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Posts posted by TheBeerPatriot

  1. Couldn't be bothered to go to book store today so looks as if I'm reading Clash of Kings before going to Mistborn Book 2. I quite like switching between series after a book, I find that if read a full series one after the other I can sometimes get bored of the characters even the my faves :wink:

    I hear you on switching between series between books, I find that it keeps the characters fresh for me...provided I don't take too long to return to them ;)


    I recently read the first book of Glen Cook's Black Company series-Croaker is a great narrator, and I really enjoyed his insights as his character progresses through the book. This is a series I will return to soon...


    More recently, I finished Red Badge of Courage for the first time since high school. Perhaps it's just me, but I find the book overrated. There is certainly a strong anti-war message, and I'm sure it was quite powerful when the book was first published. However, it just didn't resonate with me.


    On a better note, I've finally started Gardens of the Moon, Malazon Volume 1! Way overdue for me to read, I'm 80 pages into it and very much enjoying it. The sense of history is evident on every page, and quite a story is being told here.

  2. That's pretty much how I found Elantris as well. The first time through you have to finish it to figure out what's going on. But I can't muster up enough interest for a second read.


    Kinda putting me off it know. Ive started Storm Front and have Fool Moon lined up after it, so looks like it will be a while before Elantris gets a look in. Whats the Dresden series like?

    I've only read the first two in the Dresden series so far, but liked it. First-person narrative has a droll sense of humor, really enjoyed it. I'll probably read further in the series at some point, just too many books on my plate.


    Regarding Elantris, I could not get through it the first time and stopped at about the 50 page mark. However, I gave it another shot earlier this year and I think it is well worth it. While there are some characterization flaws, the magic system is entirely original, and has a decent plot running through it. I definitely recommend giving Elantris a shot.

  3. Haven't posted on this board for over a month, but have still been busy reading. Read Patricia McKillip's Riddlemaster Trilogy (ok, but not her best work), Sex Lives of Cannibals by J. Maarten Troost (somewhat funny, but trite), and just finished Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe (decent).


    At long last I am now reading Glen Cook's The Black Company. I'm only about 30 pages in, but definitely hooked already. Croaker-along with Silent, Mercy and the others-are vividly drawn characters. If the rest of the series is like this, I could see myself doing a whole series read of the Black Company right after this.

  4. I'm nearly done with Deadhouse Gates, but before that read The Trial of the Doctor and Trolls by Greg Senger.

    Finished Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas this morning, trippy and provocative. Next up is Frank Herbert's Dune. I don't read sci-fi that often, but want to give this a shot.

    With Dune, it starts a little slow, but is very good I thought.

    Just finished Dune this morning, was not a fan (and I realize I'm in the minority on this). I think Herbert did a great job building the world of Arrakis, but for me the novel falls short with his characterization and a heavy reliance on political posturing. I felt like I was reading Crossroads of Twilight, the space version. Glad to be done with it.


    Next up for me is Patricia McKillip's Riddlemaster trilogy. Been wanting to read this for a long time and looking forward to it!

  5. Just finished re-reading Game of Thrones for the first time since 1997. I enjoyed it of course, and I'm looking forward to watching the HBO series now. I'm now starting on Patricia McKillip's The Bell at Sealey Head.

  6. Just finished Brave New World. Finally getting around to reading Brandon Sanderson's Elantris now.

    Keep meaning to read Elantris as well. The story sounds really interesting. Let us know what you think.


    Great book unless you're only after action scenes. I loved it even though 2 of the 3 main characters are waaay too perfect, witty, smart... you get the point.

    I just finished Elantris-this is an incredible debut novel! MierinWru, I hear you on 1 of the 3 main characters perhaps being perfect, but Sarene and Hrathen are fully fleshed out characters. I think of this novel as a mix of fantasy/mystery for most of the book, but enough action to pull you in. I totally recommend it. I've posted a full review on my blog on here: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/blog/26/entry-1223-review-of-elantris-by-brandon-sanderson/


    And now that I've finished Elantris, I'm re-reading Game of Thrones before I start watching the HBO series.

  7. Ah Goodkind. Worldbuilding from WoT, thematic content from Ayn Rand, sexual content for BDSM Weekly... and what does he bring to the mix? Richard and Kahlan get seperated and reunited. Rinse and repeat. Oh, and add a chicken-which-isn't-a-chicken.


    I'd be less contemptuos if he hadn't told a fourteen year old that he 'was afraid of the truth' because he wanted more sword-fights and less Richard giving speeches to strawmen in the later books.


    THIS. So much this! The author is a prick, and RJ's comments about it just seem to say, "I know he ripped off my work, but I'm a professional and can't/won't accuse him of plagiarism without rock-solid, undeniable proof, which I couldn't be bothered to gather."

    100% agreed on all points here. I read the first 2 books of SoT. Wizard's First Rule was ok, and could stand on its own, perhaps. But when Stone of Tears rolled out, it was painfully obvious Goodkind was ripping off RJ (e.g. Sisters of the Dark, and there are many other "similarities" that can be pointed out).

  8. Just finished Roger Kahn's The Boys of Summer, which covers the Brooklyn Dodgers of the 1950's-great book, and lyrically written.


    I'm now going to indulge myself with some light reading and re-read the Belgariad by David Eddings. First time in over 20 years I'm picking up these books-can't believe it's been that long! While these books might be geared toward a YA audience as opposed to adults, this initial series is fairly enjoyable.

  9. Just finished reading the first volume of Tad Williams' Shadowmarch series, which left me slightly disappointed (more detailed review on my blog here and also in the Shadowmarch thread). Currently reading The Boys of Summer by Roger Kahn, which details the Brooklyn Dodgers of the 1950's.

  10. A big-picture-thing? Speak for yourself. Some of us enjoyed those chapters.


    If I implied that I was speaking for anyone other than myself, I humbly apologize. That said, I will say this - I cannot stand Elaine and think she is a total waste of page space. I hope Arymilla wins and takes the Lion Throne. As the mother of the twin offspring of the Dragon Reborn I suppose she can't die. You think they'll name them Luke and Leia?

    Elayne's arc in KoD wasn't that bad, and it did serve a purpose. But her arc in Crossroads was an utter waste of time-those pages should have been ripped out of the final version of the book as it served zero purpose.

  11. It's impossible for me to name just one chapter, but I'll try to limit it to a few chapters:


    EotW Prologue

    TGH-To Come Out of Shadow: Ingtar's redemption is a powerful scene, and really sets the stage for the climatic finale of this book

    TSR-Goldeneyes. This chapter shows Perrin's potential as a leader, not to mention a stirring battle and facedown of the Whitecloaks

    TFOH-Fading Words. This is a gut-wrenching chapter to read, and sets Rand down a dark spiritual road

    WH-With the Choedan Kal. This was the first true battle pitting Light vs. Shadow in the series, and the shifting viewpoints build the tension to an incredible level.

    CoT-the Glossary ;)

    KoD-Epilogue: Remember the Old Saying. While the ToM epilogue may have matched (or surpassed) this one, we see two powerful scenes from the Seanchan and the Black Tower. By the end of this book, the reader has no doubt that the Last Battle is about to begin.

    TGS-A Place to Begin. The conversation between Moridin and Rand raises some philosophical questions about how true victory is achieved, not to mention an epic dream sequence that harkens back to similar sequences in EotW and TGH. The Last That Could Be Done, A Visit With Verin Sedai and Veins of Gold are all great chapters, but this chapter really kicked TGS up a notch.

    ToM-The One Left Behind. "You tell them Jain Farstrider died clean." Great line. The interplay between Mat's reasoning and Thom singing the verses of the song build the scene to a crescendo, capping off a scene we've been waiting to see for a looooong time. Great stuff in that scene.


    Ok, so when I said a few chapters, I actually meant several.

  12. whose seen the ebook cover of book 7.  Avi does not live up to my expectations.  I first thought she was Elayne, who is a redhead in the picture.  Avi would be great if she didn't like knives to much. 

    I assume you mean Book 8, right? And yes, I agree that Aviendha did not look on there like I envisioned her.  Elayne seemed a bit off for me as well.


    While we're on the subject though, Moiraine looked smoking in the ebook cover of Book 5! ROWRRRRR

  13. doing a re-read of Dresden Files by Jim Butcher atm, while getting in some chapters of Graham Hancock's Supernatural inbetween books. plan on checking out Butcher's other series afterwards.


    Just finished reading Storm Front, I enjoyed it.  Dresden has a droll sense of humor.   I'm usually not a fan of first-person narrative, but Butcher did a good job with this one. I'm now starting a re-read of the WOT, and plan on interspersing Dresden File books between each WOT book.

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