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Rescue Mission (Attn: ThePumonca)


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Edana checked the girth on her saddle and patted her horse. She had been sent up here with a few other Tower Guards to relieve a crew until their next shift arrived from the Tower and they had ridden right into a viper's nest. A patrol had gone out checking lines along the Blight three days ago and had never returned. Further patrols found no trace of them. Ed didn't think there was a lot in the way of chances of finding these guys alive, but she could hardly tell that to the tired garrison of Guards who had been manning this post for the last year. They'd had time to rest for a night after arriving and here they were, bright and early the following morning to head out on a patrol to find the missing guards. 


She shook her head, remembering the last time she'd been up here. It may have been fondly at some point in her history, but now it just sat like a rock in her gut. Sandre had retreated to his family estate to get away from her. She'd found him, then he'd found her, lost in the Blight after their patrol had been mostly killed off trying to get back out from a raid to back the trollocs off the closest post. They'd been together for a while after that, but she'd ruined that pretty quickly. 


All that was left was the solitude of being alone. She'd come to find that was the safest bet, anyway. No one to hurt you that way, anyway. 


She shook off those thoughts and handed her horse a fist full of oats, holding still while he munched them out of her hand and watching those around her get ready to move out.




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