the middle of the tower,damaging it more.Soon it will fall.Even big and powerful structure like that could suffer only so much of the damage,before it starts crumbling.

  4. OOC:Arani i hate to be the party spoiler,but please follow the Story.Orbein is the T'sorovan M'hael,and he is commander of Asha'man who are not under Aes Sedai command.He is only an ally,and he listens Logain only.Even Amyrlin does not have command on him.I wrote this in previous topic.


    He swore loudly as Silviana and her circle stepped out in front of him to fight Pherno.He was the one who will kill him,not some damned Aes Sedai.He drove the Power through the Callandor,and opened the Gateway to the World of Dreams.In same time he wove the ward around him and Pherno,to Prevent Aes Sedai from attacking.Silviana stared at him wide eyed.In that moment she was thinking that he was Darkfriend too,but she didn't understand,nobody did.Pherno had to pay for killing his wife and daughter,that was the only thing that mattered to him in this moment.

    "If you want to fight,follow me",he said to Pherno.

    He watched gateway with suspicion in his eyes,before he stepped through,following him.

    Even before the Gateway closed he attacked Pherno,using all his skill and knowledge,Pherno will die or he will die,there was no third choice.


    OOC:Pherno,I read your post on another topic,scene was happening after the Battle for the White Tower,after this whole Last Battle RP,I want to ask you if you want our battle be the introduction to that scene or you want to continue RP-ing here.

  5. "I don't care what are Aes Sedai saying,just do as I said"

    accepted bowed her head slightly and turned toward the stairs for upper levels.She was the messenger from Greens,to tell him that he must hold on.Despite the Circles,mass of shadow spawn were entering the Tower much faster than they predicted.His Asha'man were fighting  almost whole day now,they needed rest or somebody will die from exhaustion.He didn't have intention to let that happen.

    "Push them harder",he ordered to them."I don't care that you are tired,you are not here to rest,you are here to fight."

    He sensed powerful channeling on the east side of the tower.That was Pherno,he was sure,nobody of the Dreadlords had such Power,even with angreals.

    He raised Callandor,the sword was shining like the sun itself from the Amount of Power he channeled through him.

    In the moment the new hole on the wall of the tower opened,he sent massive weave of fire toward the advancing Trollocs.For the moment he was sure that he saw Pherno,standing outside ,bit the next moment,nobody was there.

    Pity,he hoped to kill him,but at the moment he had bigger things to worry about.Fire from the Callandor stopped Trollocs for the Moment,but they will be back soon,and the channeling of the Dreadlords was causing much damage to the Tower.If they don't do something soon,nothing will be left of the Tower to defend.Dreadlords will tore it.He swore loudly as another hole was breached.He will not let the tower fall,not as long as he is still alive.


  6. Prepare yourself he told the Dreadlords who were among the first rows of the attack force.

    Witches had strong force of chanaleres ready to repel any attack he sent but they were no match for the True Power.He weaved the web of death and sent it on the circle that was defending the Entrance to the tower ground.They resisted few moments but after some time they were all dead.He commanded the Myrdrals to lead the one fist of Trollocs inside he will protect them.almost all circles here were made of accepted or novices linked with Asha'man soldiers.They were no match for him.Typically the witches were hiding in the Tower,protected by the walls.They sent minions to fight him.He smiled.They made his job a lot easier than he expected.

    After this finishes he will be new Chosen,if his plans work all the way,he will be Nae'blis.

    Lead your circle behind me and protect me from the enemy channeling as i work,he ordered to Alviarin.She bowed to him and did as ordered.She was usable tool.Pherno still didn't suspect that she was working for him instead for Demandred.Fool,but dangerous fool.Pherno had more experience dealing with shadow than himself.maybe he will not kill him,just wrap his mind with compulsion so strong that Phernos only goal was to please him.Yes he will do that.Pherno had much informations that he could use.

    He drove the True Power,refusing to surrender himself to the extasy that the Great Lords power provided.Massive ball of pure blackness hit the Wall of the tower,creating the hole at the bottom,big enough for trollocs to enter.

    We have to draw back,Alviarin said to him with a tense voice.Circle will not hold on so long.

    Draw back he ordered loud enough that all dreadlords heard him.He had very little of them left,he will not risk them without need to do so.His goal was to provide the entrance in the Tower.

    He could not see Pherno anywhere but he sensed channeling powerful enough to know that Pherno was the one channeling.He probably sought that full T'sorovan M'heil.He wanted his revenge no matter what and that made him weak.If something goes wrong,Pherno will be the one who will be guilty and punished.He smiled darkly as he opened the Gateway to outer walls

  7. Myrdrall walked from his tent leaving him infuriated.Demandred vanished three days ago when the reinforcements arrived and his spies were unable to tell him where he went.Bloody Chosen.He had more important things to do.Pherno was now in charge and he demanded to see results from him and other Dreadlords.Rumors spread through the Camp that Pherno will be promoted to Chosen as soon as he finishes with the White Tower.

    Shield around the Tower was weakening every day more,soon they will have access to the Tower but he knew that another long and bloody battle was waiting them.By now most of the Channaleres of the Light will be fully recovered and ready to Fight.Theirs forces were outnumbering them,but he will not give up.Light forces were now mostly made from channaleres .They had small army maybe 3000 soldiers have survived and they had 300 000 Trolllocs that will be of great help when the battle begins.

    Myrdrall brought him news from the Shayol Ghul.Most of the Chosen were Dead,Light was winning the battle in the Tarvin Gap and the Dragon entered in Pit of Doom three days ago.Since then earthquakes in the blight were constant and the Lightning Storms killed everyone who came near.If the Dark One looses it will be end for all of them.

    He opened Gateway to the walls that were protecting the Tower.With the True Power he could see tiny cracks in the Shield made from the One Power.Even with Kalandor they could not mach the True Power.He begun channeling in those cracks spreading them.He could not destroy the Shield in one blow but eventually it will collapse.He smiled to himself.When that happen he will make sure that he would be the one Promoted not Pherno,even if that meant killing him.

  8. "The shield will not hold them for long",Nynaeve Sedai said."Dreadlords are attacking constantly.

    "We will be ready",he said to her,trying to stay calm.He didn't expected that they will break the shield so soon.But he will not complain.They had almost five days to rest and to get ready.He wondered what is happening in Shayol Ghul.NO news have come,but he knew that the Dark One didn't win or else they all would be dead by now.

    Many of the Injured Asha'man and Aes Sedai were recovered by now so they still had a chance against Pherno and his dreadlords.

    He found out three days ago that 300 000 Trollocs were sent as Reinforcements.

  9. "You will obey me",he said to one of the Fades standing in front of him."I know how to bring pain to your kind,and the pain is what awaits you if you don't attack."

    Myrdralls were newer afraid,they brought fear to others,but their expressions were closest to fear that you could see on a face of a Fade.

    "If we attack again,all will be lost."

    "I don't care,you will attack.Dragoons are not protected by the Asha'man or Aes Sedai,they will be easy to kill."

    One of the fades opened mouth as to object,and he weaved simple weave using the True Power.The scream of the Fade was terrifying,but he didn't pay attention.

    Other two vanished in Shadows,leaving him alone on the hill.

    He underestimated Demandred.The Chosen was not so strong in Power as he was but his skills were far greater,as he showed him.He tried to use True Power on him,but the Chosen blocked attacks with an ease.

    "You will not waste time anymore",Chosen said to him,his steel eyes not letting even a hint of his mood.

    "start attacking the Tower or even the Great Lord would not help you."

    He would pray to the light that he abandoned if he knew that it would help him.There was no escaping.

    He wove the hammer of spirit and air using Saidin,He could not use the True Power all the time because he begun to feel the consequences of the usage.The Saa flecks were now visible all the time,and his mind was numb.He didn't care for anything except destruction.He resisted that urge but he didn't knew how long he could do it.When that happens,nobody would be safe.He will kill everything that comes on his way.Weaves with saidin were not so effective like the ones with the True Power,but they will serve the purpose.Shield around the Tower was not showing any signs of weakening even after the constant attack from him and other Dreadlords.Still he continued to attack.If he stopped,something worse than death awaited him,Demander told him that,and looking at those steel eyes it was clear that he was telling the truth.

  10. OOC:Big sorry Pherno,I'm a writer by profession so I'm used to write many characters.It wasn't my intention to Change your character,just i don't know how to write a story when our characters meet,unless I write with both of them to have different POV,but i will not do it anymore.Once again BIG sorry Pherno

  11. Dovien was angry,his attacks on the Shield that protected the Tower were useless.Even the True Power could not destroy it.He wondered where Pherno was.Somewhere far,because he would be here trying to have his head off from his shoulders.No matter,there was still work to do.The Tower will fall eventually,and before that he will destroy the Tar Valon,in front of the Eyes of the Aes Sedai.The Great LOrd will be pleased when he comes with the reports of the fall of Tar Valon.Then he will be named as Nae'blis.Demandred came to him but he did not kneel before him.He was equal to him in the strenght in Power,maybe more stronger and with the True Power on his disposal he was safe for now.You will use your power to attack the Tower not for playing around,he said to him.His voice was dark,and Dovien knew why.

    It was the punishment for disobeying the Great Lords orders that brought Demandred here.He Tried to kill Rand al' Thor when the battle begun in Shayol Ghul.He failed and was alomoust killed by al' Thor but he was sawed by the Greta Lord and sent here to help destroy the witches

  12. Black lightning's flew when Callandor countered the attack from Pherno's black angreal sword.He was skilled with the sword but not like Pherno who was Blade Master.But his hatred toward him was all that mattered.He will have his revenge.He began channeling like newer before.Fire serpents appeared from callandor,trying to reach Pherno,to wrap apound him and kill him instantly but he was skilled,not an easy target.Cylinder of air wrapped around Pherno protecting him from the attack.He attacked using the Callandor as an ordinary sword.He used the sword form known as Lions from the mountains.It met the Serpents attack,and in the moment they've danced deadly dance.Attacking and retreating equally.

    "Stay back",he ordered to Young Asha'man who tried to attack Pherno.This was his fight,he owed it to his wife and daughter.And beside young fool would end up killed by this Serpent of a man.

    He weaved the ice spears to stab Pherno,but they disappeared before they could do any harm to him.He was aware of the battle moving form the Tower and massive shield that was created to protect the tower,but his eyes were on Pherno.One mistake,and he will be dead.The Pherno knew that and he waited.Instead of giving him a chance,he wielded Lightning to destroy the cylinder that protected him.

    In a moment,lightning begun to struck the shield harder,and he could saw on Pherno's face that he had trouble holding it whole and fighting in the same time.Even with his sword angreal,using huge amounts of the Power was exhausting even for Pherno.He wasn't in a good shape himself.He used huge amounts of the power earlier today and that had it's price.No matter.He will die if his death was the thing that will revenge his family.

    Just when he prepared to use balefire,Fireballs came down from the sky striking the ground around Pherno.

    "We will meet again foll",the dark voice said to him almost laughing."Next time you would not be so lucky".With that words Pherno stepped through gateway before he even managed to attack.

    He turned around,ready to kill the Person that involved in his fight,and he almost hit the Nynaeve Sedai.She was the one who involved.Cyndane was standing behind her,like a obedient servant.Then he noticed cou'rosava around Nynaeve's neck.

    So that is how she kept Cyndane obedient.No a'dam in the world would stop Cyndane to kill them all,but this was something else.

    we will talk later,Nynaeve said to him flatly,denying to accept that he was ready to kill her on the spot.Bloody Aes Sedai,she was worst of them all.

    No matter,he will have his revenge.

  13. when the Pherno destroyed the shield that protected the white tower the Aes Sedai were panicked.That was theirs last line of defence.Instead of panicking the Young Amyrlin started walking from one sister to another telling them something that he could not hear from the noise of the battle in the air.After she passed each sister seemed more calmed and started channeling again.Soon huge hammers of the air begun killing the Trollocs that advanced toward the tower.In one moments three enormous pillars of fire 8 feet tall appeared in the middle of advancing Trolloc army.Moment later he recognized the flows.He created the shield around them on the top of tower protecting them from the heat blast that will follow.

    Pillars exploded,killing the mass of trollocs and some dreadlords that were with them.Shock weaves and the heat that followed the explosion killed the dreadlords that were coming from the surrounding streets.He didn't knew who created this massive weapon until he saw Nynaeve Sedai riding through the Trolloc army toward them.For some reason they flew from her when she got close.Nobody dared to attack her."Malkier battle queen",he heard someone saying with a pride in the voice.He turned around and faced Malkieri Aes Sedai,one of the few in tower.

    Still he didn't understood how she managed to do something like that.Even with her angreals she wasn't powerful enough.Then he understood.Woman was walking in front of her horse.He recognized that face.It was Lanfear.He begun preparing the weaves  for a death web,but the Amyrlin stopped him.

    "She is a prisoner,capture by the A'dam,she is not a threat to us."

    He wanted to ask her how she managed to capture Lanfear,but she turned around and begun ordering for the Aes Sedai to open the gates of tower to let the Nynaeve Sedai in.

  14. When the house sized fireball hit the Ogier grove,he knew that Pherno was behind it.Nobody else could draw such power and left unharmed.Second one followed the first only this time the ball hit the invisible obstacle that protected the Tower walls.He continued his destroying of the City walls.There was much more Trollcs that needed entrance in the city.Sudddenly,mass of deathgates began opening and closing in blink of an eye.Trollocs died in thousands,soon they will be too weak to be threat.He channeled the True Power in a new weave that he developed.Deathgates vanished leaving the free pass.They must hold on just one more day and a new reinforcements will arrive from the South where the Light forces were destroyed.Approximately 700 000 Trollocs will arrive.He channeled the True Power toward the wall,trying to destroy the obstacle. 

  15. "Move them from the walls",he commanded to the soldiers with the voice amplified with the power.He could not sense the One Power being used,but the walls crumbled even so.He concluded that the True Power was being used.With the Callandor in his hands and the power of the Full circle of 72 he could destroy the user on the spot but the problem was to find him.Instead he sent storm of lightning on the battlefield to prevent Trollocs from coming in the city.But he knew that it was useless.Walls were breached on several places and Trollocs were advancing despite his best efforts.

    "We need to retreat to the Tower",on of the Aes Sedai from the circle said.She was right,he knew that but he could not leave his men like this.He draw the power through the Callandor until the sword shone like the miniature sun.He made huge wall from air in front of the advancing trolloc army,so his men could retreat with minimal casualties.He could not hold this wall for long.The Dreadlords sensed his channeling and began attacking.At last he let go of the flows and walls perished.Most of the army was safe but he stayed until the last of them were safe.He wove the shield of Air and Spirit around him just like the Dragon taught  him.Only thing that could destroy it was balefire.It was time to use deathgates.Mass of trollocs died crowding the entrance in the wall with corpses so the tide lessened a little.

    He retreated on the safe distance from where he opened the gateway to the one room in the Tower that wasn't warded.It was left for the cases like this when he had no other choice.

    The gateway crossed through the dead trolloc slicing him on half.

    When he was safe in the room he wove the wards against travelling around.He smiled.

    IN the ward there was a little surprise for the dreadlords who try to follow him here.Their gateway will explode leaving the destruction mile around.If there is luck,gateway will kill the one who used the true power.

    He climbed to the top of the tower,joining his circle and others.

    From here he could see the destruction that the siege caused.Tar Valon,most beautiful city in the world was now in ruins.He could see where the city walls were breached,those holes were getting bigger with the moment.

    Trollocs that entered the city did not advance toward the tower.Instead they burned the buildings and fed on the corpses of the soldiers.He directed his flows in that direction,huge fireball enveloped that area and exploded.All that was left was darkened stone.He begun to eradicate Trollocs where ever he saw them but he knew that he could not continue like that.He must concentrate on the dreadlords in hope of discovering who used the True Power and in such amount that the Tower shacked with the earth.Silviana was here too with the wand.She used the power in some unknown weave.         

  16. When Demandred commanded attack he hurled thew storm of fire toward the walls of Tar Valon.True Power was surging through him,through his veins,bringing death and destruction.He was sure that pattern growled in moments like this when such amounts of the True Power were used.Soon the snake will be dead,the wheel broken and the Great Lord will win the Last Battle,bringing darkness with him.Soon he will be Nae'blis and rule above them all in the Great Lords name.Rock binded with the One Power exploded when his waves touched it.He weaved huge hammers of air and fire to destroy the guarding towers.

    "Advance",he ordered the Trollocs under his command.They feared of the lightning and the fireballs ahead,but they feared of Myrdralls even more,and Myrdralls feared of him more than they ever feared of that worm Padan Fain.

    Suddenly,the storm of lightning fell from the sky,killing trollocs and myrdralls equally.Some of Dreadlords were killed too."Demandred would not be pleased",he thought to himself.But he had deferent worries now.He sensed use of the huge amounts of the Saidin.That could mean only one.That those fools used Callandor.

    He let the larger amount of the True Power in himself.Black Saa flecks were now permanently present.He was nowhere near his maximum amount in one power but he could not draw so much of the True Power.He would be destroyed in a moment.But he thought about something that Moridin told Demandred,and he heard it.Moridin and Demandred could use enormous amounts of True Power and not be harmed.He began drawing the true power through the cords that in protected him from the taint on the saidin before the Dragon removed the taint.Now he could draw much more True Power.Earth shacked beneath him.Huge walls began crumbling before his eyes.Trollocs began pouring in the city like a flood of Darkness.Lightning continued but it was far now.They retreated to the protection of the Tower.He smiled.Today was the day when the White Tower would fall.

  17. He smiled when he met Alviarin.She wore the mark of Shaidar Haran on her forhead,it was invisible to others,but to him ho used the True Power it was glowing.Horned scull,mark of the Great Lord himself.He shuddered,not from cold but from thinking what will Great Lord do to him if he goes against the orders he got in the Pit of Doom.

    "ALVIARIN IS NOT TO BE HARMED"-the Great Lord told him,when he swore the oaths to Him.


    The message was clear,but he will go against those orders,that was the only way to gain the position of Nae'blis.He will not kill her,for now she used him more alive.

    Her eyes widened with fear.She tried to run,but he used true power and enveloped her with the flows of air.

    He didn't like to use True Power for things like this,tonight it was important to not get noticed and using the saidin he couldn't achieve that.

    Her tent was close so he drag her to there.Trollocs were stupid and would not report what they saw but there is always a chance of some Darkfriend listening in hope to get promoted and gain the protection of Chosen.

    "I thought that you're dead",she hissed."I was sure that i killed you when i left."

    He smiled to her but that scared her even more.Good,he wanted her to be afraid,so he could use her easily.

    Hand of the Great Lord of Dark can bring life back with ease.

    Horor was displayed on her face.

    He lied,but she didn't knew that.The Great Lord uses his servants as long as they live but he don't pull them from grave.You do not fix old tool if you have many more to use.

    "I am under his protection",she said with trembling voice."You can't harm me".

    "Favor of the Great Lord is hard to get but very easy to loose",he said smiling,as he wove the Fire and Spirit in her body.

    He isolated tent so no one could hear her screaming.He let the flows for few moment's and then let them subside.

    She was breathing heavily and tears were running down her face.

    "What do you wan't from me",she asked arrogantly.

    He brought back the flows this time letting them a little longer.

    The great mistress Semirhage thought him those flows and how to use them with male half of the power.Vowing them with True Power was the same to him.

    When he let them to subside again she was more humble.Lowering her eyes when talking to him and keeping her voice in control.

    "You will be my personal spy in Demandreds tents.Every word that he says you will repeat to me.But be careful if you lie to me I will know.You will beg the Great Lord to give you quick death if you fail me."

    With that words he let go of her.She bowed deeply to him when she regained control.

    "It will be as you command Great Master",she said humbly.

    He leaved her tent with a satisfied smile.

    He was halfway to his tent when the attack begun.

    That fool Demandred didn't waited till dawn as he was informed.

    "So Pherno wanted to grab all the glory to himself",he thought to himself as he walked toward the hill from where he will have good view at Tar Valon.

    He embraced the True Power,sweeter than life it was overwhelming but he knew how to control it.

    He thought he could hear the Dark One laughing as he prepared weaves for attack.

  18. Dovien watched as Pherno angrily walked in circles in his tent.Moments ago they found out that the Callandor is in the hands of the Witches.Ewen with the Callandor they didn't have a chance against them,but Pherno wasn't easy to convince.

    "You don't have to worry,my spies tell me that Asha'man abandoned their places on the walls and moved deeper in to the city,leaving the defense to soldiers and Damane.The are no threat to us."Fool",Pherno said darkly,"Damane so far killed most of the Trolloc army",they are the threat."

    "Don't make me laugh Pherno",he said to man with a scowl."We both know that there isn't a damane so strong that could be a threat to us when we are linked.And with my use of true power it will me all over before it even starts."

    Man turned his attention to him.That look made him wish to run and hide.

    "You will not use True power without my permission",his voice was steel like his face.

    He didn't have intention to listen Pherno's commands.They were equal now,but that didn't meant that he will turn his back and ignore him.That would be deadly mistake.He was the snake that attacked when you least expected it and disappeared before you could do anything.

    "My use of true power is the only ting that will give you advantage over the Callandor.If you want to win you will let me help."

    "You will use it when i say and where I say",Pherno said to him."I won't explain myself to you".

    He turned around and came out of the tent,leaving him alone.Anger was boiling in him,threatening to overcome everything else.In that moment Myrdral came in to the tent,his eyeless face staring at him.He thought that he could frighten him.

    True power flowed from him.Sweater than life,overwhelming,magnificent.

    It was all over in a moment.Myrdral was dead,all that was left was a pile of ashes.

    He reminded himself to be patient.He didn't get so far to ruin everything now.

    He walked away to the chilly night and directed the flows of True Power in a way that he was thought to do."

    Alviarin was here somewhere,she escaped him last time but not now.He had a message for her  from Shaidar Haran.That Myrdral was to arrogant,bit that could wait.Now he had more important things to do.These flows were made to detect those who Dark One marked as his property through the Shaidar Haran.Wit a little luck she will choose rather to help him ower going to Shayol Ghul.She wasn't so strong in one power,but she had something that he could use.

  19. "Report",he barked at one young Asha'man standing at the entry of the Tower.

    His eyes widened as he saw him.

    "We thought that you're dead T'sorovan M'hael",the Asha'man said.

    "I told one of messengers at the wall where I was going"."He was to tell Amyrlin of my traveling to Shayol Ghul".

    "The wall was attacked that day with an unknown weaves,and everybody at that side died before the Aes Sedai could heal them.Everyone thought that you were among those who died."

    He nodded slowly.It was worse than he expected.Many of those who were killed served under his command more than three years.Some of them were friends.

    "Who blew up the mountain",he asked finally.

    "The Aes Sedai did,to prevent the Trolloc reinforcement's to reach out the city."

    "How many Trollocs was destroyed with the mountain."

    Asha'man lowered his eyes and fell silent.

    "How many,answer me boy",he said firmly with a dangerous edge in his voice.

    "Hundred thousand",Asha'man said.

    He felt cold from inside.His anger first erupted like a fire and then became pure ice.

    Bloody Aes Sedai,for a hundred thousand trolloc's to destroy an entire mountain without thinking on consequences,it was stupid even for them.

    But he had Callandor now.With enough Asha'man and theirs Aes Sedai that were bonded to them with an Compulsioned Warder bond he could form a circle of seventy two with enough power to match everything that Shadow throws at them.He will tell the Amyrlin his plans but she hadn't command on them anymore.Not after this.

    "You will inform every asha'man in the city that I came back and that I will speak with them on the central square tonight when the sun falls down.

    When the Asha'man was gone he entered the Tower.It was crowd,like he newer seen before in the White Tower.Wounded were laying everywhere,Asha'man skilled at healing worked with Yellow Aes Sedai.Servants carried food and blankets.In some corners he noticed sisters from different Ajahs talking behind the wards of power.Every level was like this until he came to the level where Amyrlins quarters were.


    He came out of the Tower with a promise from the Amyrlin that they will help when he asks and will not interfere with his defense of the city unless he ask them to do so.It wasn't easy.The girl was used to hold all ties in her hand and to command everybody,even Asha'man.She was though,harder than Elaida or Siuan ewer been.Finally when he threatened that he will order Asha'man to leave the city she accepted his terms.But not without the promice that he will include her in the circle.If the sitters knew what she was going to do,he thought that they would faint on the spot.That is if they don't decide to argue untill they all die.

    Tonight he will choose those who will be in the circle with him.He wished that he could include some of more powerful novices and accepted but he gave her the promise that he will use only sisters that were bonded to Asha'man.

    He prayed to light that this finishes soon,he was sick of war.

  20. He wiped out the sweat from his face as he channeled the Earth and Fire,he was one of the Hundred Asha'man assigned to help in rebuilding the Rhuidean.Huge blocks of stone were put together by the power.Ogier shaped them as soon as they were put in place.He didn't wanted to be here.He assigned to help in researching the new Terraforming waves that Lady Elayne discovered and that were used in growing new plants and Trees in places that were wasted in the Last Battle.But they told him that his talents could find good use in rebuilding the Rhuidean.It was hot,the Windfinders  din't changed the climate here  yet.There were other places that needed their help more urgently.In the Lord Dragon's newly founded Empire there was much starving mouth that needed to be fed,and so every farmer was given a land to grow food.Sea Folk windfinders and some Aes Sedai and Kin were ordered by Lord Dragon himself to help sustaining the perfect weather for growing plants.

    There was no use in complaining,he was happy that he is still alive after all that happened

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