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Tor Announces Wheel of Time Facebook and Twitter


Tor.com sent us this announcement via email yesterday:


Tor.com is pleased to announce the addition of a Wheel of Time portal, on both Facebook and Twitter, to our little family of pages.


Overseeing this corner of the Pattern is Jennifer Liang, who has been active in various forms of fandom since 1998. Jennifer is now an administrator and co-webmaster of Dragonmount, the largest Wheel of Time fan site. She is the director of Wheel of Time programing for Dragon*Con and the chair of JordanCon, a Wheel of Time-themed convention. In 2009 Jennifer became the maintainer of the WOTFAQ, a document that has existed online in various forms since 1993. When not obsessing over who killed Asmodean, Jennifer teaches middle school social studies and blogs about recipes, restaurants and gardening.


TorDotWoT joins the already existing Tor.com portals for science fiction, fantasy, urban fantasy, steampunk, and art. Come join the conversation!


To follow me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Torcom-Wheel-of-Time/193464610666968?v=wall

To follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/tordotwot


Other noteworthy Wheel of Time Twitter accounts are:






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Outstanding! Ha.. I'm one of those cats that refuses to open a Facebook or a Twitter account, but it's good to see that Wheel of Time fans will have instant alerts to all of the important activity in the community. Nice. We are lucky to have Jennifer putting in all of this work for us.

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