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Back in the Day


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Back in the day, around the time of DM5, maybe DM4, can't be sure. We rp'd out a plague hitting Randland. Inspired by that i wrote this


In the year of the famine

When starvation and the plague raged across the land

There were many driven by their hunger

To turn their backs on the Stedding


In search of a new life and a new hope

Oh but there were some who couldn't cope

And they spent their life

In search of fool's gold


The old Sage

She made it to the city

Only to find them dead in the streets

And in her despair, collapsed and her mind wandered


With outstretched hands

She cried out, "Why have you forsaken us?"

Silence was the only response,

The curse of fool's gold


Broken Miriam just lying in a gutter

She's gone as low as any woman can

She calls out for wine but they'll only serve her water

The bartender say "We don't sell sympathy"


He tells her strange story

About his father

How Sunday mornings they'd go down

To the church on the corner


As time grows older

Her thoughts they grow younger

It is her wish

To search no longer for fool's gold


The vulture sits on top

Of the big top circus arena

He's seen this show before

Knows someone is going to fall


Just near the part

Where the beautiful Sage

Forgets that the safety net

Isn't there at all


Down he swoops with claws drawn to take her

Razor sharp so savagely is she mauled

Oh my god, is there no one who can save her?

In steps the Ranger to thunderous applause


Fool's gold


I had forgotten that i had written this and found it on an old cd where i had backed up my Docs. We lost a lot of Wolfkin to that Plague, names that many of you will not know, Riverwind,Miriam,SilverFox,Darksmoon. And no doubt others whos names i have forgotten.


Here's to old companions long gone*raises a glass of Dark*



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*Holds up his own glass*


I’ll drink to that…


*Downs his drink*


I joined when this server was last up and running. Then we moved twice, eventually coming back here to a revamped site. I still feel like the new pup on the block, and I’ve seen a lot of people come and go…


…As of just a week ago, I was one of those people…







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*Raises his glass for Darksmoon, and the rest*


Darks I knew, and it be a priveledge to honour his, and any others' memory.

To the days before we lost so many, to the days we are full again, never forgotten but with joy they are remembered, though missed outside the Dream.


To the fallen, brethren and sisters alike.

Cheers to the lost loves and friends, we will miss your smiles and your words, your hugs and shared ales and stories, until we sleep- until we dream.


So Owen, take up your flute, Shepherd pick up your lute.. We may have little skill musically- but with a tall order of drinks on the way and Kin to be remembered.


May, Me, My, Mo, Mu, May, Me, My, Mo, Mu.. Kay, give me a hard B flat boys.



T'was a darkly mornin'

when none but black ravens stirred;

with the darkness comin' in

and sound t'was scarcely heard.


But off in the far distance

did come the growing Light,

and from ashes, wolves did rise

that day, against Soul's Blight.


A glorious sun did shine,

when the plague was no more,

and more howls rose in the trees-

The Kin had won the War.



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