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  • #093: Towers of Midnight preview discussion (Legacy episode)

    The 4th Age podcast team

    The 4th Age podcast presents Episode 93, a spoiler-free look at the anxiously awaited Towers of Midnight! In this segment we are pleased to welcome three SPECIAL GUESTS: Leigh Butler of the famous Wheel of Time Re-read Blog on Tor.com, as well as Jason Denzel and Jennifer Liang of Dragonmount.com! They join Virginia for a fun and spoiler-free look at the book which will be released on November 2nd, 2010.


    We are jumping ahead in number sequence here to get this out to you all before the release date for ToM. Never fear – all of the podcasts in between WILL be posted now that the podcast page and the new Dragonmount server are playing nicely together.


    ATTENTION! THERE ARE NO TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT SPOILERS! But spoilers on ALL the other books are VERY likely! There will be spoilers, just none for ToM! If you haven’t read all the way through the Wheel of Time, THERE WILL BE SPOILERS of all previous books! Maybe of other series, too…. we will try to give warning.


    Hosts: Virginia and SPECIAL GUESTS Leigh Butler of the famous Wheel of Time Re-Read Blog on Tor.com as well as Jason Denzel, founder and owner of Dragonmount.com and Jennifer Liang, Dragonmount administrator and driving force behind JordanCon (see AgeOfLegends.net) and other WoT events at DragonCon, etc..


    Regular co-hosts Andrew and Spencer had scheduling conflicts and unfortunately could not join us for this recording, but they will be back, never fear! Editor: Spencer

    Music by: Josh Needleman His website is at www.joshneedleman.net and he has the music available to hear on his MySpace page atwww.myspace.com/joshneedleman. It’s title is Floodgate. Thanks, Josh!

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