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Iussi and Telcia escorted their guests to the door and completed all the needed goodbye ceremonies even though he had great difficulties to control his temper. The evening had started well with him inviting two of his old friends who had inherited their father's business too to discuss a deal. They had first enforced old relationships and just relaxed before getting into the business. That was the bit where it all had started going wrong. Telcia had been the perfect hostess, serving them tea and drinks but the dinner had been... well, they had been supposed to have boar roast, something he had paid a dear penny for but in the end she had served sandwiches. Thankfully Roman and Matros hadn't taken offense but ate with good appetite and even complimented her. By the time she had brought them the glasses of brandy, they had been embroiled in the money talk and Iussi had found himself seriously at disadvantage. He had no previous experience in business and his mates had years of negotiating behind their belt. They were of course careful to not offend but it hadn't gone well.


And then Telcia had interfered. That bloody burning woman had been flirting with his friends showing her bosom, patting them, laughing huskily and making all kind of half promises and insinuating Light knew what. And Roman and Matros had played along like bulls being lead by their noses. He wasn't certain exactly how it had happened since he had tried to hide his darkened face and keep from shouting the duel challenge, but in the end a good deal for them had been signed and the slightly stunned guests had been ushered out. Iussi took a hold of Telcia's forearm in a perfect gentleman's gesture except that his fingers were pressing bruises on her delicate skin.


"Wife", he growled. "We have some talking to do but it would be my pleasure if you would first accompany me to bid goodnight to our children. Unless you have some meetings settled with your new male... friends."


Oh how could things have gone so horribly bad?


Iussi had invited over two merchants for dinner. He had insisted that they were old friends of his but from the first, Telcia could see that they meant to take keen advantage of their old friend and do him no favors. She couldn’t blame them truthfully, despite all the hard work Iussi had dedicated to his trade it was new to him and they were business men. Friendship, so she’d learned long before she’d ever been to the Tower, had no place in business; it only brought about hurt feelings.


Livia had promised to stay out from under foot after her second outburst at her in a single afternoon. She did feel bad for being short with the woman but the truth was she didn’t know a flaming thing about cooking a boar roast but admitting such to her would have been tantamount to admitting she couldn’t do anything at all as a wife. After all, this dinner part would be supremely important to their trade futures and surely Iussi realized that. He had to, why else would he spend so much on a slice of icky, bloodly pig meat?


So, while she watched her husband lose sight of his keen business acumen he’d been nurturing over the past few months because of his loyalties to his friends; she completely forgot to pull the roast out of the fire!


She wanted to cry over the burnt charred and unsavable thing. In fact, she teared up when she tossed the thing out the back door and wanted to scream when she saw Livia walking purposefully from the backyard towards her. The woman wouldn’t let her say a word and instead sent her to distracting the guests long enough for her to throw together something that would pass for a meal.


Distracting men was never difficult for her, however, she didn’t initially think she’d have to do what she ended up doing. The truth was that Iussi really meant to let his friends have the better of the deal and Telcia knew in her heart he’d hate himself for it later. She’d have to carefully repair the damage to his ego, of course, but perhaps a nice roll in the hay would fix things... or so she told herself as she began to work her charms on his friends.


Of course, she meant nothing by it... like friendship, love had nothing to do with business. Not for a woman at least. Of course, men could never be expected to separate the two… for them love colored everything, what with them being slaves to their passions and all.


And so, she knew she shouldn’t have been shocked when her husband handled her roughly after his chums left; but she was. It hurt that he was so upset. She worked quickly to think of something to say, some way to reassure Iussi that he was the only man for her but it all seemed to be happening so fast she felt at a complete loss. Instead all she managed was manage a weak, "Alright." In response to his request to accompany her and then only brief kisses and well wishes to the children before leaving them to Livia for the night.


In her room she moved from Iussi’s side quickly to nurse the sore spot on her arm. "You needn’t have handled me that way Iussi Dyfelle. Last time I checked I was your wife not some common Tar Valoner wench to be thrown about so brutally." She hoped the sting stuck him true. She hadn’t forgotten Mada and so help her he wouldn’t either.


Even kissing the children goodnight hadn't worn out his tantrum entirely, but the implication at his own disloyalty made Iussi splutter. It had been he who had ever actually done anything with anyone else but Telcia even if they hadn't been officially together then. But it was kind of mean of her to bring it up after she had said that she had forgiven him. He was starting to believe his mates who had told him that women never forgot a slight no matter how old it was and how immaculate their behaviour afterwards. And his conduct hadn't been that tonight. He gazed with guilt at the fingerprints on her arms. He had never been one to hurt a woman and now he had done just that. She would have to let him make amends the Ebou Dari way. But not until they cleared the air.


"And I will pay the full price for that, I assure you that wife. Last time I checked you indeed were my wed and well-bedded wife, not some Saldaean farm girl in a heat to tease her husband's friends with her exquisite feminine wiles. Why did you do that for Telcia?" And if she could hit below the belt, so could he. "And what ever happened to that roast you were supposed to make?"


Telcia was about to apologize, to explain Domani merchanting ways when he brought up the roast. The BLOODY FLAMING ROAST? "What?" She turned slowly in a cool whispered voice that spoke of a rage carefully kept behind a serene face, her eyes pure ice.


"You claim," She stalked towards him like a cat hunting a mouse in tall grass. "you’re heart broken over my ‘hussy’ ways but then you have the NERVE to bring up the flaming roast!?!" Her tone grew in it’s incredulity.


Whoops, maybe he had gone a bit too far in his guess that something had went wrong with the food. In fact, her behaviour proved it but the reaction wasn't quite what he had expected. He raised his hands as if to shield off a physical attack and took a step back. "I never called you a hussy, honey pie... just maybe a bit wild. And forget the roast... it's not important... unless there is still something left of it?" He sounded hopeful. "Sandwiches are no food for grown up men."


"I BURNED the flaming roast and if you want it you’ll have to fight the dogs for it!" She nearly spat the words out. "You never even asked if I could cook a roast and you didn’t care! You just threw the bloody meat at me like it was ... like ... like women were BORN knowing how to cook. Well I’ll tell you something MISTER!" She thrust a finger at him hard as she growled out her tirade.


"I can read and speak more Old Tongue than just about anyone alive, I can set the sky on fire with lightening, I can play daes daemar with the meanest Cairhienen Lords and Ladies and I can even dance the Sa’Sara but I CAN’T COOK! I couldn’t do it as a Novice and I STILL CAN’T now! So why don’t you just ask LIVIA to cook you a roast the next time or better still maybe SHE’D like to try to work a room the way I did tonight to stop you from giving away your father’s businesses to cut throat merchants who aren’t the same boys you went riding with as a CHILD!"


Her revelation about the fate of the dinner befuddled him and he blinked a few times. And she couldn't cook and didn't even like it? Then who on earth had made all those great dinners during these past weeks? And why hadn't he said anything to him. They could have hired some people to do that. Telcia didn't need to do anything she didn't want to. He nodded vigorously as she listed her many skills and a wide grin broke on his lips when she mentioned sa'sara. He could still recall the one time she had danced for him after tying him to a chair. He was quite certain that he had actually been crying from the pain of the desire by the time she had finally... ahem. But focus on present. He went cold when Telcia mentioned him fumbling the negotiations. She was right, he had been an utter failure and there would be more dealings to be done and she wouldn't be there so save his ass. He had a sinking feeling in his belly that his facade as an expert merchant and head of the family would collapse and he couldn't bear it.


Telcia was gathering a blanket and pillow off their bed and she stormed out of the room before he could stop her. Drat! She was going to move to one of the guest rooms and Light only knew for how long. Stab his eyes if he knew how to get them out of this pickle now. As he was rubbing his face and trying to figure out the best way to go to her, a familiar voice harrumphed at the doorway. Great, a lecture from Livia was just what he needed now. She surprised him however by asking simply. "Iussi, are you really happy?" He almost laughed at that: what a question after such an audible argument that had ended on his wife had walking out on him. She didn't leave it at that but continued in a disapproving tone. "I peeked out of the kitchen and I saw your wife entertaining your friends. That isn't quite the behaviour you would expect from an Ebou Dari woman."


Iussi rose his hand and motioned her to say nothing anymore. "You will never say anything like that again. I love Telcia, Livia and she is not Ebou Dari even if she wants to learn our customs too. She is a Domani by birth and upbringing and what she did there was entirely proper in her home country." And he was a Light-blasted fool for letting his jealousy to blind him from that fact. He just had never seen her direct the fabled Domani charm on other men but him and even if it hadn't meant anything, it had looked so real. And his friends might have taken it the wrong way. "Even further, that is how Domani merchants are supposed to behave and it is what she was raised to be originally, a trader and eventually the head of their whole house and business." He wanted to groan when he realized that Roman and Matros probably had encountered Domani on he other side of the table before. Everyone else had known the rules of the game except him and it was just further proof that he would ruin his father's life's work. "Telcia is perfect just the way she is and I don't want her to change. She is not a flip-skirt, Livia", he spat heatedly. "If I ever think that you even think that... just know that she IS my wife and the mistress of this house." And that was the end of it.


Livia merely arched her eyebrows. "If she is that good with the trade then why are you doing it when you don't like it and clearly were not born for it? And if you love her so much as you claim, why do you force her to try and take the role of the spirit of the home when it doesn't become her? I find it quite sad that you two still feel like you have to prove something to each others and pretend to be something that you are not. You are your father's son, Iussi, but you are not your father and you don't even need to be. You are not entirely fluff-brained even if I sometimes wonder about it so I am hopeful that you will find your way out of this stage you have so finely set up for you both. At your leave Master Dyfelle."


She didn't wait for his reply but turned on her heels and walked out of the room congratulating herself quietly. Men could be so blind from time to time that they had to be pushed to the right path. Her lips almost twitched when she nearly bumped into Telcia behind the corner, but she managed to maintain a straight face. The wife of Iussi rewarded her with a glare and she merely curtsied and adressed her perfectly respectfully as Mistress Dyfelle before going her way past Telcia. Maybe the two of them could actually sort out their matters now and Livia would be able to see the real Telcia and base her judgement on that. The kitchen would also become a pleasent location again and not a warfield. Telcia still had much to learn from Livia's kinswomen if she would just deem her worthy of the acquintance. She very much believed so.


Telcia & Iussi Dyfelle


Telcia waited a moment before stepping back inside, she hoped that her reappearance wasn't too sudden. Livia's words about her husband's disdain for his work and Iussi's defense of her was all she really needed to hear to know that his wasn't the only ego large enough to blind. How could she not have realized that he didn't care to take control of his father's businesses at all?


Before he could say a word to her she cross thed room briskly, embraced his face between her open palms and then kissed his lips with fierceness and then twice more with soft brushes. Leaning her forehead against his, her eyes shut, holding in tears of foolishness and joy she whispers, "I'm so sorry."


Livia was making sense like she always did. Iussi stared at her back as she exited the room and was about to go after Telcia and speak with her about what seemed to be the real problem behind all this. But before he could move, she returned to the scene and kissed him wiping all sensible thoughts away. Taking calming breaths he stroke her cheeks and cheered madly inside since it looked like he wouldn't have to be sleeping alone this night or any other night. First they would have to sort out couple of things, though.


"No, I am sorry, Telc. I've made a horrible mess of the accounts and if you hadn't stepped in today, I would have basically gifted the shipments to Roman and Matros." He grinned proudly. "I bet that they were all bewildered and wondering what hit them on the way back home. And they're no novice traders so beating them is a feather to your hat, love. I suppose that you will be taking charge of father's business... no, our business now? It would free me to... umm..." Iussi frowned while thinking what it was that he would really want to do. "... to start training again so I can protect you and the children better and maybe start racing again. That is of course if you approve, my Aes Sedai." He gave her a flourishing bow but his tone was quite serious. He hadn't forgotten the oath he had made to Telcia. He hoped that she hadn't either but she needen't to remember her plans about the Black Tower that she had shared that same day. Iussi had slid back into Ebou Dari life like she had never left and he didn't want them to go on such a risky mission. They had gotten Jamal and Jelene back thankfully unharmed and it would be irresponsible toward them if their parents continued to risk their lives like they had in the service of the Tower. Telcia had decided to retire but this was yet again one crossroad where she would make her choice of direction. And where ever she decided to go, he would follow.


Iussi Dyfelle

Husband to Telcia Sedai

Father of Jelene and Jamal

Former Tower Guard

Gentled Male Channeler


"Don't call me that." She says too abruptly letting her smile falter a moment. "Please. It's not right. Not any more." She walks away from Iussi over to the bed and sits down.


"I've forsaken everything Iussi... and tonight I was afraid that I'd ruined what I had here with you with my stupid need to feel important and... useful. It was careless of me not to have seen what was happening before this point. I was just so consumed with the need to be successful at this new life, not because of you or Livia but because of my own pride. I guess I never realized how much Arette & the other villagers really did to help us on the farm." She sags her shoulders a bit and folds her hands into her lap.


"It looked so easy compared to all the other things I'm good at that everyone says is so hard. I guess I just lost perspective." She shrugs. "It took me lifetimes to master my other talents, I guess I just was belittling the importance of this role by thinking I could do it without any real practice or teaching."


She covers her mouth with her hand and closes her eyes. "Oh Iussi!" she sobs immediately falling into Iussi's arms who, she noted briefly, was right there to catch her when she needed holding. "What if I mess up? I don't have time to learn all this or to do it!" She shakes her head.


"Jelene and Jamal need a mother today!" She protested. "I've been so scared..." blinking she looks up at Iussi. "...and Livia, she's just so good at it all. I've hated her for how easy it seems to be for her and all she's tried to do is help me. I've been absolutely rotten! I'm ashamed at how I've treated the woman you call mother Iussi. You may feel like you have messed up our family business but that's nothing compared to what I've done... I nearly ruined our family."


Iussi wiped away her tear and pulled her face up to look into his eyes. He seemed to strong, so sure of himself in that moment no matter what he might have been feeling inside.


For a moment they just looked at each other and then Telcia cracked a smile followed by a laugh. "We've been silly, haven't we?" She hugged him again, almost amazed at how he let her vent her pain and fears waiting for her to find her feet and direction again.


"We're lucky Fate sent us this course," she began as she pulled away from her husband. "I would have hated the woman who bonded you forever & envied her or the most perfect Gaidin she'd found in you." She kissed him gently and spoke against his lips, "We're here... for now. This is our home. We'll make a life here, one that is filled with more than just preparing for war too. We'll welcome it and embrace it for however long the Light will allow us to have it." She kissed him again. "May the Creator send that its a long time to come."


Iussi didn't know which one of the many things Telcia said to tackle. There was so much of it now when she let it all rush out. Maybe it was the best if he just listened and then commented what he remembered. They had to be the important things. The kisses he replied eagerly made him dizzy but he did his best to cling on his senses. "I... umm... you haven't ruined anything and you are the best possible mother there is. And maybe a happier mother since you will from now be doing what you really like and what you are already good at. Light knows that this house was never meant to be run by just one woman and Livia has years of experience of doing that and being the mistress of the house. And as for Bonding, I would have never Bonded anyone but you and since that wasn't possible... and still isn't, I suppose... it's past now like you said. But I do thank the Light that I bumped into you on my first day on the Yards since after that I couldn't have even thought of becoming tied to any other Aes Sedai. And like it or not, you still have the right to that title."


She smiles. "Be that as it may, I think you shouldn't use the phrase outside of private situations for now. I'm sure it would only draw attention we don't need right now, or the kids. Besides..." She smiled. "if I keep that great serpant ring tucked away for now I can cling to the hope you'll replace it with a moonstone some day soon." She kisses him.


"Now, let's leave this talk for now... and get to making up. It's late and if I know the kids they'll be up early and I want my rest at some point, even if it's only a few hours."


Making up... Iussi brightened visibly. And she wanted a wedding ring. That he could arrange but later, much later. As their mouths met, he began to disrobe her with practiced gentleness.


Make love to me, so you make love to a man

Let your hips to bang my hips

Make love to me and make love hard

Take me to the end on a private line


My skin is in vain, find it some use

Be tender, senselessly tender, take me with care

Put/love me back into condition, sew me together with serious strand


My life depends on you and the favour of your love

Let me come, let me be filled with your love


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