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Dragonmount Weekly Roundup: March 11-17, 2012


It's that time of the week again! I hope you are excited about the audiobook giveaway I started on Wednesday. That's what I was referring to earlier in the week when I said I had something up my sleeve.


Speaking of opportunities on the front page, I'm looking for a new Fan Art Friday blogger. Jenn sadly no longer has the time to devote to it. She did a great job with it, so please feel free to comment and let her know she'll be missed. You can visit this thread for application information if you're interested in the position.


Now that the Hollywood awards season is winding down, it's time for our annual Empy Awards! These are our membership awards, where we like to honor people from all parts of the site for various things. Head over to the link I posted above to participate.


The Aiel Social Group's March discussion is all about books! What are your favorite books and series? What recommendations would you make to people?


It's time for another Shockwave Competition at the Black Tower Social Group. Many of you know the drill by now, but if not, instructions are in the thread. You have until March 24th to nominate a game.


The Wolfkin Social Group invites you to play Animal Pictionary. Sounds intriguing, right? If you want to play, or even if you just want to see how they manage to run a Pictionary game online, check it out!


Imagine waking up in the morning not knowing where you are or how you got there. For some people, this situation is all too common, and for others, it is a downright scary thought. Either way, the role play The Morning After sounds like it's worth a read.


Well, now that my roundup is done for the day, I'm off to nominate people for the Empy Awards. I hope to see you all there!

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