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Dragonmount Weekly Roundup: October 23-29, 2011


It's hard to believe we're already nearing the end of October! My seventh anniversary as a member of Dragonmount was on October 22nd, and I want to express my gratitude to my friends here for helping to shape me into the person I am today.


What would the Dragon be like if he were spun out of the Pattern into today's world? What sort of education or career might he have? What would his role be? Come speculate with our theory geeks in the General Wheel of Time Discussion forum.


Do you have any favorite quotes from books, movies, tv series, games, or historical figures? If so, please share them with us in our General Discussion forum.


The Kin Social Group is all decked out for Halloween with their Kin U Halloween Festival! Watch this space for games, discussions, and spooky surprises.


The auction portion of the Game and Auction Weeks from the White Tower & Warders Social Group has begun! Keep an eye on this thread for updates.


Will you be dressing in costume for Halloween this year? What was your best Halloween costume ever? Join the Wolfkin Social Group for a chat about awesome Halloween costumes.


Our role players are exploring the psyche of a newly made Seanchan damane in From Human to Property. This looks like it will be a fascinating story.


Finally, as always, keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook accounts for more on the latest Wheel of Time news.

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