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Rafe Judkins AMA on Season Two

Katy Sedai
  • The Wheel of Time Showrunner returned to Twitter to answer fan questions about Season Two!

Showrunner Rafe Judkins wasted no time after the WGA strike ended before coming back to #TwitterOfTime with the perfect post:



He then answered a ton of questions for fans. Book consultant Sarah Nakamura also answered some detailed questions.

Let’s start off with Rafe’s general praise for the writers, actor and crew for Season Two. 


mike m. @TheRealIrendin • 2d.jpeg


Merise Sedai @MeriseSedai • 2d.jpeg


It's obvious the S2 production quality is higher.jpeg


Rafe addressed the many challenges the team faced between COVID and the writers and actors strikes.


Do you feel like this season put you back on.jpeg


the major hit it deserves to be and get the.jpeg



Rafe and Sarah answered some questions about the incredible episode 6: Eyes without Pity, and the rest of episodes in Season Two.


Maiden of the Spear @maiden of sp... • 2d.jpeg


Innkeeper Anas @anas a mod • 2d.jpeg


The Last Battle @DonTarmon • 2d.jpeg


@sarahenakamura said to ask you this.jpeg


Walking the Ways @walkingtheways • 2d.jpeg


Funny Bunny Val @FunnyBunnyVal • 2d.jpeg


ish  wot s2 spoilers @lionesswisd0m • 2d.jpeg


The Wheel of Time story contains thousands of characters and are played by incredible actors in the TV show. Rafe answered quite a few questions about our favorite characters for the light and for the dark.


We will never forget “Steve” from Season One, who ended up being left on the cutting room floor, but became a classic meme for the fandom. 

waves lighter in the air in memory of Steve.jpeg



Questions about characters for the Light:


Egwene al'Vere @Egwene al Vere • 2d.jpeg


Will we find out why Loial survived That's the.jpeg


cait is only posting about #TheWhe... • 2d.jpeg


TheNerdyArab @phiswiz • 2d.jpeg


Rafe, who is your favorite character from.jpeg


Edward @wildhogs2011 • 2d.jpeg


Punk @ROSAMUNDPIKES • 2d.jpeg


And as the Pattern must have balance, so must the light be balanced with dark and we have questions about Forsaken & Dark Friends:


Grady @dedicatedgrady • 2d.jpeg


Aditya @Rid matter • 2d.jpeg


Lili Winder @lili sedai • 2d.jpeg


Jason Fifield @jasonfifield • 2d.jpeg


The next series of questions are deep diving into some of the changes regarding the elaborate magic system: channeling. Lots of book fans have questions about just how channeling works in the TV show since it’s different than in the books. Book consultant & expert Sarah Nakamura took on many of these questions.


what are the rules for sensing seeing.jpeg


we're saying the ability.jpeg




Enjoying Season 2 so far, it's a nice.jpeg


Jelger Woudstra @jelgerw • 2d.jpeg


WoTonPrime's Book Nerd.jpeg


Roleplay Radio @AStrixProfessor • 2d.jpeg


cait is only posting about #TheWhe... • 2d.jpeg



WOT Origins was much praised by fans for Season One, and unfortunately we haven’t seen the last two episodes of the first batch, and there are none for Season Two.  It doesn’t look like we’ll be getting any more.


Welcome back and congratulations on the.jpeg


Can you ever forgive my unrelenting sarcasm.jpeg


Finally let’s take a look at questions about Season Three and Beyond:


Hype! Any news on the God Of War show you.jpeg


Welcome back Rafe! Congratulations to you.jpeg


Rafe, are you going to make us fall in love with.jpeg


Deanof316 @deanof316 • 2d.jpeg


That’s a wrap on all the Q&A from Twitter last week! Make sure you tune in this week for the Season Two finale of The Wheel of Time!! What did you all think of Rafe’s answers? Isn’t it nice to have him back!? Let us know what answer most surprised you in the comments below.


Also don’t forget to tune into Dragonmount ReWOTch every Monday over on Youtube and Twitch.

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RE: Josha's "facial acting" question. Rafe mentions prosthetics, but I don't recall anything in episode eight season two. Could he have meant something in season three ? or did I miss something related to his answer. Thanks

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