The folks from Tor Books have posted this press release:
When: Monday November 8, 2010 from 1:30 PM — 2:30 PM (EST)
On his last day on tour for TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT, Brandon Sanderson (@brandonsandrson) will be stopping by Twitter for an hour to discuss all things #WoT, #TofM, #WoK, and maybe even #aMoL! Join Brandon and the rest of us by following the #portalstone hashtag…but be forewarned if you haven’t read, spoilers may be discussed!
We'll also have another member of "Team Jordan" on-hand: the cagey Maria Simons(@MariaLSimons), Robert Jordan's literary assistant for 12 years, whose famed poker face could face a sore testing in the twitterverse. Special guests @Theoryland (Matt Hatch of Theoryland.com), @zemaille (Linda Taglieri of the 13th Depository WoT blog), @portalstones (Steve Godecke of Portalstones.com), and maybe even @dragonmount, if someone can drag Jason and Jennifer from their day jobs. So brush up those theories and watch out for RAFO cards, I hear Brandon’s getting quite the throwing arm…
If you’re new to Twitter and would like join us, Twitter 101 does a nice job explaining the basics. After you sign-up, search or click the #portalstone hashtag to follow along. To direct a question or comment, mention the specific user(s) by username, preceded by the @sign.
If you have any questions or problems, your friends here at Tor (@torbooks) and Tor.com (@tordotcom) will be on hand to help. And possibly, maybe just maybe…give some cool stuff away.
Hope you can join us!
Justin (@jgolenbo)
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