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Bond. James Bond.


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So Spike TV is doing one of their endless James Bond marathons again right now. Its pure awesomeness, I've gotten to see some that I haven't seen in forever, as well as being entirely skeeved out by what looks like a pre-teen ice dancer throwing herself at someone's grandfather. (Roger Moore in For Your Eyes Only)


Anybody else watching this?

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Though I am ashamed to admit it, the only marathon I watched this week (and even then only in fits and spurts) was Top Model. I learned that I am a sad, sad, SAD human being as I discovered I had watched episodes from all earlier seasons (Though the saving grace is that I have only ever watched one entire season and that was the first one which was fun because it was pretty dang ghetto compared to all that followed).

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Guest Emperor

I am not a big enough Bond fan to watch a marathon... well I am, but I keep getting drawn into my Xbox and making people explode in Gears of War.

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Guest Majsju

Oddly enough, there hasn't been a marathon here. Usually it always is every time a new movie pops up.


But if there had been one, I would have done as usual, watched all the Connery movies, and maybe watched a few of the others if there wasn't anything better on.

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I didn't watch any of the marathon, other than the a minute or so of the opening of Diamonds...


But I did sell my Special Edition vol 1 box set on Amazon marketplace for more than a tidy profit over what I originally paid for it (since it is out of print now) and then used the money to help buy all four of the new Ultimate Edition box sets. Now I can finally have my own Bond marathon at my own pace watching the movies in release order. Watched Dr. No a couple of weeks ago but have been putting off the special features. Once I'm past them I'll move on... There's actually a few Bond movies I've never seen; the ones that don't get aired as often. OHMSS is one I know I haven't seen, and I saw Licence to Kill for the first time last year. There's others I'm not sure about cos I've seen bits and pieces on TV but maybe not the whole movie in a complete sitting. Plus it's been a long, long time for some of them, so this run-through should be great.


Still haven't seen Casino Royale yet though. I have the feeling I'll have to wait for it to come out on DVD...

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Guest Emperor

Goldeneye was great because it reintroduced the genre to the general public and it spawned an awesome video game. I remember in college playing multiplayer for bragging rights.

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